This is a register of the materials comprising the Karl Popper archive held at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. The register is copyright (c) by the Hoover Institution. This version is distributed, with permission of the Hoover Institution, via The Karl Popper Web. It may be accessed by private individuals for purposes of personal study only. All other rights reserved. This version of the register is formatted as a plain US-ASCII text file, with page breaks (the latter coded as CTRL-M CTRL-L sequences). The Karl Popper Web 13th August 1997 Web: Email: ---- CUT HERE --- SIR KARL POPPER A REGISTER OF HIS PAPERS IN THE HOOVER INSTITUTION ARCHIVES HOOVER INSTITUTION STANFORD UNIVERSITY 1990 SIR KARL POPPER BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE: 1902, July 28 Born, Vienna, Austria 1926 Ph.D., University of Vienna 1930 Married Josefine Anne Henninger (1906-1985) 1934 Author, Logik der Forschung 1930-1935 Schoolteacher, Vienna 1937-1945 Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Canterbury University College, University of New Zealand, Christchurch 1945 Author, The Open Society and Its Enemies 1945-1949 Reader in Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, England 1949-1969 Professor of Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London 1954 Author, Miseria dello storicismo 1962 Author, Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge 1965 Knighted 1972 Author, Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach 1976 Author, Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography 1977 Co-author (with John C. Eccles), The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism 1979 Author, Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie 1982-1983 Author, Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery 1983 Author, A Pocket Popper 1984 Author, Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt 1986- Head, Ludwig Boltzmann Institut fur Wissenschaftstheorie, Vienna REGISTER SIR KARL POPPER PAPERS SERIES DESCRIPTION: Box Nos. Contents 1-254, SPEECHES AND WRITINGS, 1928-1986. Conference papers, drafts of 459-460 books, essays, notes, reviews, speeches, and related correspondence, arranged chronologically 255-365, CORRESPONDENCE, 1932-1987. Arranged alphabetically by name of 460 correspondent 366-382 COURSE MATERIAL, 1937-1970. Correspondence, examination questions, memoranda, notes, roll lists, and syllabi, arranged alphabetically by university 383-394 SUBJECT FILE, 1945-1985. Curricula vitae, letters of recommendation, notes, correspondence, conference proceedings, minutes, reports, studies, manuals, rosters, directories, bylaws, programs, newsletters, circulars, brochures, clippings, and other printed matter, arranged alphabetically by subject 395-407, BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, 1936-1985. Address lists, bibliographies, 460 biographies, correspondence, decorations, honorary degrees, lists, memberships, notes, prizes, schedules, tributes, clippings, and other printed matter, arranged alphabetically by physical form 408-458, WRITINGS BY OTHERS, 1896-1985. Articles, chapters of books, and 460 doctoral dissertations, arranged alphabetically by author 461-462 INDEX CARD FILE, n.d. Names and addresses of acquaintances, arranged alphabetically 463 OVERSIZE FILE, 1937-1984. Music sheets, calendars, and clippings Tape cabinet, SOUND RECORDINGS, 1953-1978. Phonotapes and phonorecords cassette of lectures, seminars, and speeches, arranged chronologically cabinet, record cabinet Photo file PHOTOGRAPHS, 1920s-1983. 146 prints depicting Karl Popper and others CONTAINER LIST: Box nos. Contents 1. SPEECHES AND WRITINGS, 1928-1986 Unidentified writings, n.d. 1-6 General 2. 1-15 General 16-24 Fragments 3. 1-36 Fragments 459. 1-2 Fragments 3. 37 Miscellaneous pages 4. 1 "An Alternative Proof that Probability Is Now Ampliative," n.d. Holograph 2 "Animal Alphabet," n.d. Holograph and typescript 3 "The Arrow of Time," n.d. Typescript of chapter for a book 4 "Axiom Definition," n.d. Holograph 5 "An Axiom System for Intuitionist Probability," n.d. Holograph 6 "Axiome, Definitionen, und Postulate der Geometrie," n.d. Typescript (2 bound volumes) 7 "Bemerkung zum komplementaritatsproblem der Quantenmechanik," n.d. Typescript 8 "Bemerkungen uber Sprachtheorie und ihre Geschichte," n.d. Holograph 9 "Bemerkungen zum sogenannten Problem der Willensfreiheit," n.d. Typescript 10 "Bleen is Projectible," n.d. Holograph 11 "Bohr Copenhagen Interpretation," n.d. Typescript outline 12 "Boole's Philosophy of Logic," n.d. Typescript 13 "C-Axiom System," n.d. Holograph 14 "Can There Be a Quantum Logic?" n.d. Holograph 15 "Cardinal Numbers in New Foundation," n.d. Holograph 16 "Causal Completeness," n.d. Holograph 17 "Causality," n.d. Holograph 18 "Clouds, Clocks, and Organisms: An Essay on Causation and Propensity," n.d. Holograph outline 19 "Comments on Quantum Mechanics," n.d. Typescript 20 "The Construction of Shortest Random-Like Sequences of Degree n" (with L. R. B. Elton), n.d. Typescript 21 "A Contradiction Between Special Relativity and the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics," n.d. Holograph 22 "A Conversation between Karl R. Popper and Jean-Pierre Vigier," n.d. Typescript 23 "Counterexamples to a Proof of Clauser and Horne" (with Thomas D. Angelidis), n.d. Typescript 24 "Determinism and Indeterminism," n.d. Holograph outline 4. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 25 "Dismembering (Dismantling) the Philosophy of Meaning," n.d. Holograph outline and notes 26 "Do Ampliative Probabilistic Inferences Exist?" n.d. Holograph 27 "The End of Materialism," n.d. Holograph outline 5. Essay volumes, n.d. (apparently 1970s and 1980s). Projected compilations of selected writings 1 General Untitled volumes 2 Preface; Science: Problems, Aims, Responsibilities; Optimist, Pessimist, and Pragmatist Views of Human Knowledge; Physics and Philosophy; Plato; Historical Explanation 3 The Bucket and the Searchlight; In Search of Enlightenment; The Status of Science; A Note on the Theory of the Cold War; The Open Society and the Democratic State 4 Evolutionary Epistemology (includes letter from Gunter Wachtershauser); On the Nutritive Origin of Vision; Remarks on 'Place of Mind in Nature'; The Place of Mind in Nature 5 The Influence of Einstein on My View of Science; Julius Kraft; A Brief Remark on the Theory of the Cold War; A Political Postscript on the Central Problem of the Cold War; The Open Society and the Democratic State 6 Of Clouds and Clocks; A Realist View of Logic, Physics, and History; Evolution and the Tree of Knowledge; Epistemology Without a Knowing Subject; On the Theory of the Objective Mind; Professor Popper's Seminar On Seeing Red, 1969 January 7; The Myth of the Framework; Models, Instruments, and Truth 7 A Paradox of Zero Information; Extract from Logic without Assumptions; On the Status and the Methods of Science; The Open Society and the Democratic State "Einstein" 8 Holograph outline and notes 9 Typescript miscellaneous pages 10 "Four Essays on Social Philosophy." Notes 6. "How I See Philosophy" 1 How I See Philosophy 2 Indeterminism Is not Enough 3 Einstein's Influence on My View of Science 4 The Status of Science: A Broadcast to Russia 5 Science: Problems, Aims, Responsibilities; Epistemology and Industrialization; Emancipation Through Knowledge 6 Creative Self-Criticism in Science and in Art 6. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Essay volumes (Contd.) "In Search of Enlightenment: Essays in the Philosophy of Science and of Politics." Preface; Science: Problems, Aims, Responsibilities; Optimist, Pessimist, and Pragmatist Views of Scientific Knowledge; Physics and Philosophy; The Bucket and the Searchlight; In Search of Enlightenment; The Status of Science; A Note on the Cold War; The Open Society and the Democratic State; Einstein's Influence on My View of Science; Julius Kraft, 1898-1960; Epistemology and Industrialization; Historical Explanation: An Interview; Models, Instruments, and Truth: The Rationality Principle in the Social Sciences 7 General 8 Typescript "Lady Popper's Essay Volume" 9 Philosophy and Physics 10 The Revolution in Our Idea of Knowledge 7. "The Myth of the Framework" (also entitled "Emancipation through Knowledge" and "On History and Society") General 1 Notes and table of contents 2 Correspondence 3 Working copy 4-5 Emancipation through Knowledge 6-8 The Myth of the Framework 8. 1-2 The Pluralist Approach to the Philosophy of History 3-4 Epistemology and Industrialization 5-6 Science: Problems, Aims, Responsibilities 7-8 The Moral Responsibility of the Scientist 9 Models, Instruments and Truth 10 The Logic of the Social Sciences 11 Reason or Revolution 12 The Frankfurt School 13 The Rationality of Scientific Revolutions 9. "Philosophy and Physics" (also entitled "Realism and Physics") 1 General Notes 2 General 3 Dictated to Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 4 Correspondence. Includes queries and suggestions 5 Tables of contents 6 Preface 7-12 Philosophy and Physics 13-14 Science: Problems, Aims, Responsibilities 9. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Essay volumes (Contd.) "Philosophy and Physics" (Contd.) 15-19 Quantum Mechanics without 'The Observer' 20-23 The Propensity Interpretation of the Calculus of Probability, and the Quantum Theory 24-26 The Propensity Interpretation of Probability 10. 1-4 Particle Annihilation and the Argument of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen 5-7 Quantum Theory, Quantum Logic and the Calculus of Probability 8-10 Birkhoff and von Neumann's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 11-13 Indeterminism in Quantum Physics and in Classical Physics 14-15 On the Objectivity of the Arrow of Time and the Current Theory of Entropy 16-17 Time, Probability and Indeterminism 18-19 Discussion Remarks from a Symposium 20 Normal Science and Its Dangers 21-22 The Moral Responsibility of the Scientist 11. 1-3 Appendices: On the Probabilistic Theory of Induction. Probability Magic or Knowledge out of Ignorance; On Carnap's Version of Laplace's Rule of Succession; The Mysteries of Udolpho: A Reply to Professors Jeffrey and Bar-Hillel; A Comment on Miller's New Paradox of Information; A Paradox of Zero Information; On Rules of Detachment and So-Called Inductive Logic; Theories, Experience, and Probabilistic Intuitions; Creative and Non-Creative Definitions in the Calculus of Probability 4 Bibliography 5 "A Pluralist Approach to (the Philosophy of) History." Theories of Knowledge: The Bucket and the Searchlight; Three Idols of Empiricism: Precision - Definition - The Senses and Their Data; A Pluralist Approach to the Philosophy of History; Eine objektive Theorie des historischen Verstehens; Historical Explanation; Die Logik der Sozialwissenschaften; Models, Instruments, and Truth; Epistemology and Industrialisation; In Search of Enlightenment; The Status of Science; The Open Society and the Democratic State; A Note on the Cold War; Reason or Revolution. Outline for a suggested volume sent to Arne F. Petersen on 1971 May 21 11. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Essay volumes (Contd.) "Social Science/Social Philosophy" (also entitled "Philosophy of Science and of Politics") 6 General 7 Historical Explanation 8 Julius Kraft 9 Optimist, Pessimist, and Pragmatist Views of Scientific Knowledge 10 A Note on the Cold War 11 The Open Society and the Democratic State "Wie ich die Philosophie sehe" (intended for publication in Reclam). Das Sokratische Nichtwissen; Wie Ich die Philosophie sehe; Wissenschaft und Kritik; Der Einfluss philosophischer Probleme auf die Physik der Materie; Wissenschaftliche Reduktion und die essentielle Unvollstandigkeit der Wissenschaft; Die Rationalitat wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen; Der relativistische Mythos; Woran glaubt der Westen?; Utopie und Gewalt; Selbstbefreiung durch das Wissen 12 Typescript 13 Proofs 12. 1 "Ethical and Methodological Individualism," n.d. (probably 1960s or early 1970s). Speech given in the United States. Typescript 2 "Explanation and Prediction," n.d. Speech. Holograph and typescript (also entitled "Natural Laws and Theoretical Systems" and "Laws of Nature and Theoretical Methods") "Extensionality," n.d. (probably 1940s). See also Notes while developing a theory of natural deduction 3 "Extensionality in a Rudimentary Boolean Algebra" (Paper No. 1). Notes, outlines, and typescript 4 "Completeness and Extensionality of a Rudimentary Boolean Algebra" (Paper No. 2). Notes and typescript 5 "Postulates for Boolean Algebra" (Paper No. 3). Notes and typescript 6 Foreword to unidentified book, n.d. Holograph (in German) 7 "A Formal Proof that Universal Laws of Nature Have Zero Probability," n.d. Holograph 8 "Francis Bacon's Theory of Science," n.d. Typescript 9 "Freedom and Truth," n.d. Speech fragment. Holograph and typescript 10 "A General Theory of Inference," n.d. Holograph. Includes notes on interpretations 11 "'Gewohnheit' und 'Gesetzerlebnis' in der Erziehung: Eine Padagogisch-strukturpsychologische Monographie," n.d. Typescript 12. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 12 "Historicism and the Treason of the Intellect," n.d. Holograph 13 "Hypothesis and Confirmation: Fundamentals of Scientific Research," n.d. Typescript (translated by J. H. Woodger) 14 "The Idea of an Ampliative Probabilistic Inference," n.d. Holograph outline 15 "The Illusion of Probabilistic Induction," n.d. Holograph 16 "In Defense of Classical Physics," n.d. Typescript 17 "Induction," n.d. Holograph notes 18 "The Inquiring Mind," n.d. Typescript outline 19 "The Insignificance of Definitions," n.d. Holograph 20 "The Interpretation of Bell's Inequality and of the Aspect's Experiments," n.d. Holograph 21 "Is the Human Will Free?" n.d. Holograph 22 "Is there a Quantum Logic?" n.d. Holograph 13. 1 "Joske's Two Problems," n.d. Typescript 2 "Knowledge Without Belief," n.d. Typescript speech 3 "The Left-Hand Side of the Clauser and Horne Inequality: An Attempt to Localize a Mistake," n.d. Holograph 4 "Library," n.d. Holograph notes 5 "Logic Derivations," n.d. Typescript 6 "Natural Deduction and Sheffer Strokes," n.d. Holograph 7 "A New Axiomatization of Probability," n.d. Holograph 8 "A New Basis for General Semantics and General Syntax," n.d. Holograph. Includes a footnote about semantical categories 9 "A New Model for One Mind-Body Problem," n.d. Typescript 10 "Nichtwissen, Glaube, und Hoffnung," n.d. Holograph 11 "Niels Bohr," n.d. Holograph 12 "A Note on Carnap's 'Formalization of Logic'," n.d. Holograph notes and typescript. Includes notes entitled "Generalized Lattices and Modal Logic" 13 "A Note on Evolution," n.d. Typescript 14 "A Note on Four Interpretations of the Quantum Formalism," n.d. Typescript 15 "A Note on Inductivism and the Ceteris Paribus Clause," n.d. Typescript 16 "Note on Schrodinger for Irreversibility Paper," n.d. Typescript Notes, n.d. (approximate dates given when known). Holograph unless otherwise stated 17-23 Miscellaneous 459. 3 Miscellaneous 13. 24 On Sigmund Freud 25 On Germany and nuclear war, after 1979. Typescript 26 On induction 27 On memory 28 On prime numbers 29-34 On probability (and induction) 13. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Notes (Contd.) 35 On the probability calculus (and induction), 1980s. Includes two versions of holograph fragment 36 On Putnam's analogy thesis and on the Haldane argument 37 On rationality. Includes translation by Karl Popper of part of Paul Bernays' letter of 1975 January 27 38 On realism 39 On time 40 On the work of Carnap or Tarski 41 While developing a theory of natural deduction, 1940s. Holograph and typescript notes and fragments. This material eventually went into the following publications: "Why are the Calculuses of Logic and Arithmetic Applicable to Reality?" "New Foundations for Logic," "Logic without Assumptions," "Functional Logic without Axioms or Primitive Rules of Inference," "On the Theory of Deduction," and "The Trivialization of Mathematical Logic" 14. 1 "Objective and Subjective Probability," n.d. Typescript 2 "On a Crucial Form of the Original Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment," n.d. Holograph 3 "On Probability and Induction," n.d. Holograph 4 "On Relative Logic," n.d. Holograph 5 "On Some Measures of Independence," n.d. Holograph 6 "On the Descriptive Function of Language," n.d. Holograph 7 "On the Impossibility of Universal Induction," n.d. Notes, holograph, and typescript 8 "On the Logic of Negation," n.d. Typescript 9 "On the Logic of Quantum Mechanics," n.d. Notes and holograph "On the Power of the Probability Calculus to Solve the Problem of Induction," n.d. 10 Holograph 11 Typescript 12 "On the Relation of Explanation to Description," n.d. Typescript 13 "On the Role of Critical Arguments in Science and in Philosophy," n.d. Typescript 14 "On the So-Called Rule of Succession," n.d. Holograph 15 "On the Symmetry and Consistency of the Special Theory of Relativity," n.d. Typescript 16 "On the Theory of almost Rabid Inference, or p(a,b) = 1," n.d. Holograph 17 "The Origin of the Subjectivist Interpretation of the Mathematical Theory of Probability," n.d. Holograph 15. 1 "Philosophical Analysis and the Economic Relation," n.d. Typescript 2 "Philosophie," n.d. Typescript 3 "Philosophy and the Sciences," n.d. Holograph 4 "Philosophy, Science, and Art," n.d. Notes and incomplete typescript 15. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 5 "The Physical Theory of the Nothing," n.d. Holograph 6 "Pluralism in Physics: A Pluralistic Universe," n.d. Holograph 7 "Postscript to Ulrich Hoger's Article," n.d. Holograph. Includes Ulrich Hoger's article, entitled "Statistical Foundations of Wave-Mechanics" 8 "Pragmatism vs. Theoreticism," n.d. Holograph 9 "The Present Problem of Knowledge," n.d. Holograph 10 "Probabilistic Independence and Confirmation or Corroboration: Reply to the Preceding Note" (originally entitled "Probability and Confirmation or Corroboration: Answer to Preceding Note"), n.d. Holograph and typescript 11 "Probabilistic Independence and Corroboration by Empirical Tests," n.d. Typescript 12 "Probability, Causation, and So-Called Subjunctive Conditionals," n.d. Holograph and typescript 13 "Probability of a Theory," n.d. Holograph 14 "The Probability of Laws and the Laws of Probability," n.d. Holograph 15 "The Problem of Inductive Support," n.d. Holograph 16 "The Problem of Superposition - of the Phase," n.d. Holograph 17 "Problems, Insoluble and Soluble," n.d. Notes and outlines. See also "Philosophy and the Sciences" and "Structure and Status of Scientific Theories" 18 "Proof of Euclid's Theorem 'There Does Not Exist a Greatest Prime Number'," n.d. Typescript 19 "Die Prufbarkeit von statistischen Hypothesen," n.d. Typescript 20 "Pure Science: Its Motives and Objectives," n.d. Broadcast conversation with Professor P. Percival. Typescript 21 "Quantum Theory and Action at a Distance," n.d. Holograph 22 "Radical Nominalism," n.d. Notes, holograph, and typescript 23 "Raum und Zeit," n.d. Holograph 24 "Reason, Freedom, and Society," n.d. Speech. Notes, holograph, and typescript "A Refutation of Determinism," n.d. 25 Notes 26-29 Holograph (in part typescript) 16. 1-2 Typescript (in part holograph) 3 "A Refutation of Idealism, Phenomenalism, and Positivism," n.d. Speech, Moral Sciences Club, Cambridge, England. Holograph 4 "Relative Theory of Systems," n.d. Holograph 5 "A Remark on Carnap's Version of Laplace's Rule of Succession," n.d. Typescript 459. 4 Remarks made in a discussion of an address by Willard Van Orman Quine, n.d. Typescript 16. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 6 "Revolution and Continuity in Science," n.d. Typescript 7 "La Science est-elle un bien public?" n.d. Typescript speech 8 "The Sciences Natural and Physical: What Is Science?" n.d. Typescript speech 9 "Seeing Red," n.d. Holograph 10 "Shortest Absolutely Random Sequences," n.d. Holograph 11 "Significance and Limits of Demarcation," n.d. Holograph outline 12 "The Significance of the Reflexive Paradoxes," n.d. Holograph 13 "Simply Independent Postulates for Boolean Algebra" (Paper No. 1), n.d. Notes and typescript 14 "Some Comments on Truth and the Growth of Knowledge," n.d. Typescript 15 "Some Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Probability," n.d. Three lectures held at the Imperial College, London, England. Typescript 16 "Some Remarks on Recent Philosophy," n.d. Typescript 17 Speech in defense of science and mathematics, and against the attack on "the great tradition," n.d. Holograph (in German) 18 Speech on the history of some problems of physics, n.d. Holograph 19 Speech on the philosophy of science (within the framework of a course entitled "Recent Developments in Contemporary British Philosophy"), n.d. Typescript 20 Speech on the probability calculus, n.d. (probably 1980s). Holograph of first two paragraphs 21 Speech on the theory of knowledge and on the philosophy of history, n.d. Typed transcript 22 Speech on various theories of artistic creativity, n.d. Typescript 23 "A Statistical Experiment to Determine the Michelsonian Ether-Drift," n.d. Typescript 24 "The Status of the Principle of Equivalence and of Mach's Principle in General Relativity," n.d. Typescript 25 "Structure and Status of Scientific Theories," n.d. Typescript 26 "Three (Complexes of) Ideas of Political Philosophy," n.d. Holograph 27 "Three Proofs of the Non-Existence of Inductive Probability," n.d. Speech. First page of holograph 28 "Towards a Liberal Theory of Public Opinion," n.d. Typescript remarks designed to provide material for debate at a conference of Liberals 29 "Towards a Local Explanatory Theory of the Einstein- Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Experiment" (with Thomas D. Angelidis), n.d. Typescript 30 "Two Kinds of Induction," n.d. Holograph fragment (pages 1-6) 31 "Uber die empirische Methode und den Begriff der Erfahrung," n.d. Typescript 16. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 32 "The Vitality of Maxwell's Demon," n.d. Holograph and typescript 33 "A World without Natural Selection but with Problem Solving," n.d. Holograph 34 "Das Ziel der Naturwissenschaft," n.d. Typescript 17. 1 "Zur Methodenfrage der Denkpsychologie," 1928. Ph.D. dissertation, Universitat zu Wien, Vienna, Austria. Typescript "Ein Kriterium des empirischen Charakters theoretischer Systeme," Erkenntnis, 1932-1933 German version 2 Typescript 459. 5 Printed copy 17. 3 English version. Typescript (prepared in the 1950s as appendix for The Logic of Scientific Discovery) Logik der Forschung, 1934 4 General. Includes research material for various revisions, and correspondence, 1975-1984 German version First edition, 1934 5 General Correspondence 6 Unidentified, 1932-1935 7 McWhirter, Mr., n.d. 8-10 Typescript 18. 1 Typescript Reviews 2 German, 1935-1937 3 English, 1935-1936 4 Italian, 1936 5 Polish, 1936 Second edition, 1966 6 Correspondence, 1963-1965 7 Foreword, 1960-1961. Typescript and holograph 8 Appendices. German translation of 'New Appendices,' first English edition, 1959. Typescript 9 Corrections of earlier English edition for use in second German edition. Typescript 10 Proofs, 1964 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Logik der Forschung (Contd.) German version (Contd.) Second edition (Contd.) 19. 1 Proofs, 1964 2 Reviews, 1967-1970 Third edition, 1969 3 Foreword. Typescript 4 Appendix, 1968. Typescript and holograph 5 Corrections and retyped pages Reviews 6 German, 1969-1970 7 Greek, 1970 Fourth edition, 1971 8 Corrections of third German edition (1969) for use in fourth German edition 9 Correspondence, 1971 10 Proofs Reviews 11 German 12 Spanish 20. 1 Fifth edition, 1973. Typescript Seventh edition, 1982 2 General 3 Correspondence, 1980-1982. Includes extensive corrections, particularly to 'New Appendices' 4 Foreword. Typescript 5 Afterword (not published in seventh edition). Typescript 6 Appendix *XV. Typescript (in German and English) 7 Appendix *XVI. Typescript 8 Corrections 9 Proofs 10 Promotional material 11 Reviews Eighth edition, 1984 12 Correspondence, 1984 13 Appendix *XIX. Holograph 14 Promotional material English version First edition, 1959 15 General Correspondence 16 Simon and Schuster, Inc., n.d. 17 William Hodge & Co. Ltd., 1937-1941 21. 1-11 Typescript and holograph SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Logik der Forschung (Contd.) English version (Contd.) First edition (Contd.) 22. 1-6 Typescript and holograph 23. 1-10 Typescript and holograph 24. 1-2 Typescript and holograph 3-7 Proofs 8 Promotional material Reviews, 1959-1960 English 9 General. Includes replies to reviewers 10 Correspondence with Tim Raison, 1959. Includes correspondence with Albert Einstein (transcript), 1935, and Peter B. Medawar, 1959 25. 1 French 2 Polish 3 Spanish 4 Fourth impression, revised, 1965. General. Includes French translation of preface and errata slips Second edition, 1968 5 Correspondence, n.d. 6-10 Typescript and holograph. Consists primarily of corrections to appendices 11 Review Third edition, 1972 12-13 Corrections and addenda 26. 1-2 Printed copy (of second edition, 1968) with annotations 3 Proofs 4-5 Eighth impression, 1975. Page proofs Tenth impression, revised, 1980 6 Correspondence, 1979 7 Printed copy (of third edition) with annotations 8 Preface to the 1985 edition. Holograph Spanish version, 1962 9 Correspondence, 1962 26. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Logik der Forschung (Contd.) Spanish version (Contd.) 10 Corrections of first English edition (1959) for use in first Spanish edition 11 Reviews, 1975-1976 12 Italian version, 1970. Preface. Typescript Japanese version, 1971. Correspondence 13 General 14 Mori, Hiroshi, 1959-1971 French version, 1973 15 Correspondence, 1972 16 Reviews Chinese versions 17 Note re translation for the Chinese version, n.d. 459. 6 Translation of Chapter 1 ("A Survey of Some Fundamental Problems"), in Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences (Ziran Kexue Zhexue Wenti Conkam), 1981. Printed copy 26. 18 Dutch version, n.d. Correspondence, 1968 19 "Wittgenstein's Ethics," 1934. Speech. Holograph and typescript 27. "Zur Kritik der Ungenauigkeitsrelationen," Die Naturwissenschaften, 1934 Typescript 1 Drafts by Karl Popper 2 Drafts edited by Troels Eggers Hansen, 1982 3 Printed copy 4 Correspondence with Troels Eggers Hansen, 1983 459. 7 "'Induktionslogik' und 'Hypothesenwahrscheinlichkeit,'" Erkenntnis, 1935. Printed copy 27. 5 "A Set of Axioms for Probability," 1937. Typescript. Includes correspondence and notes 6 Book fragment relating to symbolic logic, 1940s. Holograph. Includes draft (on verso) of reply to G. J. De Vries' review of Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies 7 Speech relating to fundamental ideas of The Open Society and Its Enemies, 1940s. Typescript "What is Dialectic?" Mind, 1940. German version, 1965 8 Typescript 9-10 Printed copy 27. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 11 "The Changing Bases of Society: Trends Likely to Influence the Future," 1941 July 23. Two radio broadcast scripts, National Broadcasting Services, Christchurch, New Zealand (other participants in the discussions were Colin G. F. Simkin, Hugh N. Parton, P. Percival). Typescript 12 "An Independent Set of Axioms for Lattices, with Complete Subsets," ca. 1944. Typescript "The Poverty of Historicism," Economica, 1944-1945. See The Poverty of Historicism, 1957 13 Review of Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, 1945. Typescript The Open Society and Its Enemies, 1945 English version 14-15 General Correspondence, 1956-1982. Includes correspondence neither to nor from Karl Popper 16 General. Includes corrections 17 Panine, Dimitri 28. First edition, 1945 Correspondence 1 General, 1948-1949 Braunthal, Alfred 2 1943 3 1944 4 Condliffe, Professor, 1943 5 Drucker, Doctor, n.d. Hellin, Frederick 6 1942 7 1943 8 1945 9 Hibbert Journal, 1948. Includes correspondence with Dr. Mellone, 1948 10 Mabbott, J. W., 1947 11 Moore, G. E., 1948 12-16 Typescript 29. 1-4 Typescript Reviews 5-6 English. Includes correspondence, 1946 30. 1 German 2 Clippings Second edition, 1950 3 General. Published excerpt 4 Preface. Typescript 5-6 Proofs 30. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) The Open Society and Its Enemies (Contd.) English version (Contd.) Second edition (Contd.) 7 Reviews. Includes correspondence with Professor Walther, 1952 Third edition, 1957 8 Corrections 9 Proofs 10 Reviews. German Fourth edition, 1962 Correspondence 11 Jarvie, Ian Charles, n.d. 12 Mates, Benson, 1962 13 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1961 14 Typescript. General 15 Addendum, "The Dating of the Theaetetus." Typescript 16 Addendum, "Facts, Standards, and Truth: A Further Criticism of Relativism." Typescript 31. 1-3 Addendum, "Facts, Standards, and Truth: A Further Criticism of Relativism." Typescript 4-5 Addendum, "Reply to a Critic," formerly "Reply to my Critics." Typescript and holograph 6 Appendix. Reply to G. S. Kirk, "Popper on Science and the Presocratics" (not published in fourth edition). Typescript 7 Index. Typescript 32. 1 Proofs. Index and addenda only 2 Printed copy 3 Revised version, 1963. Corrections Fifth edition, 1966 Correspondence 4 Magee, Bryan, 1966 5 Musgrave, Alan, 1965 6 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1965 7 Typescript and holograph. Primarily corrections to fourth edition 8 Proofs 9 Printed copy with annotations for future corrections. Includes correspondence with Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 33. 1-3 Page proofs 34. 1 Page proofs 2 Printed copy 3 Reviews 34. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) The Open Society and Its Enemies (Contd.) Dutch version, 1950 4 Clippings 5 Correspondence with P. Geyl, 1951. Includes review by P. Geyl 6 Reviews. Includes correspondence, 1952 7 Spanish version, 1957. Review German version First edition, 1957-1958 8 General. Includes correspondence, 1961 9-12 Typescript and holograph. Includes correspondence with translator 13 Proofs. Includes correspondence 14 Reviews 15 Second edition, 1970. Reviews 16 Third edition, 1973. Proofs 17 Fifth edition, 1977. Correspondence, 1976 35. 1 Japanese version, 1973. Correspondence, 1976 French version, 1979 2 Preface and dedication. Holograph and typescript 3 Review Greek version, 1980 Correspondence 4 Unidentified 5 Giannaras, Anastasios, 1976-1977 Papadaki, Irene 6 1977 7 1978 8 1979. Includes typescript preface 9 1980 10 1981 11 1982 12 1983 13 1984 14 Theodorakopoulos, I. N., 1977 15 Tournikiotis, L. G., 1977 16 Preface. Typescript 17 Reviews in Greek and in English (translated by Irene Papadaki), 1980-1981. Includes Karl Popper's letter to the editor of Kathimerini and his reply to a review 18 Persian version, 1984. Includes correspondence with Ali A. Mohajer, 1984 19 Review of Friedrich Engel-Janosi, The Growth of German Historicism, Economica, 1945. Typescript and printed copy 35. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 20-21 "Principles of Scientific Method," 1945 May 22-26. Lectures, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Typescript and notes based on lectures 36. 1 "Comments on the Paper on Goedelian Sentences," ca. 1946. Review of unidentified article. Holograph 2 Proposals, ca. 1946, relating to the treatment of Germany and the Germans following World War II. Typescript. Includes a memorandum from Vera Anstey "Why are the Calculi of Logic and Arithmetic Applicable to Reality?" Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1946 3 General. Includes material relating to the conference 4 Notes 5-6 Holograph 7 Typescript 8 Printed copy 9 German translation. Typescript "Methods in Philosophy," 1946 October 25. Speech, Cambridge University Moral Science Club, Cambridge, England 10 Holograph Correspondence 11 Bennett, Cheryl, 1968. Includes correspondence neither to nor from Karl Popper and copy of the meeting's minutes 12 Edgerton, Stephenie G., 1968. Includes fragment of a book by Professor McLendon relating to the Moral Science Club meeting 13 Untitled monograph (with Paul Bernays), ca. 1947. Holograph 14-16 "New Foundations for Logic," Mind, 1947. Typescript and holograph "The Propositional and Functional Logic of Derivation and of Demonstration," 1947 17-19 Correspondence 20 Holograph 21 Typescript 22 "Social Institutions and Social Responsibility," 1947. Typescript (reply to Rush Rhees, "Social Engineering," 1947) "Logic without Assumptions," 1947 May 5. Speech, Aristotelian Society, London, England 23 Notes. Includes correspondence with Willard Van Orman Quine, n.d. 37. 1 Typescript and holograph 2 Printed copy (as published in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1947) 3 Review, 1948. Includes a review of "New Foundations for Logic," Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1947 37. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Utopia and Violence," 1947 June. Speech, Rencontres Philosophiques de Bruxelles, Institut des Arts, Brussels, Belgium English published version, 1948 4 Typescript 5 Printed copy (as published in Conjectures and Refutations, 1962) Japanese version, 1963. Correspondence 6 Ichii, Saburo, 1963 7 Takiguchi, Mitsuko, 1963 German published version, 1968 8 Typescript 9 Proofs 10 Printed copy (as published in Kritischer Rationalismus und Sozialdemokratie, 1975, and Logik, Mathematik und Philosophie des Transzendenten, 1977) 11 "On the General Theory of Derivation, and the Definitions of Classical and Intuitionist Negation," 1947 November. Notes and typescript. Includes letter to L. E. J. Brouwer 12 "What Can Logic Do for Philosophy?" 1948 July 11. Speech, Aristotelian Society, London, England (published in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1948). Printed copies with corrections 13 "Towards a Rational Theory of Tradition," 1948 July 26. Speech, Third Annual Conference of the Rationalist Press Association, Magdalen College, Oxford, England. Includes correspondence, 1959 "On the Theory of Deduction," 1948 August 11-18. Speech, 10th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, Holland (published in Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Wetenscappen: Proceedings of the Section of Sciences, 1948) 14 Printed copy 15 Review "Prediction and Prophecy and the Significance for Social Theory," 1948 August 11-18. Speech, 10th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, Holland (published in Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Philosophy, 1948) 16 General. Includes correspondence with organizing committee, 1948 English version 17 Proofs 18 Printed copy 19 German version, 1965. Printed copy 37. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "The Trivialization of Mathematical Logic," 1948 August 11-18. Paper, 10th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, Holland 20 Typescript 21 Printed copy with corrections "Naturgesetze und theoretische Systeme," 1948 August 24. The European Forum Alpbach 1948, Alpbach, Austria (published in Gesetz und Wirklichkeit, 1949) German version. Includes materials relating to the Alpbach Forum 22 General 23 Correspondence with Simon Moser, 1949 24 Typescript. Includes typescripts of discussions 38. English versions. Typescript 1 "Laws of Nature and Theoretical Methods" 2 "The Bucket and the Searchlight: Theories of Knowledge" (final version: "The Bucket and the Searchlight: Two Theories of Knowledge," Objective Knowledge, 1972) 3 "Wahrer und falscher Rationalismus," 1949. Holograph speech. Includes notes and correspondence with Hans Barth, 1949 4 Contribution, Philosophy Working Group, The European Forum Alpbach 1949, Alpbach, Austria, 1949 August 23-September 2. Typescript 5 "Autonomous and Independent Axiom Systems for the Classical and Intuitionist Calculi of Probabilities," 1950? Typescript and holograph 6 "Lande's Blade, Propensities and the Direction of Time," ca. 1950. Holograph 7 Table of contents for book never written, 1950s. Typescript "Indeterminism in Quantum Physics and in Classical Physics," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1950 (expanded version of paper read before the British Society for the History of Science, 1948 November 15) 8 Typescript, "Indeterminism in Classical Physics and Quantum Physics" 9-10 Typescript and holograph 39. 1 Printed copy 2 Printed copy with annotations (for inclusion in "Prediction and Prophecy") 3 "Reflections on Science and Philosophy in our Time," 1950. Two speeches: "The Challenge to Reason," and "The Task of Social Philosophy," University of Chicago, Illinois. Holograph (consists primarily of notes and outlines) 39. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "The Study of Nature and Society," 1950 February 16-April 27. The William James Lectures, Department of Philosophy, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Holograph (consists primarily of notes and outlines) 4 General 5 Lecture no. 1: "Is Science Still Interesting?" February 16 6 Lecture no. 2: "Understanding Nature - The Passing of an Illusion," February 23 7 Lecture no. 3: "Explanations and Tests," March 2 8 Lecture no. 4: "The Tradition of Science and the Postulate of Independent Evidence," March 9 9 Lecture no. 5: "Indeterminism and the Reality of Time," March 16. Includes "Indeterminism in Quantum Physics and in Classical Physics," 1950 10 Lecture no. 6: "Do We Control Nature and Can We Control Society?" March 23 11 Lecture no. 7: "The Plight of the Social Sciences," March 30. Includes "Prediction and Prophecy and their Significance for Social Theory," 1948 12 Lecture no. 8: "Understanding Society," April 13 13 Lecture no. 9: "Social Science and Social Philosophy," April 20 14 Lecture no. 10: "The Ethics of Despair and the Ethics of Reason," April 27 15 "The Situation in Contemporary Philosophy," 1950 October 8. Speech. Holograph notes 16 "Introducing the Conceptions of Scientific Realism and of Metaphysical Realism," 1950 November 23. Speech, Metalogical Society. Holograph outline 17 "Public and Private Values," 1951. Speech. Typescript and holograph 18 "A Criticism of Operationalism and Related Views," 1951 May 21. Speech, Philosophy of Science Group. Typescript abstract "The Classical Conditional," 1952 19 Correspondence, 1952 20-21 Typescript and holograph "Humanism and Reason," The Philosophical Quarterly, 1952. Review of E. Grassi and T. von Uexkull, Von Ursrpung und Grenzen der Geistwissenschaften und Naturwissenschaften, 1950 22 Typescript 23 Proofs 24 "The Nature of Philosophical Problems and Their Rooots in Science," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1952. Typescript SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 40. "The Role of the Scientist in Society Today," 1952 September 26-28. Speech, The English Speaking Union of the British Commonwealth, London, England 1 General 2 Correspondence, 1952 3 Notes "Complementarity and the Two-Slit Experiment," 1953 4 Correspondence with Erwin Schrodinger, 1953 5 Holograph 6 Typescript "A Defence of Free Thinking in Quantum Theory," 1953. Speech, Cambridge University Philosophy of Science Club, Cambridge, England. Includes notes on complementarity and the two-slit experiment. See also "Complementarity and the Two-Slit Experiment," 1953 7 Correspondence with Norwood Russell Hanson and Keith L. Manchester, 1953 8-10 Typescript and holograph 11 "A Note on Berkeley as Precursor of Mach," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1953. Typescript "Philosophy of Science: A Personal Report," 1953 July 30. Speech, Peterhouse, Cambridge, England. Typescript for publication in British Philosophy in Mid-Century, 1957 12 General Correspondence 13 Braithwaite, Richard B., 1952 14 Farrer, Evelyn, 1953 15 Fenizio, Ferdinando di, 1956-1957 16 Korner, Stephan, 1957 17 Mace, C. Alec, 1953-1963 18 Masterman, Margaret, 1953 19 Stone, A. H., 1957 20 Tomlin, E. W. F. T., 1953 21 Unwin, Philip, 1970 22 Unwin, Stanley, 1957 23 Wisdom, John Oultan, n.d. 24 Typescript 25 Notes 41. 1 Typescript from sound recording of speech 2-4 Typescript 5 Proofs 6 Printed copy 42. "Language and the Body-Mind Problem: A Restatement of Interactionism," 1953 August 20-26. Speech, 11th International Congress of Philosophy, Brussels, Belgium 1 General 2 Correspondence, 1951-1953 42. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Language and the Body-Mind Problem" (Contd.) 3-4 Notes. Includes excerpts from correspondence with John C. Eccles, 1952, and notes entitled "The Descriptive and Argumentative Functions of Human Language" 5 Holograph 6 Typescript 7 Proofs 8 "Theorie und Erfahrung," 1953 September 21. Speech, Berlin, Germany. Typescript. Includes reply by Herbert Stachowiak Miseria dello storicismo, 1954. See The Poverty of Historicism, 1957 "The Construction of Shortest Random-Like Sequences of Degree n" (with L. R. B. Elton), 1954-1955 9 Correspondence. Includes letter from Hermann Bondi 10 Holograph 11 Typescript "Immanuel Kant: Philosopher of the Enlightenment," 1954 February 5. Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England (published in The Listener, 1954 February 18) 12 Outline 13 Holograph 14 Typescript 15 Printed copy. Includes announcement 43. "Self-Reference and Meaning in Ordinary Language," Mind, 1954 April 1 Correspondence, including with Gilbert Ryle, 1953. Includes typescript 2 Holograph 3 Typescript 4 Printed copy 5 "Axioms for Relative Probability (Elementary Theory)," 1954 June 11. Typescript "Degree of Confirmation," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1954 August 6 Correspondence 7 Holograph 8 Typescript 9 Proofs "Die Philosophie und die Wissenschaften," 1954 August 19. Speech, The European Forum Alpbach 1954, Alpbach, Austria 10 General German version 11 Holograph 12 Typescript 13 Clipping 43. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Die Philosophie und die Wissenschaften" (Contd.) English version 14 Holograph. Includes outlines and notes 15 Typescript "On a Proposed Solution of the Paradox of the Liar," 1954 September 1. Speech, Association for Symbolic Logic, Amsterdam, Holland 16 General Correspondence 17 Heyting, Arend, 1954 18 Schrodinger, Erwin, 1954 19 Notes 20-22 Holograph 23 Typescript "Towards a Liberal Theory of Public Opinion," 1954 September 6-11. Speech, Mont Pelerin Conference, Venice, Italy 24 Version for speech. Outline, typescript, and holograph Versions for publication English, 1955-1956 25 Correspondence, 1955 26 Typescript, 1955? (intended for publication in Encounter, but not published) 27 Typescript, 1956 (published as "Public Opinions and Liberal Principles," Conjectures and Refutations, 1963) 28 Italian, 1955. Printed copy German 1956 29 Correspondence, 1955-1961 30 Typescript 31 Proofs 32 Printed copy 33 1984. Printed copy from Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt, 1984 44. 1-7 "The Demarcation between Science and Metaphysics," in Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap, 1955. Typescript. Includes correspondence, 1961 "A Note on Tarski's Definition of Truth," Mind, 1955 8 Holograph 9-10 Typescript and holograph 11 "A Note on the Body-Mind Problem: Reply to Professor Wilfrid Sellars," Analysis, 1955. Printed copy and typescript (with corrections for its appearance in Conjectures and Refutations, 1962) 44. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "A Paradox of Measure Theory," 1955 12 Correspondence with Professor Copeland, 1955 13 Typescript and holograph "Two Autonomous Axiom Systems for the Calculus of Probabilities," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1955 14 Letter from W. B. Elton, 1955 15 Notes Typescript and holograph 16 General 17 "Autonomous and Independent Axiom Systems for the Classical and Intuitionist Calculi of Probabilities" 45. "Adequacy and Consistency: A Second Reply to Dr. Bar-Hillel," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1956 1 General. Includes Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, "Further Comments on Probability and Confirmation: A Rejoinder to Professor Popper" 2 Correspondence, 1956 3 Typescript Misere de l'historicisme, 1956. See The Poverty of Historicism, 1957 "Three Views Concerning Human Knowledge," Contemporary British Philosophy, 1956 English version, 1956 4 Outline 5 Typescript 6 Proofs 7 Italian version, 1958. Printed copy "The Arrow of Time," Nature, 1956 March 17. For replies and counterreplies, see "Irreversibility and Mechanics," 1956 August 18; "Irreversible Processes in Physical Theory," 1957 June 22; "Irreversibility, or Entropy since 1905," 1957 August; "Irreversible Processes in Physical Theory," 1958 February 8; "Time's Arrow and Entropy," 1965 July 17; "Time's Arrow and Feeding on Negentropy," 1967 January 21; "Structural Information and the Arrow of Time," 1967 April 15 8 Typescript 9 Proofs 10 Printed copy Correspondence 11 Blair, G. W. Scott, 1956 12 Bondi, Hermann, 1956 13 Nature, 1956. Includes correspondence neither to nor from Karl Popper 45. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "The Arrow of Time" (Contd.) Correspondence (Contd.) 14 Schlegel, Richard, 1956 15 Whitrow, Gerald J., 1955 16 Notes on logic, 1956 May 13. Holograph "Reason and Tradition: Problems of the Open Society," 1956 June 25-July 6. Lecture series, Conference on Social Theory, Department of Sociology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Typescript and holograph (consists primarily of notes and outlines) 17 General 18 Notes 19 Lecture no. 1, untitled 20 Lecture no. 2, untitled 21 Lecture no. 4, untitled 22 Lecture no. 5, untitled 23 Lecture no. 6, "Whig and Tory Epistemology," July 5 24 Lecture no. 7, "The New Renaissance," July 6 "Irreversibility and Mechanics," Nature, 1956 August 18. Reply to Richard Schlegel 25 Typescript 26 Printed copy "Entropy since 1905," 1956 September 21-23. Speech, Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Science Group, Manchester, England 27 General. Includes research material 28 Notes 29 Holograph 30 Typescript "The Non-Existence of Scientific Method," 1956 Autumn? Speech, Stanford, California Correspondence 31 Unknown, 1956 32 Russell, Bertrand, 1957 33 Typescript "The Riddle of Experience," 1956 October 1. Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England 34 General 35 Typescript. Includes correspondence with T. S. Gregory, 1956 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 46. "The History of Our Time: An Optimist's View," 1956 October 12. Sixth Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture, University of Bristol, England 1 General 2 Correspondence, 1956 3 Notes 4 Holograph 5 Typescript. Includes correspondence with suggested corrections 6 "Reply to Professor Carnap," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1956 November. Typescript. Includes Rudolf Carnap, "Remarks on Popper's Note on Content and Degree of Confirmation" 7 "Against Induction: One of Many Arguments," Ratio, 1957. Typescript and holograph "The Aim of Science," Ratio, 1957 English version 1957 8 Typescript. Section 15 from the early manuscript of Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery 9 Proofs 1959 10 Typescript 11 Printed copy 12 1969. Printed copy 13 Italian version, 1962. Printed copy German versions 14 Undated. Printed copy 15 1972, second revised version. Printed copy of 1964 first revised version, with corrections 47. The Poverty of Historicism, 1957 1 General English version Journal edition, as published in Economica, 1944-1945 2-3 Typescript 4 Proofs Book edition First edition, 1957 5 General 6 Proofs of journal edition, 1944-1945, with corrections for first book edition 7 Typescript 8 Proofs 47. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) The Poverty of Historicism (Contd.) English version (Contd.) Book edition (Contd.) First edition (Contd.) Reviews 9 English, 1957-1958 10 Polish, 1958 Correspondence 11 Unidentified, 1957 12 Meyer, Justus, 1957 13 Sabine, George H., 1957 14 Woolley, Geoffrey, 1957 Second edition, 1960 15 General 16 Typescript. Corrections 17 Correspondence with Ichii Shaburo, 1961 Second edition, corrected, 1963 18 Printed copy of second edition, 1960, with corrections 19 Reviews. English, 1965 48. Italian version, 1954 1 General 2 Preface. Typescript 3 Proofs Reviews 4 General 5 Pasquinelli, Alberto. Includes correspondence, 1954 French version, 1956 Correspondence 6 Leroy, Andre Louis, 1956. Includes review 7 Librairie Plon, 1981 8 Review, 1960 German version First edition, 1965 9 Foreword and dedication. Typescript 10 Reviews, 1966-1967 11 Second edition, 1969. Proofs Third edition, 1971 12 Correspondence with Hans Georg Siebeck, 1970 13 Proofs. Corrected proofs of second edition, 1969 14 Reviews, 1972 Fifth edition, 1979 15-16 Proofs 17 Reviews 48. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) The Poverty of Historicism (Contd.) Japanese version, 1965 18 General Correspondence 19 General 20 Choukoron-Sha, Inc., 1959-1966 21 Heibonsha Limited, 1957-1958 22 Ichii, Saburo, 1957-1959 23 Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, 1963 24 Misuzu Shobo Publishing Co., 1958-1959 25 "A Problem in Probability Theory," 1957 January 18. Speech, Berkeley-Stanford Colloquium in Logic and Methodology, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Typescript, holograph, correspondence, and announcement "The Propensity Interpretation of the Calculus of Probability and Quantum Theory," 1957 April 1-4. Speech, Colston Research Society of Bristol, University of Bristol, England 26 General 27 Correspondence with Stephan Korner, 1956. Includes correspondence neither to nor from Karl Popper 28 Typescript 29 Printed copy with corrections (for unidentified publication, 1973) 30 Printed copy 31 "Irreversible Processes in Physical Theory," Nature, 1957 June 22. Reply to Edward L. Hill and Adolf Grunbaum. Notes, holograph, typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Nature "Irreversibility; or Entropy since 1905," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1957 August 32 Typescript 33 Proofs 34 Printed copy 49. "Probability Magic, or Knowledge out of Ignorance," Dialectica, 1957 September 15-December 15. Abridgement of chapter from the early manuscript of Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery Correspondence 1 Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1956-1957 2 Maurer, E., 1956-1957 3 Typescript. Includes summary 4 Printed copy 5 Speech relating to natural language, 1957 November. Typescript "On Mr. Roy Harrod's New Argument for Induction," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1958 6 Holograph 49. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "On Mr. Roy Harrod's New Argument for Induction" (Contd.) 7 Typescript 8 Correspondence, 1958. Includes proofs "A Third Note on Degree of Corroboration or Confirmation," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1958. 9 Typescript and holograph 10 Printed copy "Irreversible Processes in Physical Theory," Nature, 1958 February 8. Reply to R. C. L. Bosworth 11 Correspondence 12 Typescript 13 Printed copy "Remarques critiques sur la philosophie analytique," 1958 April 7-13. Speech, Fourth International Seminar on Analytical Philosophy, Royaumont, France 14 General. Includes correspondence, 1958 15 Typescript 16 "The Imperfect or Very Weak Modular Law," 1958 June 27. Holograph "On the Status of Science and Metaphysics: Two Radio Talks," 1958 July 2. Radio broadcasts entitled "Experience and Logic" and "The Problem of the Irrefutability of Philosophical Theories," Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany (first published in Ratio, 1958). 17 Holograph 18 Typescript 19 Proofs. Includes correspondence with Richard Blackwell, 1958 20 German translation, revised version, 1959. Printed copy "Zum Thema Freiheit," 1958 August 25. Speech, The European Forum Alpbach 1958, Alpbach, Austria (subsequently published in Die Philosophie und die Wissenschaften: Simon Moser zum 65. Geburtstag, 1967) 21 German version. Includes printed copy 22 English version, 1965 "Philosophy and Physics: The Influence on Physics of Some Metaphysical Speculations on the Structure of Matter," 1958 September 12-18. Paper, 12th International Congress of Philosophy, Venice, Italy (published in Atti del XII congresso internazionale di filosofia, 1958) 23 General English version 24 Correspondence, 1958. Includes illustrations 25 Holograph 26 Typescript 27 Printed copy 28 German version, 1960. Typescript SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 50. 1 "Back to the Presocratics," 1958 October 13. Speech, Aristotelian Society, London, England. Typescript "Interpretation of Indeterminacy Formulae," 1959? 2 Correspondence with P. W. Higgs, 1960 3 Holograph 4 Typescript "A Note on Logically False Evidence Statements," 1959? 5 Holograph 6 Typescript 7 Review "A Note on the Tunnel Effect," 1959? 8 Notes 9 Holograph 10 Typescript "Some Comments on Heisenberg's Principle of Indeterminacy," 1959? 11 Holograph 12 Typescript Untitled, 1959? Relates to indeterminism and Heisenberg's formula 13 Holograph 14 Typescript 15 "On Subjunctive Conditionals with Impossible Antecedents," Mind, 1959. Typescript. Includes correspondence with Gilbert Ryle, 1959 "Woran glaubt der Westen?" 1959. Speech, Zurich, Switzerland (published in Erziehung zur Freiheit, 1959) 16 Typescript 17 Printed copy 18 English translation, modified version. Typescript "The Propensity Interpretation of Probability," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science," 1959 May 19 Correspondence, 1959. Includes corrections 20 Notes 21 Holograph 22 Typescript 23 Proofs 24 Printed copy 25 Printed copy with corrections and annotations for inclusion in "Realism and the Aim of Science," 1983 "Epistemology and Industrialization: Remarks on the Influence of Philosophical Ideas on the History of Europe," 1959 June 13. Speech, School of Economics, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland 26 Lecture version (German). Typescript SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Epistemology and Industrialization" (Contd.) 51. Published version (English), 1975-1979 Typescript 1-3 Preliminary versions 4 Final version 5 Proofs 6 Printed copy 7 Correspondence, 1979 "Die Philosophie in den Grundentscheidungen," 1959 June 23. Speech, Handels-Hochschule St. Gallen, Switzerland 8 General 9 Correspondence, 1984 10 Speech, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 1959 July 10-12. Notes and schedule of meetings for conference 11 "On the Sources of Our Knowledge," The Indian Journal of Philosophy, 1959 August (forms part of "On the Sources of Knowledge and Ignorance," 1960). Printed copy 52. 1 "A Political Postscript on the Central Problems of the Cold War," 1960s. Typescript "Probabilistic Independence and Corroboration by Empirical Tests," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1960 2 Holograph 3 Typescript 4 Printed copy "Reason or Revolution?" 1960 5 General. Includes critical remarks by Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 6-8 Typescript and holograph. Includes "Addendum 1974: The Frankfurt School," originally intended for radio broadcast 9-10 Proofs 11 Printed copy, in Archives europeennes de sociologie, 1970 12 "An Indeterminist's View of the Physical World," 1960 January 16. Speech, British Society for the Philosophy of Science. Typescript of notes taken from speech "On the Sources of Knowledge and of Ignorance," 1960 January 20. Speech, British Academy. See also "On the Sources of Our Knowledge," 1959 Lecture version, 1960 13 General 14 Notes 53. 1-2 Typescript and holograph 3 Correspondence with Mario Bunge, 1960 53. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "On the Sources of Knowledge and of Ignorance" (Contd.) Published versions English Proceedings of The British Academy, 1960 4 Correspondence with Doris W. Pearson, 1960 5-8 Typescript and holograph 54. 1 Typescript and holograph 2 Proofs 3 Printed copy Encounter, 1962 4 Proofs 5 Printed copy Studies in Philosophy: British Academy Lectures, 1966 6 Correspondence with Jon Stallworthy 1966 7-8 Proofs 9 Italian, 1964. Printed copy German, 1975 10 Typescript (translation by R. Kiesewetter) 11 Printed copy "Some Comments on Truth and the Growth of Knowledge," 1960 August-September. Paper, International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Stanford, California (condensed version of the original draft entitled "The Idea of Truth and the Empirical Character of Scientific Theories," subsequently published as "Truth Rationality, and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge," Chapter 10, Conjectures and Refutations, 1962) 12 General Correspondence 13 American Express, 1960 14 Ewing, A. C., 1960 15 Freudenthal, H., 1960 16 Hesse, Dr., 1960 17 Mehlberg, Henryk, 1960 18 Nagel, Ernest, 1960 19 Peltours Ltd., 1960 20 Suppes, Patrick, 1959-1960 21 Thompson, Elsa Knight, 1960 55. 1-8 Typescript and holograph 56. 1-2 Typescript and holograph 56. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Selbstbefreiung durch das Wissen," 1961 February. Radio broadcast, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich, Germany German version Broadcast version 3 Holograph 4 Typescript Published version, in Der Sinn der Geschichte, edited by Leonhard Reinisch, 1961 5 Typescript 6 Proofs 7 Review English version, in Humanist Outlook, edited by Alfred J. Ayer, 1968 Correspondence 8 Ayer, Alfred J., 1967 9 Blackham, H. J., 1967 10 Macy, C. J. G., 1968. Includes proofs 11 Pemberton Publishing Co. Ltd., 1967 12 Typescript, "The Enlightenment and the Meaning of History: Self-Liberation Through Knowledge" 13 Printed copy 14 Printed copy with corrections "Die Logik der Sozialwissenschaften," 1961 October. Speech, Symposium on the Logic of the Social Sciences, Tubingen, Germany 15 General. Includes correspondence, n.d., and abstract by Julius Freed German version Lecture version, 1961 16 General 17 Notes 18 Typescript 57. Published version, 1962 1 Typescript 2 Proofs 3-4 Printed copy 5 Correspondence, 1983 6 Reviews English version, 1976 7 Notes 8-12 Typescript 13 Proofs 14 Printed copy 57. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Evolution and the Tree of Knowledge," 1961 October 30. The Herbert Spencer Lecture, Oxford, England Correspondence 15 Gray, T. S., n.d. 16 Ostler, A., 1961 17 Draft. Typescript and holograph 58. 1 Version read. Typescript 2 Final version. Typescript 3 Revised version, 1965. Typescript and holograph "Science and the Growth of Knowledge," 1961 November 21-30. The Shearman Memorial Lectures, University College, London, England 4 General Correspondence 5 Evans, Ifor, 1961 6 Radley, Winifred, 1961 7-10 Notes and outlines 11 Lecture no. 1, "The Objective Theory of Knowledge." Typescript 59. 1 Lecture no. 2, "The Logic of the Growth of Knowledge." Typescript 2 Lecture no. 3, "Getting Nearer to the Truth." Typescript 3 Lecture no. 4, "The Logic of Conjecture and Refutation." Typescript Conjectures and Refutations, 1962 4 General 459. 8 General 59. English version Correspondence 5 Albert, Gretl, 1982 6 Gombrich, Richard, 1960 7 Kidd, James C., 1969 8 Levison, Arnold B., 1963. Includes review written by Arnold B. Levison 9 Magee, Bryan, 1961 10 Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965-1984 First edition, 1962 Correspondence, 1963 11 Hill, Edward L., 1963 12 Kelsen, Hans, 1963 13 Strong, E. W., 1963 Typescript and holograph 14-16 General. Includes correspondence 17 General SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Conjectures and Refutations (Contd.) English version (Contd.) First edition (Contd.) Typescript and holograph (Contd.) 60. 1-4 General 5 Outlines 6 Chapter 1 7 Chapter 2 8 Chapter 3 9 Chapter 4 10 Chapter 5 11 Chapter 6 61. 1 Chapter 7. Includes German version 2 Chapter 8 3 Chapter 9 4-5 Chapter 10 6 Chapter 11 7 Chapters 12-13 8 Chapter 14 9 Chapter 15 10 Chapter 16 11 Chapter 17 12 Chapter 18 13 Chapter 19 14 Chapter 20 15 Appendices 16 Index of names 62. 1 Index of subjects 2-4 Proofs 63. 1 Proofs 2 Reviews Reprint of first edition, 1964 3 General 4-5 Indices. Typescript 6 Reviews Second edition, 1965 Typescript and holograph 7-8 General 9 Indices 10 Proofs 11 Reviews Third edition, 1969 64. 1-3 Typescript and holograph. General. Includes correspondence 4-7 Proofs 65. 1 Proofs 2 Reviews SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Conjectures and Refutations (Contd.) English version (Contd.) 459. 9 Seventh impression, 1978. Extract entitled "Science: Conjectures and Refutations," published in The Search for the Human Sciences, 1980. Printed copy 65. 3 Spanish version, 1967. Second edition, 1983. Correspondence, 1983 4 Italian version, 1972. Reviews German version (not published) Correspondence, 1967-1969 5 Kiesewetter, R., 1967-1969 6 Oppacher, Franz, 1967-1968 7 Schleichert, Hubert, 1967 8 Walentik, Leonhard, 1967 9 Weingartner, Paul, 1967 Typescript and holograph 10-13 General. Includes correspondence, 1974, and fragments translated by Lisbeth Gombrich 14-17 Introduction (translation by Gretl Albert). Includes translation of other chapters and correspondence with Grete Albert, 1979 66. 1-4 Introduction 5-7 Chapter 1. Includes translation by R. Kiesewetter 67. 1-3 Chapter 2 4-6 Chapter 3 7-8 Chapter 4 (translation by Hermann Fischer). Includes correspondence with Hermann Fischer, 1970 9-11 Chapter 5 12 Chapter 6 68. 1-2 Chapter 7 3 Chapter 8 4 Chapter 9 5 Chapter 10 6 Chapter 11 7 Chapter 12 8 Chapter 13 9 Chapter 14 10 Chapter 15 11 Chapter 16 12 Chapter 17 13 Chapter 18 14 Chapter 19 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Conjectures and Refutations (Contd.) German version (Contd.) Typescript and holograph (Contd.) 69. 1 Chapter 20 2 Addenda French version, 1985 3 Correspondence, 1984-1985 4 Printed copy Japanese version, n.d. Correspondence 5 Ichii, Saburo, 1967-1968 6 Nakamura, Junichi, 1967-1975 7 "Historical Explanation: An Interview," Cambridge Opinion, 1962. Holograph, typescript, printed copy, and correspondence "Julius Kraft, 1898-1960," Ratio, 1962 8 Correspondence, 1962 9 Holograph 10 Typescript 11 Printed copy 70. 1 "Knowledge and Society," 1962. Speech, Berkeley, California. Holograph and typescript 2 "A New Prediction Paradox," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1962. Typescript 3 "On Carnap's Version of Laplace's Rule of Succession," Mind, 1962. Holograph and typescript. Includes Richard C. Jeffrey's reply and letter of 1962 February 14. See also "The Mysteries of Udolpho: A Reply to Professors Jeffrey and Bar-Hillel," 1967 January 4 "Uber Geschichtsschreibung und uber den Sinn der Geschichte," Geist und Gesicht der Gegenwart, 1962 (revised version of Open Society and Its Enemies, chapter 25). Printed copy "The Erewhonians and the Open Society," 1962 March 14. Speech, San Francisco State College, San Francisco, California English version 5 Correspondence, 1962 6 Typescript and holograph 7 Printed copy 8 German version. Typescript and correspondence, 1963 Contribution to the discussion sessions following the three lectures given by Bertrand de Jouvenel on the art of conjecture, Geneva, Switzerland, 1962 June 25-28 (organized by the Congress for Cultural Freedom and by the Graduate Institute of International Studies) 9 General 10 Correspondence, 1962 11 Notes 70. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "On the Status and the Methods of Science," 1963. Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England, 1963 Early version 12 Holograph 13 Typescript 14 Later version. Typescript 15 "Science: Problems and How to Solve Them," 1963. Speech, MENSA, London, England. Typescript. Includes correspondence, 1963 "The Open Society," 1963 February 14. Speech, Bloomington, Indiana 16 Typescript Revised version, "The Open Society and the Democratic State," Indian Institute of Public Administration, Delhi, India, 1963 August 17 Typescript and holograph 71. 1 Typescript 2 Review 3 Revised version, San Francisco, California, n.d. Typescript "Models, Instruments and Truth: The Rationality Principle in the Sciences," 1963 February 26. Speech, Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Bergson, Abram and Conrad, Alfred H. 4 General 5-10 Typescript and holograph 72. 1-4 Typescript and holograph Abstract entitled "Rationality and the Status of the Rationality Principle," in Les Fondements philosophiques des systemes economiques: Textes de Jacques Rueff et essais rediges en son honneur, 23 aout 1966, 1967 English version, 1966. Includes correspondence, 1966 5-6 Holograph 7-9 Typescript 10 Correspondence 11 French version, 1967. Printed copy 12 Spanish version, 1968. Printed copy "The Problem of Scientific Knowledge" 1963 February 28. Two speeches, Princeton University, New Jersey 13 Part I. Typescript and holograph 14 Part II. Typescript 15 Correspondence 16 Clipping 72. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Science: Problems, Aims, Responsibilities," 1963 April 17. Speech, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Atlantic City, New Jersey English version, 1963 17 General 18-19 Correspondence, 1963-1966 73. 1 Holograph 2-10 Typescript 11 Proofs 12 Printed copy 13 Italian version, 1966. Printed copy 14 "Objectivity and Subjectivity in Scientific Method," 1963 April 19. Speech, Queens College. Typescript and holograph outline "Problems of Scientific Knowledge," 1963 April 25. Speech, University of Illinois, Chicago 15 Typescript 459. 10 Japanese translation, 1963. Printed copy 73. "Creative and Non-Creative Definitions in the Calculus of Probability," Synth'se, 1963 June Early versions. Holograph and typescript 16 "Axioms and Definitions of the Probability Calculus" 74. 1 "Productive and Non-Productive Formal Definitions in the Calculus of Probability" Final version 2 Holograph and typescript. Includes correspondence, 1962-1963 3 Proofs 4 Printed copy 5 "Kirk on Heraclitus, and on Fire as the Cause of Balance," Mind, 1963 July. Reply to G. S. Kirk, "Back to the Pre-Socratics." Printed copy 6-8 "Research in Science: Problems, and How to Solve Them," 1963 July 22. Speech, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Typescript and holograph "The Improbability of Explanatory Hypotheses," 1964 9 General. Notes and research material Correspondence 10 Curnow, R. N., 1964. Includes fragments of typescript 74. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "The Improbability of Explanatory Hypotheses" (Contd.) Correspondence (Contd.) 11 Freed, Julius, 1964 12 Lakatos, Imre, 1964. Includes correspondence with Paul Bernays, Arend Heyting, Stephen C. Kleene, D. W. MacKinnon, Hao Wang 13 Silvey, S. D., 1964 14-15 Typescript and holograph. Includes correspondence, 1964 75. 1-2 Typescript and holograph 3 Untitled seminars (six), Vienna, Austria, 1964 June. Holograph 4 Speech relating to relativity theory, 1964 August 4. Typescript "Normal Science and Its Dangers," 1965. Paper, International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, England 5 General. Includes Karl Popper's contribution to the Kuhn-Watkins discussion, and Imre Lakatos, "Demarcation Criterion and Scientific Research Programmes" English version 6 Holograph 7-8 Typescript 9 Printed copy with corrections 10 German version. Typescript 11 "On Problems and How to Understand Them," 1965 April. Speech, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 76. "Of Clouds and Clocks: An Approach to the Problem of Rationality and the Freedom of Man," 1965 April 21. The Arthur Holly Compton Memorial Lecture, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 1 General. Includes outlines and fragments Correspondence 2 General, 1965-1969 3 Karlson, Marjorie, 1965 4 Litvag, Irving, 1965 5 Malmquist, Carl P., 1968 6 McCormick, M. L., 1967 7 O'Brian, Frank, 1965-1968 8 Pake, George E., 1964-1965 9 Papanek, Helene, 1966 10 Rudner, Richard S., 1965-1966 11 Spiegelberg, Herbert, 1965 12 Standen, Gray, 1965-1968 13 Zollschan, George K., 1968 76. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Of Clouds and Clocks" (Contd.) 14-15 Holograph Typescript 16-17 Early versions 77. 1 Early versions 2-13 Later versions 78. 1 Proofs 2 Printed copy 3 Reviews "The Myth of the Framework," 1965 April 23. Seminar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Includes speech "On Problems and How to Understand Them" and discussion 4 Typescript Revised version, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1965 April 26 5 Correspondence, 1965 6 Typescript and holograph 7-8 Revised version, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, 1969 November 19. Typescript and notes 9 Revised version, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1973. Typescript English version 10 General. Includes correspondence, 1973 79. 1-7 Typescript and holograph 8 Proofs 9 Printed copy, 1976 10 German version. Typescript 80. "Rationality and the Search for Invariants," 1965 July 11. Speech, International Colloquium on the Philosophy of Science, Bedford College, London, England. Includes material relating to the colloquium's organization 1-2 General. Includes papers by Oliver E. Ford, Stephan Korner, and L. Pearce Williams, and transcripts of discussion sessions Correspondence. Includes correspondence neither to nor from Karl Popper 3 Church, Alonzo, 1964 4 Findlay, Allan F., 1967 5 Freudenthal, H., 1964 6 Godel, Kurt, 1964 7 Henkin, Leon, 1964 8 Heyting, Arend, 1964 80. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Rationality and the Search for Invariants" (Contd.) Correspondence (Contd.) 9 Kuhn, Thomas S., 1964. Includes Thomas S. Kuhn, "Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research: A Gestalt Switch?" 10 Quine, Willard Van Orman, 1964 11 Robinson, Abraham, 1964 12 Notes. Typescript and holograph 13 Holograph 14-20 Typescript 81. 1-12 Typescript Lecture, 1965 July 17. Symposium of Inductive Logic, Bedford College, London, England 13 General. Includes correspondence 14 Typescript and holograph 15 Papers read by others Bunge, Mario, "Induction: A Motely Assembly." Typescript Carnap, Rudolf, "Inductive Logic and Inductive Intuitions." Typescript Hilpinen, Risto, "On Epistemic Utility: Comments on Dr. Vetter's Paper." Typescript Hintikka, Jaakko, "Conditionalization and Information: Two Marginal Comments on Carnap's Paper." Typescript Lejewski, Czeslaw, "Quantification and Ontological Commitment." Typescript Watkins, John W. N., "Hume, Carnap and Popper," and "Decision and Belief." Typescripts 16 Transcript of discussion between Karl Popper, Rudolf Carnap, William C. Kneale, Paul Bernays, and Yehoshua Bar-Hillel. Typescript and proofs 82. "Time's Arrow and Entropy," Nature, 1965 July 17 1 General 2 Correspondence, 1965 3 Holograph 4 Typescript 5 Proofs 6 "Why Zeno was Right," 1965 September. Speech. Typescript and holograph 7 "Otto Neurath: Memories and Impressions," 1966? Typescript 8 Foreword to L. M. Loring, Two Kinds of Values, 1966. Typescript and holograph 9 "A Note on the Theory of the Cold War," 1966. Typescript 82. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "A Theorem on Truth Content," in Paul K. Feyerabend and Grover Maxwell, ed., Mind, Matter, and Method: Essays in Philosophy of Science in Honor of Herbert Feigl, 1966 Correspondence 10 Maxwell, Grover, 1963-1965. Includes correpondence with William W. Bartley, III, Imre Lakatos, and Jacob Bruno Bronowski 11 Shechtman, Joseph, 1965 12 Holograph 13 Typescript 14 Proofs for illustrations 15 Printed copy 16 "A Note on the Difference Between the Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction and the Einstein Contraction," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1966 February. Typescript and holograph. Includes correspondence, 1965 17 "The Influence of Einstein on my View of Science," 1966 February 23. Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England. Typescript Lecture series, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, 1966 March 30-June 1. Typescript and holograph outlines and notes. See also "A Realist View of Logic, Physics and History," 1966 May 18 General 19 Lecture no. 1, March 30. Relates to historical knowledge 20 Lecture no. 2, April 6. Relates to theory of knowledge and art 21 Lecture no. 3, n.d. Relates to historicism 22 Lecture no. 4, n.d. Relates to relativism 23 Lecture no. 5, May 5. Relates to relativism 24 Lecture no. 6, May 11. Relates to historicism 25 Lecture no. 8, May 25. Relates to the Cold War 26 Lecture no. 9, June 1. Relates to philosophy of history 27 "A Comment on Miller's New Paradox of Information," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1966 May. Typescript and holograph. See also "The Mysteries of Udolpho: A Reply to Professors Jeffrey and Bar-Hillel," 1967 January "A Realist View of Logic, Physics and History," 1966 May. Paper, International Colloquium on Logic, Physics and History, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado. Includes material relating to the conference and to Karl Popper's tenure as visiting professor 28 General. Includes papers by Jean-Pierre Vigier, Jaakko Hintikka, and Andre Mercier, and Karl Popper's remarks upon these SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "A Realist View of Logic, Physics and History" (Contd.) 83. Correspondence 1 Matzka, John, 1968 2 Miller, David W., 1966-1967 3 Yourgrau, Wolfgang, 1966-1969. Includes corrections to manuscript 4 Holograph. Includes "Remarks on Ranki's Paper" 5-7 Typescript 8-10 Printed copy 84. "Education versus Common Sense," 1966 June 10. Commencement speech, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado 1 General 2 Correspondence, 1966 3 Typescript "The Paradox of Zero Information," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1966 August 4 Correspondence, 1966. Includes corrected typescript and corrected proofs 5 Holograph 6 Typescript 7 "Comment on Carnap's 'Inductive Logic and Inductive Intuitions,'" The Problem of Inductive Logic, 1967? Typescript 8-12 "Three Idols of Empiricism: Precision - Definition - The Senses and their Data," 1967? Speech, La Jolla, California. Typescript and notes 13 Contribution to Imre Lakatos memorial volume, 1967. Notes. Includes Imre Lakatos, "A Renaissance of Empiricism in the Recent Philosophy of Mathematics" 14 "The Cosmological Origins of Euclidean Geometry," in Imre Lakatos, ed., Problems in the Philosophy of Mathematics, 1967. Printed copy 15 "Einstein: An Interview," in Gerald J. Whitrow, ed., Einstein: The Man and His Achievement, 1967. Printed copy of an excerpt "Quantum Mechanics without 'The Observer,'" in Mario Bunge, ed., Quantum Theory and Reality (volume two of Studies in the Foundations, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science), 1967 Correspondence 16-17 General 18 Unidentified, 1967 19 Bohm, David J., 1967. Includes typescript with corrections 20 Musgrave, Alan, 1967 21 Miller, David W., 1967 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Quantum Mechanics without 'The Observer'" (Contd.) 85. 1-8 Typescript and holograph 86. 1-8 Typescript and holograph 87. 1-11 Typescript and holograph 88. 1-12 Typescript and holograph 89. 1-2 Proofs 3 Printed copy "The Mysteries of Udolpho: A Reply to Professors Jeffrey and Bar-Hillel," Mind, 1967 January. See also "On Carnap's Version of Laplace's Rule of Succession," 1962, and "A Comment on Miller's New Paradox of Information," 1966 May 4 Correspondence with Gilbert Ryle, 1965. Includes corrected proofs 5-7 Typescript and holograph. Includes early draft entitled "Demonstrable Irrelevance: A Reply to Professor Richard C. Jeffrey" 8-9 Typescript and holograph 90. 1-2 Typescript and holograph 3 Mimeographed copy intended to be published in an essay volume entitled "Six Contributions to the Theory of Induction." Includes contributions by Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Richard C. Jeffrey, and David W. Miller "Time's Arrow and Feeding on Negentropy," Nature, 1967 January 21. Reply to Wolfgang Buchel 4 Correspondence, 1965-1966. Includes Wolfgang Buchel, "On Entropy and Information in the Universe" 5 Typescript 6 Printed copy 7 "Structural Information and the Arrow of Time," Nature, 1967 April 15. Reply to H. W. Woolhouse. Printed copy "Epistemology without a Knowing Subject," 1967 August 25. Speech, Third International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Amsterdam, Holland First version 8 General Correspondence 9 Anstadt, Dr., 1971 10 Elders, Fons, 1971 90. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Epistemology without a Knowing Subject" (Contd.) First version (Contd.) Correspondence (Contd.) 11 Kampen, Miss van, 1971 12 Nederlandse Omroep Stichting, 1971 13 North Holland Publishing Company, 1968 14 Rijntjes, G. J. P., 1971 15 Rootselaar, B. van, 1967 16 Notes 17-19 Holograph 91. 1-15 Typescript 92. 1-7 Typescript 8 Proofs 9 Printed copy with corrections 93. 1-4 Second version, 1972. Proofs and printed copies of 1967 version with corrections 459. 9 Third version, 1980. Printed copy 93. "Time, Probability and Determinism," 1967 October 20. Speech, Oxford University, Oxford, England 5 Correspondence with J. Ravest, 1967 6 Notes 7-9 Typescript 10 "Erkenntnistheorie und Wissenschaftstheorie," 1968? Notes 11 "Problems and History Problem-Situations," 1968? Typescript. Includes letter from L. Landgrebe 94. "The Distributivity of Lattices with Unique Complements," 1968 1 General Correspondence. Includes copies of text 2 Unidentified, 1968 3 Bernays, Paul, 1968 4 Bunge, Mario and Marta, 1968 5 Dilworth, R. P., 1968 6 Hermes, Hans, 1968 7 Kleene, Stephen C., 1968 8 MacLane, Professor, 1968 9 Maddox, John, 1968 10 Robinson, Abraham, 1968 11-16 Typescript and holograph 17 "Mathematics, Observation and Physical Thought," in Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave, ed., Problems in the Philosophy of Science, 1968. Printed copy 94. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 18 "On Rules of Detachment and So-Called Inductive Logic," in Imre Lakatos, ed., The Problem of Inductive Logic: Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, 1968. Typescript and printed copy 19 "On So-Called Paradoxes in Physics," in Imre Lakatos, ed., Problems in the Philosophy of Science, 1968. Printed copy "Plato," International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1968 20 General 21 Correspondence, 1962-1968 22 Holograph 95. 1 Typescript "Remarks on the Problems of Demarcation and of Rationality," in Imre Lakatos, ed., Problems in the Philosophy of Science, 1968 2 General. Includes memoranda, contributions by others, and William W. Bartley, III, "Theories of Demarcation between Science and Metaphysics" 3-4 Typescript "Theories, Experience and Probabilistic Intuitions," in Imre Lakatos, ed., The Problem of Inductive Logic: Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, 1968 5 General. Discussion by Yehoshua Bar-Hillel of Rudolf Carnap's paper Correspondence 6 Lakatos, Imre, 1967. Includes Imre Lakatos, "Dr. Lakatos on Professor Mercier" 7 Miller, David W., 1967. Includes typescript of "Theories, Experience and Probabilistic Intuitions" 8-9 Typescript and holograph 10 Printed copy "A Revised Definition of Natural Necessity," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1968 February. Reply to G. C. Nerlich and W. A. Suchting 11 Correspondence, 1967. Includes G. C. Nerlich and W. A. Suchting, "A Note on Popper on Law and Natural Necessity" 12-17 Typescript and holograph 18 Printed copy 95. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 19 "Im Dickicht der Ideen: Moderne Philosophie zwischen Politik und Wissenschaft," 1968 April 29. Television interview, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich, Germany. Typescript questions, notes, and correspondence 96. "Birkhoff and von Neumann's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics," Nature, 1968 August 17. See also "Reply to Ramsey and Pool," 1969 May 1 General. Includes research material Correspondence 2 General 3-4 Unidentified 5 Atkin, R. H., 1968 6 Bohm, David J., 1969 7 Broglie, Louis de, 1969 8 Browne, G. L., 1967-1968. Includes correspondence neither to nor from Karl Popper 9 Conant, James B., 1968 10 Dockx, S., 1968 11 Fay, G., 1968 12 Feyerabend, Paul K., 1969 13 Finkelstein, David, 1968 14 Groenewold, H. J., 1968 15 Heerden, Pieter J. van, 1968 16 Herz, Martin F., 1968 17 Jates, Dr., 1968 18 Jauch, J. M., 1968-1970 19 MacIntyre, Rae, 1969 20 Margenau, Henry, 1969 21 Montague, Richard, 1968 22 Motz, Hans, 1968 23 Nature, 1968 24 Ramsay, Arlan, 1969 25 Strauss, Martin, 1968 26 Vajda, S., 1968 27 Waerden, B. L. van der, 1968 28 Wilson, J. A., 1969 29 Yourgrau, Wolfgang, 1968 30 Typescript and holograph 97. 1-8 Typescript and holograph 98. 1-10 Typescript and holograph 99. 1-3 Typescript and holograph 4 Proofs 5 Printed copy 99. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Contributions, 1968 Salzburg Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, Austria, 1968 August 29-31 6-7 General. Includes papers of others Correspondence and clippings. See Contributions, 14th International Congress of Philosophy, 1968 September 2-9 "The Moral Responsibility of the Scientist" (paper actually read in Vienna) English version 8 Typescript 9 Proofs 10 Printed copy with corrections 11 French version. Typescript German version 12 Typescript 13 Proofs. Includes correspondence 14 Printed copy Italian version. See CORRESPONDENCE, Edizioni della Nuova Antologia 15 Participation in a discussion of a paper by Adolf Grunbaum. Proofs and printed copy 100. Contributions, 14th International Congress of Philosophy, Vienna, Austria, 1968 September 2-9 1 General 2 Correspondence. Includes correspondence with Max Black and Paul Weingartner, 1968 3 Clippings "On the Theory of the Objective Mind" English version 4-5 Holograph 6-8 Typescript 101. 1-2 Typescript 3 Proofs 4 Printed copy German version 5 Holograph 6 Typescript "Quantum Theory, Quantum Logic and the Calculus of Probability" 7 Typescript and holograph 8 Proofs 9 Printed copy 101. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 10 Contribution, Simposium de Filosofia de la Ciencia: Homenaje a Karl R. Popper, Burgos, Spain, 1968 September 23-25. Correspondence, program, and summary of a paper by Pedro Schwartz 11 "A Statistical Experiment to Determine the Michelson Ether-Drift," 1969? Typescript draft and correspondence with Cornelius Lanczos, 1969 12 "The Status of the Principle of Equivalence and of Mach's Principle in General Relativity," 1969? Holograph and typescript draft 13 Introduction of Alfred J. Ayer, Sixth Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture, 1969. Typescript "A Pluralist Approach to the Philosophy of History," in Erich Streissler, ed., Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of F. A. von Hayek, 1969 (based on a speech delivered at Oxford University Science Society, Oxford, England, 1967 November 3) Early version 14 General 15 Correspondence, 1968 16 Typescript 102. 1 Printed copy 2-6 Revised version, 1971. Printed copy of 1969 with corrections "Knowledge and the Body-Mind Problem," 1969 March-April. Lecture series, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Includes revisions for intended publication 7-12 General. Includes fragments of revised versions and outline 459. 11 General 102. Correspondence 13 General 14 Atwood, Sanford S., 1968-1969 15 Laird, Sam L., 1969 16 Ward, Judson C., 1968 17 Williams, Frank C., 1968 18-20 Unidentified fragments 103. 1-2 Lecture no. 1, March 27. Typescript. Includes transcript of discussion following 3 Lecture no. 2, April 1. Typescript. Includes transcript of discussion following 4 Lecture no. 3, April 8. Typescript. Includes transcript of discussion following 5 Lecture no. 4, April 15. Typescript. Includes transcript of discussion following SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Knowledge and the Body-Mind Problem" (Contd.) Lecture no. 5, April 22 104. 1 Typescript. Includes transcript of discussion following 459. 12 Typescript 104. 2 Lecture no. 6, April 29. Typescript. Includes transcript of discussion following 3 "Reply to Ramsey and Pool," 1969 May. Typescript 4 Letter to the editor, Encounter, 1969 July. Printed copy. A reply to Henry D. Aiken. Includes Henry D. Aiken's letter to the editor entitled "Popper's 'Moral Responsibility'" 5 "Organisms and Computers vis-a-vis Problems," 1969 August 9. Notes 6 "Knowledge without Belief," 1969 December 11. University Centennial Symposium in Honor of Sir Karl Popper, Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, Boston, Massachusetts. Announcement 7 "Mein Expose," 1970? (intended for newspaper interview). Typescript 8 Notes relating to induction, 1970. Holograph 9 "On Human Freedom and the Third World," 1970 February 17. Typescript notes 10 "On the Rationality Principle in Psychology, Biology, and Physics," 1970 February 17. Typescript notes "Plato, Timaeus 54e-55a," The Classical Review, 1970 March 11 General Correspondence 12-13 Unidentified 14 Fordyce, C. J., 1969 15 Guthrie, William Chambers Keith, 1969 16 Naff, Thomas, 1969 17 Typescript 18 Printed copy 19 Letter to the editor, Times Literary Supplement, 1970 March 26. Printed copy "Induction," 1970 April. Drafts for books (unpublished) 20 General. Includes research material 21 Holograph 22 Typescript "Eine Objektive Theorie des historischen Verstehens," Schweizer Monatshefte, 1970 June 23 Printed copy 459. 13 Printed copy (annotated) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 105. 1 "Some Problems on Which I Have Worked," 1970 April. Holograph notes relating to the philosophy of science 2 "Situational Logic vs. Induction," 1970 April 2. Typescript notes 3 "On the Conspiracy Theories of Religion," 1970 April 3. Typescript notes "The Philosophy of Russell: II," 1970 April 4. Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England (participants included Peter Strawson, Geoffrey Warnock, and Bryan Magee) 4 General 5 Notes 6 Typescript transcript 7 Proofs 8 Printed copy 9 "History: Hume and Kant," 1970 April 6. Holograph notes 10 "Realism versus Idealism: Comments on Our Present Scientific World Picture or the Reductionist World Picture," 1970 April 6. Typescript notes 11 "A Pluralist Philosophy of Mathematics," 1970 April 6-27. Typescript notes 12 "Works of Art Considered as Third-World Objects: Standards of Art and Standards of Science," 1970 April 10. Typescript notes 13 "On Verisimilitude and Reliability: Criticism of Professor Ayer's Inductive Principle," 1970 April 28. Typescript notes 14 "The Gamov Postulate and Quantum Mechanics," 1970 September 23. Typescript notes "Conversation with Karl Popper" (on natural selection and the emergence of mind), 1970 December 13. Radio broadcast, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England 15 General Correspondence 16 DeFelice, Daphne, 1984 17 Denson, Alan, 1970 18 Listener, 1970. Includes corrections 19 Magee, Bryan, 1970. Includes typescript of broadcast 20 Holograph 21 Typescript. Includes table of contents and outline 22 Printed copy, 1971 23 Danish translation, 1972. Printed copy 459. 14 Japanese translation, 1976. Printed copy SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 106. "Conjectural Knowledge: My Solution to the Problem of Induction," Revue internationale de philosophie, 1971 1-4 Typescript and holograph 5 Printed copy "Particle Annihilation and the Argument of Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen," in Wolfgang Yourgrau and Alwyn van der Merwe, ed., Perspectives in Quantum Theory: Essays in Honour of Alfred Lande, 1971 6 General. Includes notes and research material Correspondence, 1969-1971 7 Goodall, Charles W., 1970-1971 8 Lande, Alfred, n.d. Includes Alfred Lande, "The Decline and Fall of Quantum Dualism" 9 Yourgrau, Wolfgang, 1969-1970 10-11 Holograph 12-13 Typescript 14 Proofs 15 Printed copy "Revolution oder Reform?" 1971 January 5. Radio broadcast, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich, Germany 16 General. Includes promotional materials and responses received from viewers 107. Correspondence 1 Lasky, Melvin J., 1972 2 Stark, Franz, 1971 3-5 Typescript and holograph Printed copy 6 English 7 Finnish 8 Reviews 9 "Einstein's Greatness" (with Peter B. Medawar), 1971 May 23. Letter to the editor, Sunday Telegraph (London). Printed copy "Conjectural Knowledge: My Solution of the Problem of Induction," 1971 June 7. James Scott Lecture, Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland (lecture based on version appearing in Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Karl Popper; revised lecture version published in Objective Knowledge, 1972) 10 General Correspondence 11 Pirie, Madsen, 1970-1971 12 Rutherford, William, 1970-1971 13 Holograph 14-16 Typescript 108. 1-4 Typescript 5 Printed copy 108. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Some Philosophical Comments on Tarski's Theory of Truth," 1971 June 30. Speech, Tarski Symposium, University of California, Berkeley, California. See also "Some Philosophical Comments on Tarski's Theory of Truth," 1972 May 4 6 General. Includes papers read by others and research material Correspondence 7 Hayakawa, S. I., 1971 8 Vaught, Robert L., 1971 9 Holograph 10-11 Typescript 109. 1-5 Typescript. Includes correspondence with Leon Henkin, 1971-1972 6 Proofs 7 "Determinism, Indeterminism and World 3," 1971 September 22. Speech, Amsterdam, Holland. Typescript 8 "Wider die grossen Worte: Ein Pladoyer fur intellektuelle Redlichkeit," Die Zeit, 1971 September 24. Holograph and printed copy 9 Interview, radio broadcast, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Hamburg, Germany, 1971 November. Typescript and holograph 10 Interview granted in English (possibly in the Netherlands), 1972? Typescript 110. Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach, 1972 1 General Correspondence 2 General, 1971-1980 3 Unknown, 1972-1982 4 Acton, H. B., 1972 5 Adams, Walter, 1972 6 Belsey, Andrew, 1973 7 Fletcher, Amelia, 1976 8 Kraft, Victor, 1972 9 Miller, David W., 1972 10 Moser, Peter, 1974 11 Ravetz, Jerry R., 1972 12 Ryle, Gilbert, 1972-1973 13 Stegmuller, Wolfgang, 1973 English version. Typescript and holograph. Includes some proofs 14-24 General. Includes notes, fragments, and correspondence 25 Preface 26-27 Chapter 1 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Objective Knowledge (Contd.) English version (Contd.) 111. 1-10 Chapter 1 112. 1-11 Chapter 2. Includes correspondence with John W. N. Watkins, 1971 113. 1-8 Chapter 2 114. 1-3 Chapter 3 4-5 Chapter 4 6-7 Chapter 5 8-10 Chapter 6 11-16 Chapter 7 115. 1-3 Chapter 8 4-10 Chapter 9 11-13 Appendix 1. "The Bucket and the Searchlight: Two Theories of Knowledge" 14-18 Appendix 2. "Supplementary Remarks" (1978) 459. 15 Appendix 2. "Supplementary Remarks" (1978). Includes introduction to the 1979 revised edition 116. 1 Index 2-12 Proofs. Includes correspondence 117. 1-6 Proofs 118. 1-6 Proofs 119. 1-2 Proofs Reviews 3 Danish 4 English 5 French 459. 16 Greek 119. 6 Swedish German version, 1973 7-8 Typescript and holograph 9 Proofs 120. 1 Proofs Reviews 2 English 3 French 4-5 German SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "On Reason and the Open Society," Encounter, 1972. Interview (translated and reworked version of Norddeutscher Rundfunk broadcast of 1971 November) 6 General. Includes writings by others 7 Correspondence with Melvin Lasky, 1972. Includes typescript 8 Typescript 9 Proofs 10 Printed copy 11 "Revolution and Continuity in Science," 1972. Typescript and holograph 121. "Wissenschaftstheorie," 1972 March 16. Radio broadcast, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Hamburg, Germany 1 Holograph 2 Typescript. Includes correspondence "Was ist Liberal?" 1972 May. Radio broadcast, Osterreichischer Rundfunk, Vienna, Austria 3 Correspondence, 1972 4 Typescript and holograph "Aufklarung-Gegenaufklarung," 1972 May 2. Speech, Dusseldorf, Germany 5 Correspondence with Hans-Friedrich Holters and Wirtschaftswoche, 1971-1972 6 Notes 7 Clippings 8 "Some Philosophical Comments on Tarski's Theory of Truth," 1972 May 4. Speech, Brussels, Belgium. Correspondence, 1971-1972 9 "Indeterminism is Not Enough," 1972 May 6-7. Speech, Louvain, Belgium. Correspondence, 1971-1972 "Bemerkungen eines Realisten uber das Leib-Seele Problem," 1972 May 8. Speech, Mannheim, Germany 10 Correspondence, 1972. Includes correspondence with Simon Moser 11-12 Holograph 13 Typescript 14 "Unvollstandigkeit aller Wissenschaft," 1972 May 10. Speech, Karlsruhe, Germany. Typescript and holograph SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 122. "Scientific Reduction and the Essential Incompleteness of All Science," 1972 June. Speech, Serbelloni Conference, Chance and Creativity in Evolution, Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Italy English version 1 Correspondence with Francisco J. Ayala, 1972-1973. Includes typescripts 2-3 Holograph 4-9 Typescript 123. 1-9 Typescript 10 Printed copy 11 German version, n.d. Typescript 124. "Indeterminism Is not Enough," 1972 September 6. Speech, Mont Pelerin Society Anniversary Meeting, Montreux, Switzerland 1 General 2-3 Holograph 4-13 Typescript. Includes correspondence, 1972 125. 1-2 Typescript 3 Proofs 4 Printed copy 5 Speech, Symposium on the Development of the Physicist's Conception of Nature, Trieste, Italy, 1972 September 18-25. Correspondence, 1972 6 Essay, 1972 October (based on a treatise first worked on in 1965). Typescript (in German) "On the Problem of Body and Mind," 1972 October 31. Romanes Lecture, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, England. Includes two earlier versions of lecture 7 General. Includes holograph and typescript notes and fragments 8 Correspondence with Alan Bullock, 1972 First version. "Problems of Matter and Life" 9-10 Holograph 11-15 Typescript 126. Second version. "Three Worlds" 1 Holograph 2-7 Typescript Final version. "On the Problem of Body and Mind" 8-9 Holograph 10-13 Typescript 127. 1-6 Typescript SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 128. "Zur Theorie der Politik: Bemerkungen zu einer Arbeit von Heiner Flohr," Rechtstheorie: Zeitschrift fur Logik, Methodenlehre, Kybernetik und Theorie des Rechts, 1973 1 Correspondence with Klaus Adomeit, 1972 2 Typescript and holograph 3 Proofs 4 "Lamarckism and DNA," 1973 January. Typescript and holograph notes 5 Three speeches entitled "Indeterminism is not Enough," "Three Idols of Empiricism," and "The Myth of the Framework," Faculty of Arts Open Lectures, University of Otago, New Zealand, 1973 March 14, April 4, and April 11. Announcements "Some Notes on Early Greek Cosmology," 1973 May 8. Henry Dan Broadhead Memorial Lecture, Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand 6 Correspondence with Charles H. Kahn, 1973. Includes writings of Charles Kahn 7 Holograph 8-13 Typescript. Includes correspondence, 1973 129. 1-6 Typescript "Historical Prophecy as an Obstacle to Peace," 1973 May 25. Sonning Prize Lecture, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 7 General Correspondence 8 Unidentified, 1973 9 Bak, Thor A., 1973 10 Blegvad, Mogens, 1973. Includes address delivered by Mogens Blegvad 11 Bunge, Mario, 1973 12 Hamilton, Alistair, 1973 13 Hansen, Troels Eggers, 1973 14 Hayek, Friedrich A. von, 1973 15 Hayman, W. K., 1973 16 Lassen, Elsebeth, 1973 17 Medawar, Peter B., 1973 18 Mejer, Jorgen, 1973 19 Reed, Alan, 1973 20 Smithers, David W., 1976 21-22 Typescript 130. 1 "Some Problems in Evolutionary Theory," 1973 August 7. Typescript notes 2 "A Note on the Symmetry and Consistency of Special Relativity: Elaborating Nine Lines of Einstein's," 1973 October 4. Typescript and holograph notes 130. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 3 "The Story of Life," 1973 October 24. Typescript and holograph "The Rationality of Scientific Revolutions," 1973 November. The Herbert Spencer Lectures, Oxford, England 4 General Notes, 1973 5 November 2 6 November 6 English version 7 Correspondence, 1973-1975 8-9 Typescript and holograph 131. 1-10 Typescript and holograph 132. 1-9 Typescript and holograph 133. 1-9 Proofs 10 Review 11 Spanish version, 1983. Printed copy 12 Untitled radio broadcast, Hessischer Rundfunk, 1973 December 18-20. Holograph 134. "Autobiography of Karl Popper," in Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Karl Popper, Vol. I, 1974 1 Timetable 2 Instructions of Karl Popper as to standardization of the manuscript, including "Replies to my Critics" 3 Correspondence re editing conventions adopted Notes 4-6 General 7 Editorial (David W. Miller) 8 1969 Holograph 9-10 First draft 11-12 Subsequent draft (in part typescript) 135. 1-3 Subsequent draft (in part typescript) Typescript (in part holograph) 1969 136. 1-5 February 137. 1-5 March 138. 1-5 June 6 July 139. 1-4 August SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Autobiography of Karl Popper" (Contd.) Typescript (Contd.) 140. 1-2 1971 3 1971 or 1972 141. 1-2 1972? 142. 1-5 1972 March 143. 1-5 Segments Miscellaneous pages 6-9 General 10 Checked 11 Retyped 12 Rejected Corrections. Includes retyped pages and insertions 13-17 General 18 Chapters 2,3,6,10,16 19 Chapter 37. Includes notes on Darwin 1969 20 March 21 December 22 1970 February 144. Carbon copy 1 Pages 1-327 (complete set, but not checked nor corrected) 2 Pages 1-238 3 Pages 1-106 4 Pages 70-112 5 Miscellaneous pages. Includes some typescript corrected pages 145. Proofs 1 General. Includes proofs of index for both volumes and Karl Popper's explanatory note, 1973 January 8 Undated 2-6 Complete set 7-10 Segments and miscellaneous pages 146. 1 Segments and miscellaneous pages 2 Insertions 1973 3-5 March. Includes notes and letter of Jeremy F. G. Shearmur to Eugene Freeman, with checklist of corrections and queries December 6-8 Corrected pages 9 Correspondence and remarks 10 Correspondence 11 Instructions to the printer SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 147. "Replies to My Critics," in Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Karl Popper, Vol. II, 1974 General 1 Lists of suggested contributors 2-4 Notes 5 Table of contents Typescript Copy 1 6 Chapters 1-24 7 Chapters 25-47 8 Chapters 1-24 148. 1 Chapters 25-47 2 Chapters 1-47 Copy 2 3 Chapters 1-28 149. 1 Chapters 29-47 Copy 3 2 Chapters 1-23 3 Chapters 24-47 Miscellaneous chapters 4-5 1-9 6-7 1-3 8 4/1-9/7 9 6/3-9/5 10 6/4-8/1 11 Miscellaneous pages 12 Suggested corrections and queries 150. Proofs 1-2 Notes and queries. Includes correspondence 3-7 Complete sets 151. 1-4 Complete sets Miscellaneous chapters 5 1-11 6 1-10 7 Miscellaneous pages Corrections, 1974 8 January 30 9 January 31 152. 1 Promotional material (for both volumes) Reviews (for both volumes) 2 General 3 Flew, Antony G. N., "Thinking Things Through." Includes correspondence 4 Correspondence 152. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Replies to My Critics" (Contd.) Chapters 1-4 (Section I: Introduction. 1. "Aristophanes and the Socratic Legend." 2. "The Popper Legend." 3. "The Background of the Legend: Criterion of Demarcation versus Criterion of Meaning." 4. "Kraft on My Relation to the Vienna Circle"). Note: the numbers given here are the ones assigned in the final version, and not the ones often used in the manuscript 5-8 Holograph 9 Typescript Chapter 4 ("Kraft on My Relation to the Vienna Circle") 10 Victor Kraft's contribution 11 Correspondence, 1970 153. 1 Chapter 5 ("The Centre of the Dispute: The Problem of Demarcation"). Holograph and typescript 2 Chapter 6 ("Difficulties of the Demarcation Proposal"). Holograph and typescript 3 Chapter 7 ("Empirical-Scientific and Non-Scientific Theories"). Holograph 4 Chapter 8 ("Ad-Hoc Hypotheses and Auxiliary Hypotheses: The Falsifiability of Newton's Theory"). Holograph 5 Chapter 9 (discarded version). Holograph Chapter 9 ("Kneale on My Alleged Exclusion of Non-Universal Hypotheses") 6 William Kneale's contribution 7 Holograph 8 Typescript 9 Correspondence, 1964 Chapter 10 ("Quine on My Avoidance of the 'Paradoxes of Confirmation'") 10 Willard Van Orman Quine's contribution 11 Notes, including on Carl G. Hempel 12 Holograph 13 Typescript 14 Suggested corrections 15 Correspondence Chapter 11 ("Putnam on 'Auxiliary Sentences,' Called by Me 'Initial Conditions'") 16 Hilary Putnam's contribution 17 Notes 18 Holograph 19 Typescript 20 Proofs 154. Chapter 12 ("Lakatos on the Equal Status of Newton's and Freud's Theories") Imre Lakatos' contribution 1-2 Early version, n.d. 3 Final version, 1970 September 25 4-5 Notes 154. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Replies to My Critics" (Contd.) Chapter 12 (Contd.) 6-8 Holograph (in part typescript) Typescript 9 First draft 10-12 Subsequent drafts 13 Final copy sent to the printer 14 Miscellaneous pages 15 Corrections and comments Proofs (in part typescript) 16 Notes from Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 17 Complete set 18 Miscellaneous pages 155. 1 Miscellaneous pages. Includes inserted holograph and typescript pages Corrections 2-4 General 5 Correspondence, 1973 6 Reply to Lakatos' Postscript of 1971. Typescript Chapters 13-15 (Section III: The Problem of Induction. 13. "My Solution of Hume's Problem of Induction." 14. "The Psychological and Pragmatic Problems of Induction." 15. "Objective and Subjective Knowledge") 7 Notes 8 Holograph Typescript 9 Early version, n.d. 10 Final version, 1970 March-May 156. Chapter 16 ("Medawar on Hypothesis and Imagination") 1 Peter B. Medawar's contribution 2 Notes 3 Holograph Typescript 4 General. Includes letter from David W. Miller to Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 5 Miscellaneous pages 6 Correspondence, 1966-1971 Chapter 17 ("Maxwell on Demarcation and Induction") 7 Grover Maxwell's contribution 8 Holograph 9-10 Typescript 11 Correspondence, 1970 Chapter 18 ("Levison's Critique of My Solution of the Problem of Induction") 12 Arnold B. Levison's contribution 13 Notes 14 Holograph 15 Typescript 156. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Replies to My Critics" (Contd.) Chapter 19 ("Bar-Hillel on the Compatibility between Static and Dynamic Theories of Science") 16 Yehoshua Bar-Hillel's contribution. Includes letter from Paul Arthur Schilpp, 1971 March 18 17 Notes 18 Holograph 19 Typescript 20 Chapter 20 (Introductory remark to Section IV: "Evolution and World 3"). Typescript Chapter 21 ("Eccles on World 3 and the Mind-Body Liaison") John C. Eccles' contribution 21 First version 22 Second version. Includes Karl Popper's note re John C. Eccles' new introduction Holograph 23 First draft 24 Final version Typescript 25 First draft 26 Final version 157. Chapter 22 ("Watkins on Indeterminism as the Central Problem of My Philosophy") 1-2 John W. N. Watkins' contribution Comments on the Watkins-Salmon controversy on induction and corroboration Notes 4 General 5 On "Human Freedom and the Third World" 6 Holograph 7 Typescript 8 Correspondence, 1969 Chapter 23 ("Campbell on the Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge") 9-10 Donald T. Campbell's contribution 11 Holograph 12 Typescript 13 Correspondence, 1966-1970 Chapter 24 ("Freeman and Skolimowski on Peirce's Anticipations of Popper") 14-15 Eugene Freeman and Henryk Skolimowski's contribution 16 Holograph 17 Typescript 18 Correspondence, 1968-1970 158. Chapter 25 ("Feigl and Meehl on the Determinism or Completeness of World 1") 1 Herbert Feigl and Paul E. Meehl's contribution 2 Notes 3 Holograph 4 Typescript 158. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Replies to My Critics" (Contd.) Chapter 26 ("Musgrave on My Exclusion of Psychologism") Alan E. Musgrave's contribution. Includes correspondence 5 1970 March 26 6 1970 May 1 7 1970 July 7 8 Holograph 9 Typescript 10 Chapter 27 (Introductory remark to Section V: "Rationality and Criticism and Some Problems in Logic"). Typescript Chapter 28 ("Bernays' Plea for a Wider Notion of Rationality") 11 Paul Bernays' contribution. Includes Jeremy F. G. Shearmur's notes and corrections, 1971 November 30 12 Notes Holograph 13 First draft 14 Final version Typescript 15 General 16 Miscellaneous pages (in part holograph) 17 Correspondence, 1970-1971 159. Chapter 29 ("Bronowski on the Impact of Logik der Forschung and on Tarski's Theory of Truth") 1 Jacob Bruno Bronowski's contribution 2 Notes 3 Holograph 4 Typescript Chapter 30 ("Lejewski's Axiomatization of My Theory of Deducibility") Czeslaw Lejewski's contribution 5 1967 6 1970 7 Holograph 8 Typescript 9 Correspondence, 1966-1970 Chapter 31 ("Schlesinger on My Paper on Self-Reference and Meaning") 10 George Schlesinger's contribution 11 Notes 12 Holograph Typescript 13 General 14 Suggested corrections Chapter 32 ("Ayer on Empiricism and against Verisimilitude") 15 Alfred J. Ayer's contribution 16 Notes 159. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Replies to My Critics" (Contd.) Chapter 32 (Contd.) Holograph 17-18 First drafts 19 Final version 20 Miscellaneous pages Typescript 21-22 First drafts 23 Final version 24 Miscellaneous pages 25 Suggested corrections Chapter 33 ("Agassi on a Modified Conventionalism") 26 Joseph Agassi's contribution. Includes letter from Joseph Agassi, 1971 27 Notes Holograph 28 First draft 29 Final version Typescript 30 First draft 31 Final version 32 Correspondence, 1969-1971 33 Chapter 34 (Introductory remark to Section VI: "Objectivity in Probability Theory and in Physics"). Typescript 160. Chapter 35 ("Settle on Induction and the Propensity Theory of Probability") 1 Thomas W. Settle's contribution 2 Notes 3 Holograph 4 Typescript 5 Correspondence, 1969-1970 Chapter 36 ("Margenau on Empiricism, Probability, and Quantum Mechanics") 6 Henry Margenau's contribution 7 Holograph 8 Typescript Chapter 37 ("Suppes' Criticism of the Propensity Interpretation of Probability and Quantum Mechanics") 9 Patrick Suppes' contribution 10 Research material (writings by Patrick Suppes, as well as by Satosi Watanabe and V. S. Varadarajan) 11 Notes 12-13 Holograph Typescript 14-18 General 19-20 Miscellaneous pages 160. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Replies to My Critics" (Contd.) Chapter 38 ("Grunbaum on Time and Entropy") 21 Adolf Grunbaum's contribution 22 Notes (in part typescript) 23 Holograph 24 Typescript 25 Correspondence, 1967-1971 161. Chapter 39 ("Kuhn on the Normality of Normal Science") 1 Thomas S. Kuhn's contribution. Includes letter from Thomas S. Kuhn, 1966 2 Notes 3 Holograph 4 Typescript Chapter 40 ("Wisdom on the Similarity between Kuhn and Popper") 5 John O. Wisdom's contribution 6 Holograph 7 Typescript 8 Chapter 41 (Introductory remark to Section VII: "Historical and Social Philosophy"). Typescript Chapter 42 ("Lord Boyle on the Dualism of Facts and Decisions in The Open Society") 9 Edward Boyle's contribution 10 Holograph (first page only) Typescript 11 First version 12-13 Final version (in part holograph) 14 Correspondence, 1963-1971 Chapter 43 ("Wild on The Open Society") 15 John Wild's contribution 16 Holograph 17 Typescript Chapter 44 ("Acton on the Part Played by Repression in Karl Marx") 18 Holograph 19 Typescript Chapter 45 ("Winch on The Open Society") 20 Peter Winch's contribution 21 Holograph Typescript 22-23 General 24 Suggested corrections and retyped pages 25 Correspondence, n.d. Chapter 46 ("Donagan on The Poverty of Historicism") 26 Alan Donagan's contribution 27 Holograph 28 Typescript 29 Correspondence, 1966 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Replies to My Critics" (Contd.) 162. Chapter 47 ("Gombrich on Situational Logic and Periods and Fashion in Art") 1 Ernst H. Gombrich's contribution 2 Notes, including on Wolfgang Kohler 3 Holograph 4 Typescript "Falsifiability and Freedom," in Fons Elders, ed., Reflexive Water, 1974. Discussion between Karl Popper and John C. Eccles, led by Fons Elders 5 General 6-9 Typescript 10 Proofs 11 Correspondence with Fons Elders, 1972-1974 163. "Radical Philosophers: The Frankfurt School," 1974 January 27. Contribution to a British Broadcasting Corporation radio program recorded on January 18. See also "Reason or Revolution?" 1960 1 Notes 2 Interview transcript, January 10 Broadcast, January 27 3 Holograph 4-6 Typescript 7 Program transcript Paper written in preparation for that interview, but not actually broadcast in this form Short version 8-9 Typescript, 1974 10 Printed copy, 1978, as published in Gesprache mit Herbert Marcuse in a German translation entitled "Bemerkungen uber die Frankfurter Schule." Includes letter to Suhrkampf Verlag 11 Long version. Typescript, 1981 Contributions to the C.H. Boehringer Sohn Symposium, The Creative Process in Science and Medicine, Kronberg, Taunus, Germany, 1974 May 16-17 12 General 13 Notes 14 Introductory remarks. Typescript Discussion 15-17 Typescript 164. 1-4 Typescript 5 Miscellaneous pages 6 Correspondence 7 Clipping 164. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 8 "Bemerkungen zu Roehles Arbeit und zur Axiomatik," Conceptus, 1974 August. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence "Wissenschaft und Kritik," 1974 September 5. Speech, The European Forum Alpbach 1974, Die Geistige und Wissenschaftliche Entwicklung der Letzten 30 Jahre, Alpbach, Austria 9 Notes and holograph 10 Typescript 11 Printed copy 12 Correspondence with Otto Molden, Heidi Sperch, and Simon Moser, 1974-1975 13 Clippings 14 Notes on the subject of time, 1974 November 15. Typescript Letter to the editor, The Times, 1974 December 5 15 Background material and printed copy 16 Correspondence with Diana Richmond, Melvin J. Lasky, and W. J. Whitehead, 1974-1975 17 "Die Aufgabe der Wissenschaft," "Utopie und Gewalt," "Was Ist Dialektik?" in Georg Luhrs, Thilo Sarrazin, Frithjof Spreer and Manfred Tietzel, ed., Kritischer Rationalismus und Sozialdemokratie, 1975. Typescript or annotated printed copy. Includes correspondence with Georg Luhrs (Verlag J.H.W. Dietz) 165. "How I See Philosophy," 1975 1 Notes Version for publication in Charles J. Bontempo and S. Jack Odell, ed., The Owl of Minerva: Philosophers on Philosophy, 1975 2-8 Typescript 9 Proofs 10 Printed copy 11 Correspondence with Charles J. Bontempo and S. Jack Odell, 1970-1974 459. 17 Serbo-Croatian translation, 1976. Printed copy 165. 12 Shortened version. Includes typescript sent to Andre Mercier Version for publication in Andre Mercier and Maja Svilar, ed., Philosophers on Their Own Work, 1977 Typescript 13 1976 14 1977 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "How I See Philosophy" (Contd.) Version for publication in Andre Mercier and Maja Svilar, ed., Philosophers on Their Own Work (Contd.) 166. 1 Printed copy 2 Correspondence with Maja Svilar and Andre Mercier, 1976-1977 3 French translation. Typescript. Includes the author's preface to the French edition, 1978 May 2 German translation For radio broadcast on Bayerischer Rundfunk, 1976 October 8 4 Typescript (translated by Willy Hochkeppel and annotated and revised by Karl Popper) 5 Correspondence with Willy Hochkeppel For publication in Georg Luhrs, Thilo Sarrazin, Frithjof Spreer and Manfred Tietzel, ed., Theorie und Politik aus kritisch-rationaler Sicht, 1978 (translation of shortened version) 6 Typescript 7 Proofs 8 Printed copy New impression, in Johann Christian Marek, ed., Osterreichische Philosophen und ihr Einfluss auf die analytische Philosophie der Gegenwart, 1978 9 Proofs 10 Correspondence with Johann Christian Marek and Josef Ziegler (Conceptus) Abbreviated version 11 Typescript Printed copy 12 Der Report, 1978 June 15 13 Die Welt: Geistige Welt, 1978 July 1 (under the title: "Immer auf der Suche nach dem Sundenbock"). Includes correspondence 14 Mitteilungen: Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universitat Mannheim, 1978 October 167. 1 Interview (in Swedish), Radikal-Liberalen, 1975. Printed copy 2 Letter to the editor, New Statesman, 1975 March 21. Printed copy 167. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Science without Induction," 1975 May 21 (in reply to Anthony O'Hear, Mind, 1975). Includes another version entitled "The Rationality of Prediction without Induction" 3 Holograph 4 Typescript 5 Notes and comments by Knud Haakonssen, Jeremy F. G. Shearmur and David W. Miller "Gesprach mit Sir Karl Popper," 1975 June 1. Interview conducted by Conceptus staff (not published) 6 Typescript 7 Correspondence with Alfred Schramm, Johann Gotschl, and Johann Christian Marek, 1976-1978 8 "Schlussel zur Kontrolle der Damonen," Die Presse, 1975 September 6-7. Interview. Typescript, corrections, printed copy, and correspondence with Hans Haider. Includes proofs for inclusion in Kritischer Rationalismus und Sozialdemokratie, and related material 9 "Notes on the Discussion between K. R. Popper and Margit Hurup Nielsen Concerning R. G. Collingwood's Philosophy of Historical Understanding," 1975 October. Typescript. Includes Jeremy F. G. Shearmur's notes, 1975 November 10 Notes on evolution, 1975 December 5 (in German). Typescript (in part holograph) 168. "A Note on Verisimilitude," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1976 1 Notes Typescript (in part holograph) 1975 2-3 September (first drafts entitled "Verisimilitude and Truth Content") 4 October 5 October-November 6-7 November 8-11 1976 12 Miscellaneous pages 13 Proofs 14 Printed copy 169. Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography, 1976 1 General English version First edition, 1976 Manuscript (annotated printed copy of the "Autobiography of Karl Popper," in The Philosophy of Karl Popper, The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. I, 1974, of which Unended Quest is a revised version) 2-5 General 6-8 Index (expanded) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Unended Quest (Contd.) English version (Contd.) First edition (Contd.) Manuscript (Contd.) 459. 18 Index (expanded) 170. Proofs 1-4 Preliminary 171. 1-8 Preliminary 172. 1 Final 2 Queries from Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 3 Correspondence 4 Printed copy, annotated 5 Reviews Correspondence 6 General 7 Thank-you letters, 1976-1979 Corrections to the proofs and printed copy for forthcoming translations 8-11 General 12-13 German translation 173. 1 Fourth edition, 1978. Correspondence, including corrections. See also French version Sixth edition, 1982 2 Corrections and bibliographical additions 3 Proofs (corrected pages only) 4 Printed copy, annotated 5 Seventh edition, 1986. Typewritten postscript, 1986 May Italian version, 1976 6 Typescript 7 Reviews 8 Japanese version, 1978. Reviews German version First edition, 1979 9 General 10 Typescript 174. 1-11 Typescript 175. 1-4 Typescript 176. 1-8 Typescript 177. 1-13 Typescript 178. 1-6 Proofs 179. 1-5 Proofs 6 Reviews 179. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Unended Quest (Contd.) German version (Contd.) Second edition, 1982 7-8 Corrected printed copy of first German edition 9 Proofs 10 Third edition, 1984. Proofs of dust jacket French version, 1981 11 Corrected printed copy of fourth English edition. Includes letter of Harvey Fields to Renee Bouveresse, 1980 September 4 Reviews 12 General 13 Cazes, Bernard. Includes correspondence 180. 1 "Uber Wahrheit und Sicherheit: Eine Richtigstellung," in Rechtstheorie: Zeitschrift fur Logik, Methodenlehre, Kybernetik und Soziologie des Rechts, 1976 January. Holograph, typescript, proofs, and correspondence with Klaus Adomeit 2 "On a Problem Raised by Miller," 1976 February 1. Notes, holograph, and typescript "The Death of Theories and of Ideologies," 1976 April 14. Speech, 2nd International Symposium on Philosophy, Sparta, Greece 3 General 4 Notes and outline 5 Holograph Typescript 6 Long version 7-9 Short version, for publication in La Reflexion sur la mort 10 Printed copy 11 German translation. Typescript 12 Paper by Constantine D. Tsatsos 13 Correspondence with I. N. Theodorakopoulos, Maja Svilar and Andre Mercier, 1975-1976 14 Clippings "Time, Potential Infinity, and Actual Infinity," 1976 July 9 15 Holograph and typescript 16 Correspondence with Gerald J. Whitrow, 1976-1977. Includes his "On the Impossibility of an Infinite Past" 17 Interview for the Frankfurter Allgemeine, 1976 October 30 (date on which answers to the Frankfurter Allgemeine's questions were sent). Typescript and correspondence SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 181. The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism (with John C. Eccles), 1977 English version First edition, 1977 1 Research material Notes 2-9 General 459. 19 General 181. 10-11 1952-1953 182. 1-2 1952-1953 3 1970 1974 4 April-May 5 September (re Part III) 6 October-November 7-8 1975 9-11 1976 12 1977 (Comments about 'emergence discussion' after telephone conversation of January 13) 13 To John C. Eccles 14 By Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 15 Re "Digression: The Body-Mind Problem" 183. 1-2 Holograph (in part typescript) Typescript (in part holograph) 3-5 Preliminary version 184. 1 Preliminary version 2 Miscellaneous draft pages, including an outline entitled "Indeterminism: Openness of Physical Theory" (also entitled "The Incompleteness of Physical Theory") Part I (Karl Popper's contribution) 3 Table of contents 4 Acknowledgements 5-7 Preface. Includes letter from John C. Eccles, 1977 January 18 Introduction 8-9 General 10 "An Historical Introduction to the Problem of Matter and Mind: Introductory" (draft only - not for publication) 11 Complete set 185. 1-10 Fragments SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) The Self and Its Brain (Contd.) English version (Contd.) First edition (Contd.) Typescript (Contd.) Part I (Contd.) 186. 1-9 Fragments 187. 1-5 Fragments 188. 1-7 Fragments 189. 1-7 Fragments 190. 1-12 Fragments 459. 20-21 Fragments 22 Miscellaneous pages 191. 13 Miscellaneous pages 191. 1-5 Insertions 6 Suggested corrections 7 Bibliography Part II (John C. Eccles' contribution) 8 Table of contents 9 Chapter 1 10 Chapter 2 11 Chapter 3 12 Chapter 4 13 Chapter 5 14 Chapter 6 15 Chapter 7 16 Chapter 8 17 Bibliography Part III (Dialogues) 192. 1-3 Complete set 193. 1 Complete set 2-6 Fragments 194. 1-13 Fragments 459. 23 Fragments 194. 14 Miscellaneous pages and additions. Includes queries and notes 195. 1 Suggested corrections 459. 24 Suggested corrections 195. 2-3 As sent to the printer 4 Bibliography SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) The Self and Its Brain (Contd.) English version (Contd.) First edition (Contd.) 196. Proofs 1 Introductory pages Part I 2-4 Complete set 5 Fragments 197. 1-11 Fragments 12 Additions Part III 13 General 198. 1-4 General 5 Diagrams 6 Bibliography 7 Index 8 Correspondence, 1972-1978 9 Promotional material, including dust jacket Reviews 199. 1-4 General 459. 25 General 199. 5 With accompanying letters from David M. Armstrong, Andrew G. Bjelland, and Peter B. Medawar 6 Barlow, Horace B. Includes correspondence 7 Mandler, George. Includes John C. Eccles' letter to the editor 8 Sutherland, Stuart. Includes John C. Eccles' letters to the editor 9 Warnock, G. J. Includes Karl Popper's reply 200. 1-2 Corrections for forthcoming editions and translations 3 First corrected printing, 1981. Proofs Paperback edition, 1984 4 Postscript. Holograph 5-7 Corrected copy of 1981 printing 8 Second corrected printing, 1985. Proofs 459. 26 Chinese version of Chapter 2 ("Worlds 1, 2, 3"), Philosophical Problems in the Natural Sciences (Ziran Kexue Zhexue Wenti Conkan), 1980. Printed copy 200. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) The Self and Its Brain (Contd.) 9 Italian version, 1981. Review German version, 1982 Corrections 10 To English edition proofs 11 To translation 12 Proofs 201. 1-6 Proofs 202. 1-3 Proofs 4 Promotional material 5-7 Reviews "Some Remarks on Panpsychism and Epiphenomenalism," Dialectica, 1977 8-9 Typescript 10 Proofs 11 Spanish translation, Teorema, 1978. Printed copy 12 Interview (by mail) used for an article by John H. Douglas entitled "The 2 Cultures Twenty Years Later," Science News, 1977 February 19. Typescript answer to one of the three questions, printed copy, and correspondence, 1976 "In Defense of Optimism: An Interview with Sir Karl Popper" (by Shari Steiner), intended for publication in the New York Times Magazine, 1977 June 13 Notes 14 Holograph 15 Typescript 16 Correspondence 17 "Unsere Pflicht ist, optimistisch zu sein," Spiegel, 1977 ca. July. Interview. Holograph, typescript, and proofs 203. "Natural Selection and the Emergence of Mind," 1977 November 8. Darwin lecture, Darwin College, Cambridge, England 1 General 2 Notes and outline. Includes typewritten notes of November 11 Holograph 3 General 4 Miscellaneous pages Typescript (in part holograph) 5-11 Undated 12 October 13 13 October 17 14 October 21 15 October 24 16-17 October 25 18-19 October 26 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Natural Selection and the Emergence of Mind" (Contd.) Typescript (Contd.) 204. 1 October 27 2 October 28 3 October 31 4 November 1 5 November 2-5 6 November 6 7 November 7 8 November 8 9-10 November 10 205. Version for publication in Dialectica, 1978 1-2 Typescript 3 Proofs 4 Printed copy 459. 27 Chinese translation, Philosophical Problems in the Natural Sciences (Ziran Kexue Zhexue Wenti Conkan), 1980. Printed copy 205. 5 Subsequent version of essentially the same speech. Typescript 6 Miscellaneous pages Correspondence 7 British Broadcasting Corporation (David Paterson), 1977-1978. Includes typescript edited by David Paterson for a radio broadcast 8 Cambridge University Press (Jeremy Mynott), 1977 9 Finley, Moses I., 1976-1979 10 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (Anthony R. Michaelis), 1976-1977 11 "On the Possibility of an Infinite Past: A Reply to Whithrow," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1978. Printed copy 206. "Three Worlds" (early drafts entitled "Mind-Body Interaction and the Reality of World 3"), 1978 April 7. The Tanner Lecture on Human Values, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1 Research material 2 Notes 3-4 Holograph (in part typescript) Typescript 5 Annotated typescript of Romanes lecture of 1972 6-9 Before April 7 10 As read on April 7 206. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Three Worlds" (Contd.) Version for publication in The Michigan Quarterly Review Typescript 11-14 General 15 Footnotes by Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 16 Suggested corrections by Troels Eggers Hansen 207. 1 Proofs 2 Printed copy Version for publication in The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 3-5 Typescript 6 Printed copy 7-9 Revised version 10 Miscellaneous pages Speech upon receiving an honorary doctorate from the Universitat Wien, Vienna, Austria, 1978 April 12 11 General 12 Holograph and typescript 13 Correspondence with Kurt Komarek, Chr. Mayer, Herbert Zdarzil, Engelbert Broda, Herbert Pietschmann, and Karl Foltinek Speech upon receiving the Dr. Karl Renner-Stiftung Prize, Vienna, Austria, 1978 April 14 14 General 15 Holograph and typescript 16 Correspondence with Leopold Gratz, Gertrude Frohlich- Sandner, and Karl von Schwarzenberg 208. "Interaction and The Reality of World 3," 1978 August 25. Paper, The European Forum Alpbach 1978, Knowledge and Power: Problems of Legitimacy in Culture and Society, Alpbach, Austria. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Osterreichisches College 1 General 2 Notes 3 Holograph (in part typescript) Typescript 4 August 25 (as read). Includes corrected retyped pages 5 After August 25. Includes copy for distribution 6 Miscellaneous pages 7 Joseph Agassi's question put to Karl Popper. Holograph 8 Paper of John C. Eccles. Includes other writings of his on brain-mind theories 9 Introductory remarks and seven theses presented at seminar (similar to first part of paper). Typescript 10 Correspondence with Otto Molden 208. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Interaction and the Reality of World 3" (Contd.) 11 Clippings 12 German translation (for publication of the forum's proceedings). Typescript 13 Letter to the editor, Die Presse, 1978 September 16-17. Holograph, typescript, printed copy, and correspondence "Some Reflections on the Prehistory of Our Western Universities and on Their Present Crisis," 1978 October 5. Speech, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada 14 General 15 Holograph and notes Typescript 16 First draft (in part holograph) 17 As read on October 5 18 Corrected and sent to Thomas W. Settle 19 Final versions A and B 20 German translation (for publication in Reclam). Includes correspondence, 1979 21 Notes re Socrates' political views, 1978 October 11. Typescript 22 Paper, American Philosophical Association, Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C., 1978 December 28. Notes, holograph, and typescript 209. Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie, 1979 1 Research material 2-3 Notes, including notes by Jeremy F. G. Shearmur Typescript (in part holograph). Includes correspondence 4-5 Preliminary draft 210. 1-9 Preliminary draft 211. 1-7 Final draft 212. 1-7 Final draft 213. 1-4 Final draft 214. 1-3 Final draft 215. 1-9 Final draft 459. 28 Final draft 215. 10 Diagrams 11 Miscellaneous pages 215. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie (Contd.) Corrections 12 General 13 Editor's afterword Proofs 14-16 General 216. 1-6 General 217. 1-2 General 3 Index 4 Miscellaneous pages 5 Corrected for intended English and Italian editions 6 Correspondence with Troels Eggers Hansen and Jeremy F. G. Shearmur, 1975-1980. Includes typescript 218. Reviews 1 General 2 Del-Negro, Walter von. Includes correspondence between Karl Popper and Troels and Margit Hansen English translation. Typescript 3 Introduction (1978), by R. N. D. Martin (checked by J. D. Graham) 4 Introduction (1978) and Chapter 5, by Sheilagh C. Ogilvie 5 "Is It True What She Says About Tarski?" Philosophy, 1979 (in answer to Susan Haack, "Is It True What They Say About Tarski?"). Typescript, proofs, printed copy, and correspondence "On the Part Played by Some Empirical Refutations in the History of Physics," 1979 February 11 or 12. Paper for a seminar or conference, The Falsifications in the History of Physics 6 General 7 Research material 8 Notes 9 Holograph Typescript 10-12 1979 459. 29 1979 218. 13 1981 August 14 Letter from Michael Redhead, 1980 September 11 15 "Karl Popper," Eton College Chronicle, 1979 March 2. Interview. Printed copy SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 219. "The Revolution in Our Idea of Knowledge," 1979 March 26. Speech, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1 Research material Notes 2 General 3 For slides and diagrams 4 Outline and holograph (complete) 5 Holograph fragments and miscellaneous pages Typescript 6-9 Early draft 10-11 March 20 220. 1-3 March 20 4 March 23 5-7 March 26 8-10 March 29 11-12 April 2 221. 1-3 Long version. Includes notes and other writings 4-7 Short version (as delivered and sent to Doubleday) 8 Miscellaneous pages 9 Appendix. Typescript and holograph 10 Correspondence 222. 1 "Special Relativity and Moving Clocks," 1979 May. Paper (Princeton Symposium?). Holograph and typescript Contributions to the Third C.H. Boehringer Sohn Symposium, Structure in Science and Art, Kronberg, Taunus, Germany, 1979 May 2-5 2 "A Real EPR Experiment." Speech. Printed copy, Structure in Science and Art Discussion 3 Notes 4-5 Typescript. Includes a paper by Richard L. Gregory 6 Proofs 7 Correspondence with Peter B. Medawar and Julian H. Shelley 459. 30 Letter to the editor, Eton College Chronicle, 1979 May 25. Printed copy 222. 8 Interview, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1979 June 6. Typescript, and letter from Norbert Caspar, 1980 April 19, which includes the typescript of the Sudfunk radio broadcast of 1979 December 10 entitled "Idee sterben lassen anstelle unserer selbst," based on this interview "Wissen und Nichtwissen," 1979 June 8. Speech upon receiving an honorary doctorate from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 9 Holograph 222. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Wissen und Nichtwissen" (Contd.) Typescript 10 First draft, 1979 May 17 11 Sent to Gerd Fleischmann to be retyped, 1979 May 22 12 Corrected retyped version 13 Proofs and printed copy, 1980, corrected for subsequent use in Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt, 1984 14 Correspondence with Gerd Fleischmann, E. Wurdack, Christoph von Mettenheim, and Ernst Topitsch 15 Interview for L'Opinione, 1979 July 24 (date on which answers to L'Opinione's questions were sent). Typescript and correspondence with Salvatore Carruba 223. "Schopferische Selbstkritik in Wissenschaft und Kunst," 1979 July 26. Opening address, Salzburg Festival, Salzburg, Austria 1 General German text 2 Typescript 3 Proofs. Includes holograph and typescript insertions 4 Printed copy 459. 31 Printed copy 223. 5 Correspondence with Renate Buchmann (Residenz Verlag) and letter to the translator English text 6 Typescript Printed copy 7 Salzburger Festspiele 1979: Offizielles Programm 8 Encounter (slightly revised version). Includes proofs and letter from Bryan Healing 9 Correspondence with Wilfried Haslauer, Dr. Mittermayr, Bernhard Stillfried, F. G. Friedmann, Friedrich Pangratz, Gerhard Neureiter, and Monika Kalista, 1978-1979 10 Clippings "Uber die sogenannten Quellen der menschlichen Erkenntnis," 1979 July 27. Speech upon receiving an honorary doctorate from the Universitat Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria 11 Notes and holograph 12 Typescript 13 Printed copy, Das Fenster 14 Review of Edward J. Steele, Somatic Selection and Adaptive Evolution, Times Literary Supplement, 1979 November 23. Typescript 223. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 15 "The Chronology of the Neutrino Experience," 1980? Holograph. Includes research material "The Experiment (Argument) of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen and the Realistic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics," 1980 16 Notes 17 Holograph. Includes holograph of Jean-Pierre Vigier Preface to Winfried Moewes, Grundfragen der Lebensraumgestaltung, 1980 18 Holograph, typescript, and proofs 19 English translation. Holograph and typescript 224. "Uber den Zusammenprall von Kulturen," 1980 May 14. Speech, Austrian Expatriates Society, Vienna, Austria 1 Holograph 2 Typescript 3 Printed copy, 25 Jahre Staatsvertrag. Includes correspondence with Eva Janko 4 Correspondence with Fritz P. Molden 5 Clipping 6 English translation. Typescript 7 "Kritische Theorie," 1980 July? Contribution to a symposium, Die Wissenschaftsmethodische Grundlegung der Demokratieforschung, Wurzburg, Germany. Notes and correspondence with Lothar Bossle "Falsifizierbarkeit" (essay for the Handlexicon fur Wissenschaftstheorie), 1980 August 8 Notes 9 Holograph 10 Typescript. Includes letters from Gunnar Andersson 11 "Notes on Alternative Implications of Possible Outcomes of Recent Quantum-Mechanical Experiments," 1980 August. Notes and typescript Letter to the editor, New Scientist, 1980 August 21 (in response to an article by L. Beverly Halstead) 12 Holograph, typescript, and printed copy. Includes cover letter and further correspondence with the editor (Michael Kenward), as well as notes by Harvey Fields 13 Article by L. Beverly Halstead, 1980 July 17. Includes letter to Karl Popper 14 Article by John Little, 1980 September 4 (in response to the article by L. Beverly Halstead). Includes letter from Karl Popper 15 Correspondence with Colin Patterson and Norris D. McWhirter 16 "Der wichtigste Beitrag seit Aristoteles," Wissenschaft aktuell, 1980 September. Interview on Kurt Godel and the Vienna Circle conducted by Peter Weibel in August 1978 in Alpbach, Austria. Proofs, printed copy, and correspondence 224. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 17 "Three Important Points against Probabilistic Induction," 1980 September 26. Holograph "The Present Significance of Two Arguments of Henri Poincare," 1980 November 14. Speech, European Academy of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities, Paris, France 18 Holograph 19 Typescript Printed copy 20 Fundamenta Scientiae 21 Essays in Scientific Philosophy. Includes typescript revised for this publication 22 Summary. Typescript 23 Correspondence with Raymond Daudel, 1980-1981 24 "Inflation vs. Kapazitat - Altes Geld vs. neues Geld," 1980 December. Holograph 25 "When Does (How Could) Signalling Turn into Description?" (based on the ideas of Irene Papadaki), ca. 1981. Holograph and typescript 26 "Axiom System for Probability Without Negation or With Intuitionist Negation," 1981. Holograph and typescript 27 "Derivation of the Distributive From the Modular Law, with the Help of Probability Theory," 1981. Holograph and typescript 28 Letter to the editor, New Scientist, 1981 February 12. Holograph, typescript, and printed copy. Includes article by John Sparkes, 1981 January 15, as well as another letter to the editor in response to John Sparkes' article by P. M. Sander and a letter from him to Karl Popper 29 Interview for Mondadori, 1981 February or March. Typescript 30 Letter to the editor, Free Inquiry, 1981 Spring. Printed copy and correspondence with Paul Kurtz, 1980-1981. Includes the typescript and proofs of "A Secular Humanist Declaration," and a list of its signatories 225. "Toleration and Intellectual Responsibility," 1981 March 13. J. B. Morrell memorial address, University of York, York, England. See also "Duldsamkeit und intellektuelle Verantwortlichkeit," 1981 May 26, Draft 1 Notes and outline 2-5 Holograph 6-9 Typescript (in part holograph) 10 Correspondence with Andrew Dunsire and William B. Morrell, 1980-1981 11 "Diritto d'errore: Conversazione con Karl Popper," Panorama, 1981 March 23. Interview by Corrado Augias. Holograph, typescript, printed copy, and correspondence 226. "The Importance of Critical Discussion: An Argument for Human Rights and Democracy," 1981 May 1-2. Speech, International Conference in Honor of Andrei Sakharov, New York City, New York 1 Holograph 226. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "The Importance of Critical Discussion" (Contd.) 2-8 Typescript 9 Printed copy, Free Inquiry 10 Correspondence with Raymond Aron, David and Gregory Chudnovsky, and Ellen A. Marks 11 "Lasst Theorien sterben anstatt Menschen," Stern, 1981 May 7. Proofs and printed copy. Includes letter to the editor, 1982 July 30 (date written) 12 "Maximal Independence and Probabilistic Independence," 1981 May 18. Holograph and typescript 13 "Wissenschaft: Wissen und Nichtwissen," 1981 May 23. Speech, Zug, Switzerland. Notes, printed copies, clipping, and correspondence with Heinz A. Hertach (Stiftung Landis & Gyr) 227. "Duldsamkeit und intellektuelle Verantwortlichkeit." Speech Tubingen, Germany, 1981 May 26 (upon receiving the Leopold-Lucas Prize) 1 Draft, 1980 December 2 Notes 3-4 Holograph 5-11 Typescript 228. 1-4 Typescript 5 Correction slip for publication in Toleranz, 1982 6 Correspondence with Peter Stuhlmacher, Josef Simon, Alfred Bosch and Reinhold Veit (Walter Eucken Institut), Freiherr von Gleichen, F. W. Lucas, and Otto Schulten, 1980-1983 459. 32 Dutch translation, Wijsgerig Perspectief, 1981/1982. Printed copy 228. 7 Clippings Vienna, Austria, 1982 March 16 8 Annotated proofs of Tubingen speech 9 Typescript 10 Proofs English translation 11 Notes 12 Holograph 13 Typescript 14 Printed copy, Austria Today 15 Clippings 229. 1 "An Experiment to Interpret E.P.R. Action-at-a-Distance: The Possible Detection of Real De Broglie Waves" (with Augusto Garuccio and Jean-Pierre Vigier), Epistemological Letters, 1981 July. Printed copy. Includes reply by O. Costa de Beauregard 229. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 2 "On the Origin of Descriptive Language," 1981 August 31. Typescript 3 "Joseph Henry Woodger, 1894-1981," British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1981 September. Holograph and typescript 4 "On Goodman's Paradox," 1981 September 3. Holograph. Includes holograph of a different version, in German, entitled "Goodmans Paradoxon und die Hypothesenwahr- scheinlichkeit," 1981 459. 33 "Some Topics of Recent Discussions," 1981 September 9. Typewritten notes 229. "The Place of Mind in Nature," 1981 October 6. Speech (not read), Nobel Conference XVII, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota 5 General 6 Notes and outline 7-9 Holograph Typescript 10 Undated fragments and miscellaneous pages 11-13 1981 14-17 1982 18 1983 230. 1-2 1983 3-8 Printed copy (annotated for further, revised, printing, for which proofs are included), Mind in Nature 9 Correspondence with Richard Q. Elvee, Steve Waldhauser, Elaine Brostrom, W. Phillips Shively, and Benjamin Lippincott, 1980-1983 10 Clippings 11 "Possible Direct Physical Detection of De Broglie Waves" (with Augusto Garuccio and Jean-Pierre Vigier), Physics Letters, 1981 December 7. Printed copy 12 Holograph on the probability calculus, 1982? (in German) 13 "An Evolutionary Solution to the Fundamental Problem of the Theory of Human Descriptive Language," 1982. Notes, holograph, and typescript 14 "Has Einstein's Locality Thesis Been Refuted?" 1982. Holograph Offene Gesellschaft, offenes Universum: Franz Kreuzer im Gesprach mit Karl R. Popper, 1982 15 Proofs 16 Correspondence with Franz Deuticke Verlag 17 Clippings re first televised conversation, 1979 November 2 "On Probabilistic Induction," 1982 18 Holograph 19 Typescript The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism, 1982. See Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 1982-1983, Final Version, Vol. II 230. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 20 "Popper's Psychologism: A Reply to Ball," Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1982. Proofs 231. Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 1982-1983 (3 vols.) Original version (meant to appear in 1959 as the sequel to The Logic of Scientific Discovery but not published) 1-4 Notes 5 Blurbs 6 Translator's note 7 Table of contents Holograph 8 Chapter 1, Section 1 9 Account of William W. Bartley's theory of rationality (for insertion in Section 2) Fragments 10 General 11 Vol. I. Includes some typescript fragments Miscellaneous pages 12 Vol. I 13 Vol. II 14 Vol. III 232. Typescript, 1950s and 1960s 1-5 General 233. 1-3 General 234. 1-4 General 235. 1-2 General 3-4 Preface (in part holograph) 5-6 Section *1 7-10 Section *2 11-12 Section *3 13 Section *4 14 Section *9 15-16 Section *18 236. 1-3 Section *24 4 Section *33 5 Section *53 6 Section *112 7-9 Chapter 6, "A Metaphysical Epilogue" 10 Appendices 11 "Non-testable statements" 12-17 Insertions for various chapters 18 Fragments 236. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery (Contd.) Original version (Contd.) Typescript (Contd.) Miscellaneous pages 19 General 20 Vol. I 21 Vol. II 22 Diagrams 23 Queries and comments 24 Corrections 237. Proofs 1 General 459. 34 General 237. 2 Notes (by a colleague or student of Karl Popper) 3 Draft holograph additions to the proofs as they existed in 1956-1963 238. Final version General Correspondence 1 General 2 Between William W. Bartley, III and Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 3 From Harvey Fields to William W. Bartley, III. Includes notes and comments by Harvey Fields based on a discussion with Karl Popper 4 Corrections Reviews 5 General 6 Of Italian version, 1984 Vol. I (Realism and the Aim of Science), 1983 7 Notes Holograph (in part typescript) 8 Dust jacket 9 Preface 10 Introduction, 1982 11 Addendum, 1981 January 12 Additions 13 Miscellaneous pages 239. 1-3 Proofs 4 Printed copy. Corrected pages 372-375 5 Correspondence re paperback edition SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery (Contd.) Final version (Contd.) 240. Vol. II (The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism), 1982 1 Typescript of Addendum 3 2 Proofs. Includes notes and correspondence 3 Printed copy of excerpt from Section *76 ("Why I Am an Indeterminist: Theories as Nets"), New Scientist, 1982 July 29. Includes a note from Roger James 4 German translation by Herbert Spengler, 1981. Typescript and letters from Herbert Spengler to Georg Siebeck 5 French translation, 1984. Reviews. See also "Response upon Receiving the Award of the Fondation Tocqueville," 1982 October 23, Clippings 241. Vol. III (Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics), 1982 1 Notes 2 Author's Note, 1982. Holograph 3 Preface, 1980. Typescript 4 Introduction, Section 4. Typescript 5 Afterword, 1980. Typescript 6-7 Proofs 8 German translation. Introduction by Hubertus von Dewitz, 1981. Typescript 242. "Proposal for a Simplified New Variant of the Experiment of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen," Physik, Philosophie und Politik: Festschrift fur Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker zum 70. Geburtstag, 1982 1 Notes 2 Holograph. Includes letter to Klaus M. Meyer-Abick 3 Printed copy 460. 1 Printed copy. Includes handwritten post-script Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics, 1982. See Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 1982 and 1983, Final version, Vol. III 242. 4 "Induktion und Wahrscheinlichkeit," 1982 January. Holograph "Can There Be Such a Thing as a Probabilistic Ampliative Induction?" 1982 January 20 5 Holograph Typescript 6 1981-1982 7 1983 (version rewritten by David W. Miller) 242. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Les chemins de la verite: L'Express va plus loin avec Karl Popper," L'Express, 1982 February 26. Interview conducted by Sophie Lannes and Alain Boyer 8 Correspondence, 1981-1982, including list of questions, annotated by Karl Popper 9 Proofs 10 Printed copy 11 English translation. Proofs 12 Spanish translation (summarized), ABC. Printed copy 13 Letter to the editor, written in response to an article on Karl Popper that appeared on 1982 July 24. Holograph 14 Letter to the editor (not sent), Frankfurter Zeitung, 1982 August 4. Holograph and typescript "Erkenntnis und Gestaltung der Wirklichkeit," 1982 August 25. Paper, The European Forum Alpbach 1982, Alpbach, Austria 15 General 16 Notes 17-18 Holograph 19-24 Typescript 243. 1 Proofs 460. 2 Printed copy 243. 2 Correspondence with Otto Molden and Ursula Weichart 3 Clippings 4-9 English translation. Typescript 10 Letter to the editor, Times Literary Supplement, 1982 September 10. Holograph, typescript, and printed copy "A Critical Note on the Greatest Days of Quantum Theory," Foundations of Physics, 1982 October 11 Holograph 12 Typescript 13 Proofs 14 Printed copy 15 Correspondence with Alwyn van der Merwe, Carol Bischoff (Plenum Publishing Company), and Gerhard Prosser. Includes requests for offprints 16 "A Simple Solution of Goodman's Paradox," 1982 October 11. Holograph, typescript, and correspondence with The Journal of Philosophy 244. "Bucher und Gedanken," 1982 November 2. Speech, Opening of the 35th Austrian Bookweek, Wiener Hofburg, Vienna, Austria 1 General 2 Notes 3-4 Holograph 5 Proofs 6 Printed copies 7 Correspondence with Austrian President Rudolf Kirchschlager and Gerhard Prosser, 1982-1983 244. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Bucher und Gedanken" (Contd.) English translation. Typescript 8 1982-1984 9 1985 10 Letter to the editor, Dialectica, 1983? Reply to a critic on Tarski's theory of truth. Holograph A Pocket Popper, 1983 460. 3 Outline. Typescript 244. 11 Editorial note and introduction by David W. Miller. Typescript 12 Reviews 13 Correspondence with Oxford University Press and David Miller, 1981-1982 14 Book fragment, 1983. Holograph (in German) 15 "Dedication: Remembering Wolfgang Yourgrau," in Alwyn van der Merwe, ed., Essays in Honor of Wolfgang Yourgrau, 1983. Holograph, typescript, and letter from Alwyn van der Merwe. Includes holograph outline Realism and the Aim of Science, 1983. See Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 1982 and 1983, Final version, Vol. I 16 Speech fragment, 1983. Holograph (in English) 245. "Is Determinism Self-Refuting?" Mind, 1983 January Typescript, 1981 1 September 9 2 November 3 3 Proofs 4 Correspondence Speech, International Conference "Individuale-Collettivo," Club Turati, Turin, Italy, 1983 January 13 5 General 6 Holograph 7 Typescript Comments by the three discussants of Karl Popper's paper 8 John C. Harsanyi and W. H. Newton-Smith 460. 4 William W. Bartley, III 245. 9 Karl Popper's reply to his discussants 10 Papers by others 11 Correspondence with Angelo Maria Petroni and Riccardo Viale, 1982-1983 12-13 Clippings 14 Speech, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Milan, Italy, 1983 January-February. Correspondence with Salvatore Carruba. For clippings, see Speech, 1983 January 13 245. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "The Calculus of Probability Forbids Ampliative Probabilistic Induction," 1983 March 17 15 Holograph 16 Typescript 17 Holograph on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, 1983 April 5-6 246. "Epistemological Speculations on the Sensory Motor Systems," 1983 April 7. Speech, International Symposium (held on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Sir John Eccles), Sensory-Motor Integration in the Brain, Max-Planck-Institut fur Biophysikalische Chemie, Gottingen, Germany. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Schmidt, Robert F. 1 General 2 Notes, outline, and holograph 3 Typescript. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Eccles, John C. 4 Correspondence with Otto Creutzfeldt and John C. Eccles Revised version entitled "Critical Remarks on the Knowledge of Lower and Higher Organisms, the So-Called Sensory Motor Systems," in Sensory-Motor Integration in the Nervous System, 1984 5 Holograph 6-7 Typescript 8 Proofs 9 Correspondence 10 Paper by Otto Creutzfeldt opening the symposium. Typescript "A Proof of the Impossibility of Inductive Probability" (with David W. Miller), Mind, 1983 April 21 11 Notes, including notes by David W. Miller 12 Holograph Typescript 13 Undated (pages 9-20) 14 1982 1983 15 January 31 (in part holograph). Includes an appendix 16 February 4 (in part holograph) 247. 1 February 9 2 February 10 3 March 4 and 8 4 Proofs and printed copy 5 Distribution list Correspondence 6 Nature. Includes holograph comments by Karl Popper on Jiro Ihara's article (also included), written in response to theirs 7 Levi, Isaac 247. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Realism in Quantum Mechanics and a New Version of the EPR Experiment," 1983 May 4. Paper, Workshop on Open Questions in Quantum Physics, Bari, Italy 8 General 460. 4 General 247. 9 Holograph 10-11 Typescript of expanded version for publication in Open Questions in Quantum Physics, 1985 12 Correspondence with Gino Tarozzi, 1983-1985, including corrections sent to him in 1984 by Melitta Mew "Evolutionary Epistemology," 1983 May 7. Public lecture concluding the Workshop on Open Questions on Quantum Physics, Bari, Italy 13 Notes 14-15 Typescript 16 Transcript of discussion 17 Distribution list 18 Correspondence with Franco Selleri and the Mayor of Bari, 1983-1984 248. Revised version for publication In Evolutionary Theory: Paths into the Future, 1984 1 Typescript, 1983 November 2 Proofs 3 Printed copy In Open Questions in Quantum Physics, 1985 Typescript, 1984 4 January 23 5 January 24 6 January 27 7 April 12 8 June 4 9 Correspondence with Gino Tarozzi and Franco Selleri 10 Contribution to colloquium, Die Philosophie des Kritischen Rationalismus, Ausseninstitut der Technischen Universitat Wien, Vienna, Austria, 1983 May 17. Program, letter from W. Nobauer, and proceedings 11 Contribution, Karl-Popper-Symposium (organized by the City of Vienna), City Hall, Vienna, Austria, 1983 May 24-26. Correspondence, including account by Elfriede Marie Bonet. See also Die Zukunft ist offen (1985) 249. "The Non-Existence of a Probabilistic Inductive Support," 1983 July 11-16. Conference paper, 7th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, Austria 1-2 Notes 3 Holograph 249. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "The Non-Existence of a Probabilistic Inductive Support" (Contd.) Typescript 4 Undated (pages 14-21) 1983 5 August 9 and 18 6 August 26 and 28 7 September 28 8 October 6 1984 9 Undated (pages 26-53). Includes addendum 10 April 26 11 Printed copy, in Georg Dorn and Paul Weingartner, ed., Foundations of Logic and Linguistics, 1985 12 Correspondence with Paul Weingartner, Georg Dorn, and David Miller, 1982-1984 "The Probability Calculus Forbids Ampliative Induction," 1983 July 11-16. Speech, 7th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, Austria 13 Holograph 14 Typescript "Some Memories of Godel and Some Problems," 1983 July 13-15. Speech, Godel-Symposium, Institut fur Wissenschaftstheorie Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria 15 Notes and holograph 16 Typescript 17 Correspondence. See also "The Probability Calculus Forbids Ampliative Induction," 1983 July 11-16 250. "Evolutionare Erkenntnistheorie," 1983 August 23. Discussion with Konrad Lorenz, The European Forum Alpbach 1983, Knowledge-Belief-Scepticism, Alpbach, Austria 1 General 2 Notes 3 Holograph (in English) 4-6 Typescript 7 Clipping 460. 6 Notes on probability, 1983 September 9. Holograph 250. "The Spirit of Science and the Spirit of Vienna," 1983 September 20. Speech, Duino Colloquium, The European Significance of 'Mitteleuropa,' Duino, Italy 8 General. See also OVERSIZE MATERIAL, Duino Colloquium 460. 7 General 250. 9 Notes and holograph 10 Typescript 11 Correspondence with Orio Giarini, Raimund and Willy Thurn und Taxis, and Kristine E. Melan (Countess di Portula), 1983-1984 250. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) "Criticism of the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics," 1983 September 22. Speech, Miramare International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy 12 Outline and holograph 13 Typescript. Includes transcript of discussion 14 Correspondence with Luciano Fonda, Paolo Budinich, and Orio Giarini 15 Foreword to Hans Albert, A Treatise on Critical Reason, 1983 September 25. Holograph and typescript "Probability Imposes the Properties of a Potential Lattice on its Arguments," 1983 November 16 Notes and holograph 17 Correspondence with David W. Miller and Nicholas Maxwell 18 "Some Unfashionable Views on Quantum Mechanics," 1983 December 7. Speech, Imperial College, London, England. Announcement, outline, typescript, and letter from David Sherrington 19 Notes on induction, 1983 December 22 (in English and German). Holograph "The Critical Attitude in Medicine: The Need for a New Ethics" (with Neil McIntyre), British Medical Journal, 1983 December 24-31 20 Typescript 21 Proofs 22 Correspondence, 1981-1983 251. Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt, 1984 1 Printed copies (some annotated) of the component speeches and writings sent to the publisher 2 Notes and outlines 3 Foreword. Holograph and typescript 4-11 Proofs 460. 8 Proofs 251. 12 Reviews 252. 1 "Erinnerungen an Schlick," 1984. Notes and holograph 2 "On the Search for a Better World," 1984. Holograph speeches with the same title but presumably for different occasions, including one appearance in Naples, Italy. Includes notes 3 "Reply to Wise and Landsberg" (with David W. Miller), 1984. Typescript and proofs "Erganzungen zur Zeit: Pladoyer fur eine offene Gesellschaft: Philosophisches Streitgesprach mit Sir Karl Popper," 1984 February 29. Discussion for television broadcast, Fernsehen der deutschen und der ratoromanischen Schweiz, Zurich, Switzerland 4 General 5 Notes 6 Correspondence 7 Clippings 252. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Interview conducted by Tomas Rotstein in preparation for radio broadcasts, 1984 May? 8 Lists of questions entitled "Wie lebendig ist der Totalitarismus?" (annotated with Karl Popper's answers) and "Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt." Typescript 9 Bayerischer Rundfunk: "Hoffnung trotz Zukunft," n.d. Letter from Leonhard Reinisch 10 Deutschlandfunk: "Offene Gesellschaft, offene Wissenschaft," 1984 August 13. Transcript 11 Suddeutscher Rundfunk: "Politische Bucher" (reviews of Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt, Logik der Forschung, and Die Zukunft ist offen), 1984 August 22. Transcript "The Search for a Better World," 1984 May 3. Paper, 1984: Comincia il Futuro, Locarno, Switzerland 12 General 13 Clippings "Science and Some of its Enemies," 1984 May 8. Speech, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples, Italy 14 Outline and holograph 15 Typescript 16 Correspondence with Gerardo Marotta 17 "Socrate del Duemila," Il Messagero, 1984 May 9. Interview conducted by Serena Romano. Printed copy "Thought and Experience, and Evolutionary Epistemology; Or, How the Lynxes Got Their Sharp Eyes," 1984 May 9-11. Speech, Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy 18 General 19 Typescript 20 Correspondence with Franco Lombardi, Giuseppe Montalenti, Claudio Barigozzi, and Franco Selleri 21 "Axiom System for Relative (or Conditional) Probability," 1984 May 27. Holograph and typescript 22 Radio interview conducted by Willy Hochkeppel, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich, Germany, 1984 June 15 (date recorded; broadcast in three parts on July 1, October 14, and November 11). Typescript "The Impossibility of Inductive Probability: Popper and Miller Reply," Nature, 1984 August 2 23 Notes and holograph 24 Typescript 25 Proofs and printed copy 26 Correspondence 27 Articles by Irving John Good, Richard C. Jeffrey, and Isaac Levi 28 "40 Jahre Naturwissenschaften," 1984 August 26. Speech, The European Forum Alpbach 1984, Der Andere Zauberberg, Alpbach, Austria. Holograph, typescript, and letter from Otto Molden 29 "Karl Popper: Oui, nous sommes libres!" Le Nouvel Observateur, 1984 September 14-20. Interview conducted by Didier Eribon. Printed copy 252. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) 30 "Selbstkritik und Offenheit als Uberlebensstrategien," Start und Aufstieg, 1984 September/October. Written interview conducted by Bernard Ingrisch. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence 253. 1 Review of Franco Selleri, Die Debatte um die Quantentheorie, 1984 October 28. Holograph and correspondence "Response Upon Receiving the Award of the Fondation Tocqueville," 1984 November 5. Speech, Fondation Tocqueville, Valognes, France 2 General 3 Holograph and typescript. Includes Melitta Mew's suggested corrections 4 Correspondence with Alain M. Peyrefitte, Edgar Faure, Peter Carrington, A. B. Heinis, Jacques P. Pezier, and Who's Who, 1984-1985. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Heinis, A. B. 5 Clippings 6 French translation. Typescript 7 Speeches by others 8 "The Problem of the Two Ways of Parmenides: A Conjectural Solution," December 1984. Typescript. Includes letter from Arne F. Petersen, 1985 9 Speech (read by David W. Miller), Milan, Italy, 1985? Typescript (in English) 10 "Does Quantum Mechanics Imply Long-Range Action at a Distance?" (sent to the editor of Lettere al 'Nuovo Cimento' for publication), ca. 1985. Holograph 11 Speech fragment, 1985. Holograph (in German) 12 "Towards a Local Explanatory Theory of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment" (with Thomas D. Angelidis), Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics, 1985. Typescript Die Zukunft ist offen: Das Altenberger Gesprach, mit den Texten des Wiener Popper-Symposiums, 1985 13 Postscript to discussion at the symposium in honor of Karl Popper's 80th birthday, Vienna, Austria, 1983 May 24-26. Holograph 14 Conversation with Konrad Lorenz in Altenberg, Austria, 1983 February 21. Typescript 15 Proofs 16 Clippings 254. 1 "Why Probabilistic Support Is Not Inductive" (with David Miller), 1985 January 16. Typescript 2 Contribution to colloquium, Art, Science, Technologie au XXe Siecle, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, Centre Culturel Portugais, Paris, France, 1985 February 22-23. Correspondence 3 Dream account, 1985 July 25. Holograph 4 Notes on religion, the role of intellectuals, etc., 1985 August 5. Typescript (in German and English) 254. (Contd.) SPEECHES AND WRITINGS (Contd.) Speech, The European Forum Alpbach 1985, Evolution and the Future of Mankind, Alpbach, Austria, 1985 August 17-30 5 General 6 Holograph (in German) 7 "Freude an der Arbeit," 1985 August 31. Holograph speech 8 "Zukunftmusik," 1985 August 31. Holograph notes 9 Foreword to the Chinese edition (translated by Ji Shu-li) of a collection from Karl Popper's writings in the field of the methodology of science, 1985 September 2. Typescript "Erkenntnistheorie und das Problem des Friedens," 1985 September 19. Speech 10 Holograph 11 Typescript 12 Speech on unintended consequences of medicine, Gesellschaft der Arzte, Vienna, Austria, 1986. Holograph fragment 13 Notes on Peirce's multiplication, principles of probability, etc., 1986 August. Holograph 255. CORRESPONDENCE, 1932-1987 General Birthday cards and telegrams 1 1967 2 1972 3 1977 4 1982 5 1983 6 1984 256. Christmas cards 1 1982 2 1983 3 1984 257. Dispatches sent to Karl Popper while he was abroad, informing him of incoming and outgoing mail, telephone calls, visits, etc. By his secretaries 1 1962 2 1963 - 1964 3 1965 - 1966 March 4 1966 March - June. Includes correspondence with David W. Miller 5 1966 June - 1968 September By his assistants. Includes correspondence. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Miller, David W. and Shearmur, Jeremy F. G. 6 1966 December - 1967 February (David W. Miller) 7 1973 February - May (Jeremy F. G. Shearmur) 258. Invitations (declined) Speaking engagements (lectures, conferences, symposia) 1 Undated 2 1948-1959 3 1960-1969 4 1970-1973 5 1974 6 1975 7 1976 8 1977 9 1978-1979 10 1980 259. 1 1981 2 1982-1985 3 Written contributions (books, journals, Festschrifts), 1945-1985 CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) General (Contd.) 260. Miscellaneous 1 Undated 2 1930s 3 1940s 4 1950s 5 1960 6 1961 7 1962 8 1963 9 1964 10 1965 11 1966 12 1967 13 1968 14 1969 15 1970 261. 1 1971 2 1972 3 1973 4 1974 5 1975 6 1976 7 1977 262. 1 1978 2 1979 3 1980 4 1981 263. 1 1982 2 1983 3 1984 4 1985-1986 264. Requests Autographs and signed photographs (declined on principle) 1 A-K 2 L-Z 3 Reprints (articles, lectures, etc.), 1961-1984 265. Reproduction permissions 1 Undated 2 1956-1958 3 1960-1967 4 1968-1969 5 1970-1978 6 1979 7 1980 8 1981-1985 CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 266. 1-4 Unidentified 5 Abelson, Raziel, 1980 6 Aberdeen University Press, 1966 7 Abril S.A. Cultural, 1979-1984 8 Academic Assembly on Comprehensive Social Work, 1966-1967 9 Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, 1980-1981 10 Academie Europeenne des Sciences, des Arts, et des Lettres (Raymond Daudel), 1980-1983 11 Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (S. Dockx), 1959-1985. See also Agazzi, Evandro 12 Academie Royale de Belgique (Maurice Leroy), 1976 13 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Giuseppe Montalenti), 1981-1984 14 Ackermann, Robert, 1977 15 Ackermann, W., 1959 16 Acton, H. B., 1946-1971 17 Adam Publishers, 1977-1978, re The Poverty of Historicism 18 Adams, Charles C., 1951 19 Adams, E. M. (University of North Carolina), 1962-1963 20 Adams, Walter, 1936-1972 21 Adler, James Rowe, 1974 22 Adomeit, Klaus, 1968-1973 23 Adorno, Theodor W., 1961 Agassi, Joseph and Judith 24 Undated 25 1954-1961 26 1962-1969 267. 1 1970-1984 2 Agazzi, Evandro, 1981-1985 3 Aharoni, Ron, 1979 4 Ahlqvist, Johan, 1983 5 Aichelburg, P., 1977, re Albert Einstein centenary volume 6 Aigner, Jutta, 1983 7 Ajdukiewicz, K. and B., 1946-1961. Includes correspondence with Alan Morton (The British Council) 8 Akademilitteratur (Hanserik Tonnheim), 1978-1980 9 Akkerman, Abraham, 1978 10 Alan G. Thomas Bookseller, 1984 11 Alatzoglou-Thenseli, Kiki, 1976-1981 Albert, Hans and Gretl 12 Undated 13 1959-1969 14 1970-1977 15 1978-1985. Includes Karl Popper's handwritten and typewritten foreword to Hans Albert's book A Treatise on Critical Reason 16 Albert, Max, 1984 267. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 17 Albert Bonniers Forlag (Konrad Marc-Wogau), 1980-1981 18 Albert Einstein Centenary 1979 (Andre Mercier), 1977 19 Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat, 1979 20 Albertis, Tony, 1962-1978 21 Alcove Press, 1973-1975 268. 1 Aldrup, Dieter, 1970-1980 2 Alianza Editorial, 1980-1985, re The Poverty of Historicism 3 Allan, Robert S., 1946-1949 4 Allen, Fred, n.d. 5 Allgemeine Gesellschaft fur Philosophie in Deutschland (Ludwig Landgrebe, Wolfgang Kluxen), 1968-1982 6 Allison, Graham, 1980 7 Alt, Jurgen, 1983-1984 8 Aly, Maher A. K. M., 1982, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery 9 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1966-1982 10 American Museum of Natural History (Thomas D. Nicholson, Norman I. Platnick, Randall T. Schuh), 1977-1985 11 American Scholar (Joseph Epstein), 1979 12 American Statistical Association (Ernst Rubin), 1970-1971 13 Amstutz, G. C., 1967 14 Andersson, Gunnar, 1977-1984 15 Andrisano, Antonio, 1978 Angelidis, Thomas D. Includes Thomas D. Angelidis' drafts of articles (annotated by Karl Popper), comments by others, and replies thereto (also annotated by Karl Popper); correspondence (occasionally drafted or annotated by Karl Popper) between Thomas D. Angelidis and John S. Bell, David J. Bohm, B. J. Hiley, Lamek Hulthen, C. W. Kilmister, Trevor W. Marshall, Nils Robert Nilsson, Rudolf E. Peierls, Franco Selleri, Abner Shimony, J. G. Taylor, George L. Trigg (Physical Review Letters), John A. Wheeler, Eugene P. Wigner, and Wolfgang Yourgrau (Foundations of Physics); and papers by John F. Clauser and Michael A. Horne, Asher Peres, G. C. Scalera, and Abner Shimony. See also Nature 16 1974-1975 17 1976 18 1977 19 1978 20 1979 269. 1 1980 2 1981 3 1982 4 1983 5 1984-1985 CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 270. 1 Angsusser, Ulrike, 1968 2 Anshen, Ruth Nanda (World Perspectives, Perspectives in Humanism, New American Library), 1961-1966. Includes correspondence with Routledge & Kegan Paul. See also Society of Authors 3 Antiquarian Books (Rudiger Thoemmes), 1966-1982 4 Antiseri, Dario, 1972-1984. Includes correspondence re Unended Quest. See also Editore Armando Armando 5 Aomi, Junichi, 1975-1984 6 Apostel, Leo, 1955 7 Archives europeennes de sociologie (E. de Dampierre), 1970-1971 8 Aristotelian Society, 1948-1983. Includes correspondence re The World Congress of Philosophy 9 Arlington, Margaret, 1974 Armando, Armando. See Editore Armando Armando 10 Armstrong, David M., 1968 11 Aron, Raymond, 1970-1982 12 Artigas Mayayo, Mariano, 1980 Artisjus. See Bureau Hongrois pour la Protection des Droits d'Auteur 13 Ashby, Eric, 1966-1968 14 Asperen, G. M. van, 1971 15 Association Ferdinand Gonseth (Francois Bonsack), 1979-1983 16 Association for the Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 1982 17 Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth, 1952, re the Chair of Philosophy at the Canterbury University College 18 Atheneum (Alfred Knopf, Jr.), 1977 19 Athlone Press (A. M. Wood), 1977 20 Atiyah, Michael, 1985 21 Atlas, 1976 22 Auslandosterreicherwerk (R. Starlinger), 1980 23 Austeda, Franz, 1979 24 Austin, A. K., 1966 25 Austin, John, 1947 26 Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1982-1983 27 Australian National University (P. H. Partridge), 1962 28 Austria. Embassy (Great Britain), 1974-1984 29 Austria Tabak (Paul Kruntorad), 1984-1985 30 Austria Today (Peter Smolka), 1978-1979 Austrian College. See Osterreichisches College 31 Austrian Institute (Bernhard Stillfried), 1976-1984. Includes a letter from Percy Cohen, and one to Franz Kreuzer (Osterreichischer Rundfunk) 32 Author's Lending and Copyright Society, 1979-1982 33 Avgelis, N., 1977 34 Ayala, Francisco J., 1972-1980 35 Ayer, Alfred J., 1936-1970 CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 271. 1 Badian, Ernst, 1965-1967 2 Badura, Herr, n.d. 3 Bagchi, S. N., 1984 4 Bakshi, Om, 1983-1985 5 Baldus, Claus, 1983 6 Ballentine, Leslie E., 1971-1974 7 Balluseck, Lothar von, 1976 8 Balmas, Giorgio, 1982 9 Baltes, Heinrich P., 1981 10 Bambrough, J. Renford, 1958-1970 11 Banerjee, S. K. and Manju, 1972-1979 12 Banzhaf, Birger, 1983-1984 13 Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, 1952-1975 14 Bar-Zvi, Michael, 1983-1984 15 Barbieri, Marcello, 1981-1983. Includes notes by Karl Popper 16 Barkeley, Richard, 1951 17 Barker, Eileen, 1981. Includes a paper by Eileen Barker annotated by Karl Popper 18 Barlow, Horace B., 1978 19 Barone, Francesco, 1984 20 Barraclough, Norman, 1968 21 Barth, Hans, 1947-1951 Bartley, William Warren, III. Includes correspondence, indices, and various drafts and notes by Karl Popper re the Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery. Includes as well correspondence between William W. Bartley, III (and occasionally Karl Popper) and Clarkson N. Potter Publishers; Editora Cultrix; Hermann Editeurs, Humanities Press (Simon Silverman); Hutchinson Publishing Group (Mark Cohen); Littlefield, Adams & Company (Mathew Held); Princeton University Press; Rowman and Littlefield Publishers (Jim Feather); Szczesny Verlag; University of Brasilia Press (Carlos Henrique Cardim); The British Society for the Philosophy of Science; The Open University; Joseph Agassi; Renee Bouveresse; Donald T. Campbell; Eduardo O. C. Chaves; Ralf Dahrendorf; Ernst H. Gombrich; Brian Holmes; Stephan Korner; Imre Lakatos; Bruce Mazlish; N. M. L. Nathan; Alfred Schramm; Stephen Toulmin; Ved Varma; Charles P. West; Herman Wouk; and Helmut Zilk 22 Undated. Includes notes and writings by Karl Popper about William W. Bartley, III 23 1958-1959 24 1960-1962 25 1963 272. 1 1964 2 1965 3 1966 4 1968 5 1973-1976 272. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) Bartley, William Warren, III (Contd.) 6 1977 7 1978 8 1979 9 1980 273. 1 1981 2 1982 3 1983 4 1984 5 1985 274. 1 Barzin, Marcel, 1946-1961 Basic Books (Arthur Rosenthal, Charles Chestnut), re The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Conjectures and Refutations, and The Poverty of Historicism 2 Undated 3 1956-1961 4 1962-1968 5 1979-1981 6 Basil Blackwell Publisher, 1957-1982 7 Basu, Khana, 1978-1982 275. 1 Batens, Diderik, 1971 2 Batiffol, Henri, 1979 3 Bauer, Hermann, 1980-1982 4 Bauer, Peter, 1982 5 Baum, Gerhart Rudolf, 1982 6 Baum, Richard F., 1961-1974 7 Baum, Wilhelm, 1978-1979 8 Baxter, Will, 1961 9 Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Herbert Franke), 1984 10 Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitat, 1982 11 Bayerischer Rundfunk (Willy Hochkeppel, Franz Stark), 1968-1983. Includes correspondence re "Revolution oder Reform?" with Kosel-Verlag (Edith Pasecky), New University Press (Stephen J. O'Neil), Fernuniversitat (Dr. Wurster), Telepool (D. K. Pfannschmidt), The Society of Authors (John Coleby), and Melvin J. Lasky; and re Willy Hochkeppel's German translation of part of Unended Quest 12 Bayertz, Kurt, 1981-1982 13 Beacon Press (Melvin L. Arnold, Thomas A. Bledsoe, Edward Darling), 1952-1963, re The Poverty of Historicism 14 Bechtel, Aaron A., 1966 15 Becker, Franziska, 1968-1969, re The Poverty of Historicism 16 Becker, Werner, 1972-1982 17 Beckford, Jim, 1979 18 Bedford, David, 1977 19 Bedford College, 1964-1984 275. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 20 Beg, Abdul Shafiq, 1975-1979 21 Behavioural and Brain Sciences (Stevan Harnad), 1982-1985 22 Beld, Antonie van den, 1979 23 Belgische Radio en Televisie, 1972 24 Belinfante, F. J., 1982 25 Belke, Ingrid, 1978-1983. Includes correspondence re Objective Knowledge and Unended Quest 26 Bell, J. L., 1983 27 Bell, James A., 1974 28 Bell, John Watson, 1978-1980 29 Bellamy, A. C., 1977 30 Bellino, Francesco, 1982-1983 276. 1 Beloff, John, 1976-1980 2 Benn, Stanley I., 1964 3 Benoist, Alain de, 1974-1979 4 Benoliel, Peter A., 1977-1983 5 Beran, Heinz and Dorothy, 1976-1981 6 Beran, Michael Francis (Franzl), 1982 7 Berghel, Hal, 1978 8 Bergmann, Peter G., 1965 9 Berkson, William K., 1966-1984 10 Berlin, Isaiah, 1952-1982. Includes correspondence with Oxford University Press (Adam Hodgkin) and the Board of Management for the Herbert Spencer Lectures re "The Rationality of Scientific Revolutions." See also the British Academy 11 Berliner, Arnold, 1932 12 Bernays, Paul, 1947-1977 13 Bernhard, Josef-Hermann, 1976-1984 14 Bernsdorf, Wilhelm, 1959-1960 15 Bernstein, Richard J., 1967 16 Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, 1948-1950 17 Bertrand Russell Archives (Kenneth Blackwell), 1961 18 Bertrand Russell Estate (Christopher Farley), 1970 19 Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation (Ralph Schoenman), 1962-1964 20 Bertrand Russell Society, 1978-1983 21 Bertschinger, Walter, 1979 22 Berufsforderungsinstitut, 1979-1984. Includes correspondence with Bernard Ingrisch and Karl Popper's answers to Bernard Ingrisch's questions for an article in Start und Aufstieg 23 Beth, Evert Willem, 1946-1961. Includes correspondence with others re the International Congress of Philosophy 24 Bethmann, Johann Philipp von, 1972 25 Bevan, Peter D., 1979 26 Beveridge, W. I. B., 1980 27 Beyer, W. G., 1980 28 Beyer, Wilhelm R., 1962-1964 CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 277. 1 Bhatia, Balraj, 1982 2 Bhattacharya, Manjulekha, 1968-1972. Includes correspondence with John W. N. Watkins and Anne Bohm 3 Bhattacharya, Sutapas, 1983 4 Bhushan, Prashant, 1978 5 Bibliographisches Institut (Gisela Preuss, Gerhard Kwiatkowski), 1979 6 Bild der Wissenschaft (Wolfram Huncke), 1976-1977 7 Binet, Francis Emeric, 1963-1969 8 Bing, G., 1956, re Alexandre Koyre 9 Biologie et logique, 1978 10 Birkhoff, Garrett, 1968 11 Birnbaum, Norman, 1958-1959 12 Birner, Jack, 1979-1983 13 Bisiach, Edoardo, 1979 14 Bitsakis, Eftichios, 1984-1985 15 Black, Max, 1968-1969 16 Blackmore, John T., 1976-1981 17 Blackwell's, 1967-1983 18 Blake, Phillip R., 1975 19 Blanc, Claude-Jacques, 1981-1984 20 Blandino, Giovanni, 1984 21 Blandy, John P., 1982 22 Blanshard, Brand, 1962-1976 23 Blegvad, Mogens, 1973-1978 24 Bless, Frits, 1979-1980 25 Blight, James G., 1978-1981 26 Bloch, Walter, 1982 27 Blumberg, Albert E., 1974-1982, mostly re Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie 28 Boas, George, 1956-1961 29 Bobgan, Martin and Deidre, 1981-1982 30 Bochenski, I. M., 1949-1963 31 Boden, Margaret, 1979 Boehringer Ingelheim. See C.H. Boehringer Sohn 32 Boettcher, Erik, 1961-1976. Includes correspondence re The Logic of Scientific Discovery 278. 1 Bohm, Anne, 1979 2 Bohm, David J., 1959-1984 3 Bohmer, Josef, 1979 4 Bohr, Niels, 1936-1946 5 Bokforlaget Doxa (Bertil Belfrage), 1980-1982 6 Bollet, Alfred Jay, 1963-1965 7 Bolling, Richard, 1972 8 Bon, Fred, 1936 9 Bondi, Hermann, 1959-1985. Includes Hermann Bondi's discussion of an opening address by Karl Popper. See also the British Humanist Association 10 Boompers Boeken- en Tijdschriftenuigeverij, 1977-1978, re Conjectures and Refutations. Includes Karl Popper's preface for the Dutch edition 278. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 11 Booth, Edward, 1960 12 Booth, Philip, 1980 13 Born, Gustav V. R., 1976-1977 14 Born, Max, 1957 15 Boschan, Paul, 1960-1965. Includes Paul Boschan's answer (with drafts annotated by Karl Popper) to Richard C. Jeffrey's review of The Logic of Scientific Discovery 16 Bosser, Ernest G., 1975-1983 17 Bossle, Lothar, 1979-1980 18 Boudouris, K., 1976-1980 19 Bouet, Jacques, 1979-1982 20 Bouveresse, Renee, 1976-1985. Includes correspondence re the Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery and Unended Quest, and Renee Bouveresse's French translation of parts of the Postscript and of "The Present Significance of Two Arguments of Henri Poincare." See also Petrovic, Alexandre G. 21 Bowra, C. Maurice, 1966-1970 22 Bowring, Nona W., 1980-1981 23 Boyer, Alain, 1976-1985 279. 1 Brachetta, Massimo, 1980-1981 2 Bradley, R. D., 1964 3 Braithwaite, Richard B., 1936-1980 4 Brandeis University (Peter Diamandopoulos), 1968-1969 5 Brandtner, Thomas, 1983 6 Braun, Berta Maria, 1984 7 Braun, Wolfgang, 1984 8 Braunizer, Ruth and Leonhard G., 1977-1985. Includes correspondence with Kenji Sujimoto and Ralf Dahrendorf 9 Braunthal, Alfred and Hilde, 1933-1982 10 Bray, Jeremy, 1976-1977 11 Braybrooke, David, 1963-1983 12 Brazil. Embassy (Great Britain), 1977 13 Breck, Allen D., 1966 14 Brennan, Dennis, 1985 15 Brent, Leslie, 1980 16 Bressan, Aldo, 1961-1963 17 Brigham Young University (Noel B. Reynolds), 1974 18 Briskman, Larry B., 1973-1985 19 British Academy (Mortimer Wheeler, Neville J. Williams, J. P. Carswell), 1960-1985. Includes correspondence with the Centro Superiore di Logica e Scienza Comparate, Zhao Fu-san, Zha Ru-quiang, and Qiu Renzong 20 British Broadcasting Corporation, 1952-1983. Includes correspondence with John Maddox (The Nuffield Foundation). See also The Listener 21 British Council, 1953-1981 22 British Humanist Association, 1969-1972 23 British Institute of Philosophy, 1947 279. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 24 British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (Ronald F. J. Withers, Mary B. Hesse, John W. N. Watkins, Donald A. Gillies, John Worrall), 1957-1984. Includes correspondence with Raimo H. Tuomela and D. Reidel Publishing Company, as well as John Oultan Wisdom's typewritten "A Statement by the Editor of the BJPS," 1964 May 29. See also Crombie, A. C. 25 British Museum, 1949-1980 26 British Society for the Philosophy of Science, 1961-1984 280. 1 Broadley, James A., 1980 2 Broda, Engelbert, 1976-1982 3 Broda, Paul M. A., 1983 4 Bronowski, Jacob Bruno (Salk Institute for Biological Studies), 1965-1968 5 Brooke-Wavell, Bruce, 1953-1959. Includes correspondence with Evert W. Beth. See also Lejewski, Czeslaw 6 Brookes, Bertram C., 1980 7 Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1963 8 Brouwer, L. E. J., 1946-1951 9 Brun, Georg C., 1985 10 Brunner, Fraulein, 1970, re Conjectures and Refutations 11 Brunner, Walter, 1983-1985 12 Bryant, Ian P., 1976. Includes correspondence with G. Duncan Mitchell 13 Brykman, Genevieve, 1978-1979 14 Brynes, Steve, 1976-1977 15 Bub, Jeffrey, 1969 16 Bubke, Otto, 1983 17 Buck, Gail, 1976 18 Buck, Klaus Markus, 1981-1982, re The Self and Its Brain 19 Buck, Roger C., 1962 20 Budinich, Paolo, 1983 21 Budzyner, Simon, 1973-1981 22 Buhler, Axel, 1976-1978 23 Buller, E. Amy, 1954 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist. See Shils, Edward 24 Bundy, A., 1979 Bunge, Mario 25 1959-1965 26 1966-1969 27 1970-1982 281. 1 Burch, P. R. J., 1976 2 Bureau Hongrois pour la Protection des Droits d'Auteur (ARTISJUS), 1972-1973, re "Der Positivismus Streit in der deutschen Soziologie" 3 Burgess, Tyrrell, 1975-1981 4 Burgoyne, Bernard, 1967 5 Burri, Otto, 1984 6 Burstein, Joseph, 1959-1975 7 Busch, Friedrich, 1980 8 Buske, Herr, 1932 281. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 9 Butler, Ronald J. (University of Kent at Canterbury), 1971 10 Butschek, Felix, 1977 11 Buxton, Laurie, 1983 12 Byers, P. D., 1979 13 Byhovsky, A. V., 1980 282. 1 C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1961-1976 2 C.H. Boehringer Sohn (Julian H. Shelley), 1979-1980 3 Cabral, Roque, 1979-1980, re The Poverty of Historicism 4 Cadevall, Magi, 1984 5 Cadogan, Peter, 1973 6 Caldin, E. F., 1951 7 Calogero, Guido, 1976-1977 8 Camber, Bruce Earl, 1979 9 Cambridge Moral Science Club, 1946-1953 10 Cambridge Union Society (Rajeev Dhavan), 1970 11 Cambridge University Press, 1967-1980 12 Campbell, Donald T., 1963-1980 13-14 Campbell, E. J. Moran, 1976-1979 15 Campbell, R. M., 1945 16 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1976-1982 17 Canijo, Manuel, 1979 18 Cantore, Enrico, 1977 19 Capek, Milic, 1983-1985 20 Carew Hunt, R. N., 1950-1959 21 Carl Hanser Verlag, 1982-1984 22 Carl Menger Institut, 1985 23 Carleton College (Martin Eshleman), 1959-1960. Includes correspondence with Wolfgang Yourgrau 24 Carnap, Rudolf, 1932-1967. Includes typewritten notes by Karl Popper entitled "A Few Remarks on the Introduction to Semantics," as well as letters from Rudolf Carnap's daughter Hanna Thost, 1971 25 Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education, 1976 283. 1 Carr, Brian, 1977 2 Carrington, Peter, 1984 3 Carr-Saunders, Alexander M., 1962 4 Carstens, Karl, 1982 5 Carstensen, Hans-Jorgen, 1982 6 Carter, John, 1975-1979. Includes correspondence with Ches Crosbie, 1976 7 Carter-Ruck, Peter F., 1975, re Unended Quest 8 Carvalho, Manoel Joaquim de, Jr., 1977-1985 9 Carvalho, Roberto, 1979 10 Case, Ron E., 1978 11 Casimir, H. B. G., 1981 12 Caspar, Norbert, 1978-1979 13 Caswell, Hal, 1973-1977 14 Catlin, George E. G., 1946-1970. Includes letter from George Catlin to Roy Harrod 283. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 15 Caton, Hiram, 1984 16 Caws, Peter, 1960-1971. Includes letter from Clifford P. Osborne 17 Cecchini, Arnaldo (DAEST - Istituto Universario di Architettura di Venezia), 1984-1985 18 Centenario di Einstein (Francesco de Finis), 1976-1978. Includes correspondence with Beniamino Segre (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) and Giunti Publishing Group 19 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (Ralph W. Tyler, Gardner Lindzey), 1956-1976. Includes correspondence re Hans Albert, and with Edgar B. Wesley, H. Kidd, Sydney Caine, Alexander M. Carr-Saunders, and John W. Watkins 20 Centre Europeen de la Culture (Alison Browning), 1979-1980 21 Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire (R. Hagedorn), 1977-1979. See also Aichelburg, P. 22 Centre Royaumont pour une Science de l'Homme, 1975-1976. Includes conversation notes 23 Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione "Luigi Einaudi" (Giuliano Urbani), 1980 24 Centro Studi e Ricerche su Problemi Economico-Sociali (Dario Staffa), 1973-1974 25 Centro Superiore di Logica e Scienze Comparate (Franco Spisani), 1971-1974 26 Cerovic, Stanko, 1982 27 Chalfont, Lord, 1984 28 Challis, Christine, 1985 29 Chalmes, Iain, 1982 30 Chamberlin, Raymond A., 1983 31 Chambers, 1955 32 Champion, Ralph A., 1971-1986 33 Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanian, 1977 34 Chapman, P. D. H., 1973 35 Charlton, Nial, 1981 36 Chattopadhyay, D. P. (Debi Prasad), 1961-1983 37 Chaudhury, Mahasweta, 1981-1986 284. 1 Chedzey, Clifford, 1978 2 Chelsea College, 1969-1984 3 Cherniss, Harold, 1958-1970 4 Cherry, E. Colin, 1954 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. See British Academy 5 Chinnappa, Nanjamma, 1972 6 Chmielewski, Adam, 1982-1985 7 Chokr, Nader, 1984 8 Choynowski, Mieyczyslaw, 1947 9 Christian, Curt, 1983 10 Chroust, Anton-Hermann (Natural Law Forum), 1958-1959 11 Chudnovsky, David, 1981, re Andrei Sakharov 12 Church, Alonzo, 1947-1948 13 Church, Joseph, 1966 14 Churchill, Winston, the Younger, 1971-1973 284. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 15 Cioffi, Frank, 1952-1953 16 City University, London, 1976-1983 Civitas. See Gesellschaft zur Forderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst 17 Claassen, Emil, 1966 18 Clapp, Roger E., 1981 19 Clare Market Review, 1968 20 Clarendon Press (Adam Hodgkin, Nicholas Wilson), 1971-1981, re Objective Knowledge. Includes blurbs, corrected galleys, and notes 21 Clark, Peter, 1974 22 Clark, Ronald W., 1985 23 Clarke, John J., 1982 24 Clarkson, Geoffrey P. E., 1973 25 Clauser, John F., 1976 26 Cleary, John J., 1975-1982 285. 1 Cleve, Felix M., 1982-1983 2 Clontz, Jack M., 1980 3 Club Turati (Riccardo Viale), 1982. Includes letters from W. H. Newton-Smith 4 Cochrane, A. L., 1982 5 Cohen, H. F., 1984 6 Cohen, Kalman Joseph, 1953-1954 7 Cohen, L. Jonathan, 1964 8 Cohen, Robert S., 1965-1981 9 Cohen of Birkenhead, Lord, 1969 10 Cohn, Melvin, 1976, re Jacques Monod 11 Coing, Helmut, 1982-1985 12 Coleman, Sam, 1964 13 Coles, James S., 1966-1968 14 Coles, Norman, 1984 15 College of Advanced Technology, 1961 16 College Psychiatrique de Recherches en Epistemologie Popperienne (Claude-Jacques Blanc), 1982 17 Collier, Barbara, 1975 18 Collier Macmillan International, 1968-1976 19 Collins (Publisher), 1981 20 Collins, Kins, 1967-1970. Includes correspondence re Conjectures and Refutations 21 Collins, Warwick, 1975 22 Colston Research Society, 1984 23 Commentary, 1952 24 Commission of the European Communities (Mark F. Cantley), 1984 Committee for the Free World. See Labedz, Leopold 25 Comparetti, Adriano Milani, 1982 26 Complexe (Andre Versaille), 1975, re Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie 27 Compton, John J. and Betty, 1965-1969 28 Conceptus: Zeitschrift fur Philosophie (Helmut Kasper, Johann Christian Marek), 1968-1977. Includes correspondence with Hans Lenk 285. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 29 Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion (Ordway Tead), 1952 Congress for Cultural Freedom. See Kongress fur die Freiheit der Kultur 30 Conner, Daniel K., 1972 31 Conrad, Alfred H., 1963 32 Constantin, Yves de, n.d. 33 Continuum Books, 1974 286. 1 Cook, Norman D., 1974 2 Cooke, Joseph J., 1979 3 Cooperman, David, 1960 4 Copi, Irving M., 1963-1965 5 Corson, David, 1983 6 Costa, Joaquim da, 1980 7 Costa de Beauregard, O., 1964 8 Council for Science and Society (Kenneth Denbigh), 1974-1982 9 Council of Europe, 1983-1984 10 Craig, William, 1960-1962 11 Cramer, John G., 1982 12 Cranberg, Lawrence, 1979-1982 13 Crane, R. S., 1961 14 Cranston, Maurice, 1951-1975 15 Creed, Walter G., 1976-1981 16 Creutzfeldt, Otto, 1983 17 Crewe, Sabrina, 1983 18 Crick, Francis H. C., 1982 19 Crombie, Alistair C., 1948-1977 20 Crombie, David L., 1963-1970 21 Croom Helm Publishers, 1984 22 Crossman, R. H. S., 1959 23 Cubeddu, Raimondo, 1978-1980 24 Cunha, A. Brito da, 1973-1979 25 Cunningham, Robert L., 1975, re Friedrich A. von Hayek 26 Current Affairs, 1973 27 Currie, Gregory, 1977-1982 28 Cutting, James E., 1978 29 Cysarz, Herbert, 1971 30 Czayka, Lothar, 1975 287. 1 DAIS, 1967, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery 2 D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1975-1985. Includes letter from Gino Tarozzi 3 Dahlberg, Ingetraut, 1974 4 Dahlstrom, Hans, 1979-1980 5 Dahrendorf, Ralf, 1961-1984 6 Dalai Lama, The, 1981 7 Dalziel, E. M. and Margaret, 1958-1984 8 Daney, John and Angela (Marlborough College), 1965 9 Danielian, A., 1982 10 Daniels, Charles B., 1969 11 Danielsen, Niels, 1972-1980 12 Danish Society for Philosophy and Psychology, 1962 287. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 13 Danzig, Professor, 1946 14 Darlington, Cyril D., 1970 15 Darmstadter Blatter, 1983 16 Darwin College (Moses I. Finley, John Butterfield), 1980-1985. Includes notes on Charles Darwin by Karl Popper, and correspondence with the Darwin Centenary Conference, 27 June - 2 July 1982 (D. H. Mellor) 17 Daskalakis, George D., 1966 18 Davies, David, 1985 19 Davies, John T., 1952-1979 20 Davis, Philip J., 1978 21 Davis, Quintin V., 1975-1976 22 Dawe, Peter G. M., 1951-1980 23 Dawkins, Richard, 1982 24 Deinhardt, Friedrich, 1980 25 Del-Negro, Walter von, 1981 26 Dell, Paul, 1976 27 Dellian, Ed, 1984 28 Deltgen, Florian, 1968-1969 29 Dembeck, Richard C., 1961 30 Demers, Pierre, 1971 31 Denbigh, Kenneth, 1976-1983 32 Denker, Rolf, 1977 33 Dennett, Professor, 1977 34 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (A. P. J. Edwards), 1961 288. 1 Derrick, John, 1966 2 Destopoulos, Constantin, 1968 3 Deutsch, David, 1977-1984 4 Deutsch, Gitta, 1983 5 Deutsche Akademie fur Sprache und Dichtung, 1979-1985 6 Deutsche Rundschau (Harry Pross), 1959-1960 7 Deutsche Schule London (Friedrich Denk), 1985, re Friedrich Durrenmatt 8 Deutsche Universitatszeitung, 1958 9 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (Wolfram Huncke), 1979, re The Self and Its Brain 10 Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (Walter Kumpmann, Renate Schwalb), 1974-1980 11 Deutsches Institut fur Wissenschaftliche Padagogik, 1975-1976 12 Devaux, Philippe, 1967-1978. Includes letter to Mrs. Devaux, 1983 13 De Vries, G. J., n.d. 14 Dialectica (Henri Lauener), 1970-1983. Includes notes and correspondence with Duen Marti-Huang, 1984 15 Diamond, R. J., 1962-1972 16 Dictionary of the History of Ideas (Philip P. Wiener, Charles E. Pettee), 1967-1970 17 Dilia (G. Bernau), 1968 18 Dilworth, R. P., 1968 19 Dimitrakos, Dimitri N., 1981-1984 288. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 20 Dinges, Hermann, 1979 21 Dingle, Herbert, 1960-1974 22 Dion, Leon, 1951 23 Discover (Lois Wingerson), 1981-1982 24 Disselbeck, Klaus, 1983-1984 25 Ditchfield, Robert, 1972 26 Ditfurth, Hoimar von, 1974-1979 27 Diverse, 1984 28 Dixon, Michael (Financial Times), 1978 289. 1 Djilas, Milovan, 1977 2 Djuric, Mihailo, 1959-1982 3 Doderlein, Jan M. (Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research), 1975-1981 4 Dokumentationsarchiv des Osterreichischen Widerstandes, 1982 5 Dolby, James L., 1983 6 Dombrowski, Daniel A., 1981 7 Dombrowski, Heinz Dieter, 1970 8 Donagan, Alan, 1965 9 Donaldson, Mrs. Howard M., 1950 10 Doring, Eberhard, 1978-1980 11 Doubleday, 1978-1979 12 Doucet, L., 1979 13 Dover Publications, 1959 14 Drachman, G., 1979 15 Dray, William, 1982 16 Dreksler, Jacob J., 1970-1971 17 Drew, Philip, 1982 18 Dreyers Forlag, 1981-1982 19 Driver, Alan, 1981-1985 20 Dub, Otto, 1972 21 Duckworth (General Publishers), 1977 22 Duda, Elisabeth, 1978-1985 23 Duerr, Hans Peter, 1979-1980 Duftner, Carin. See Moser-Duftner, Carin 24 Dulwich College Science Society (Nicholas Gough), 1984 25 Duncan-Jones, Austin, 1954, re Die Logik der Forschung 26 Duncker & Humblot, 1965-1983 27 Dunn, Michael (and Geoffrey Hellman), 1985 28 Dunnwald, Marianne, 1964 29 Dunsire, Andrew, 1981 30 Durr, Karl, 1947-1949 31 Duschek, Adalbert, 1950 290. 1 E.P. Dutton, 1959 2 Early Music, 1979 3 Ebbinghaus, Julius, 1968-1970 4 Ebert, Theodor, 1978 5 Ebringer, Alan, 1983 290. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) Eccles, John Carew. Includes correspondence and notes re The Self and Its Brain, and correspondence with Mouton Publishers and Springer Verlag 6 Undated. Includes Karl Popper's handwritten and typewritten comments on John C. Eccles' paper "An Electrical Hypothesis of Synaptic and Neuro-Muscular Transmission" 7 1945-1949 8 1950-1959 9 1961-1969 10 1970-1974 11 1975 12 1976-1977 291. 1 1978 2 1979-1984 3 Economica, 1979 4 Edelman, Gerald M., 1972 5 Edgerton, Stephenie G., 1965-1984 6 Ediciones Paidos Iberica, 1983-1984, re Conjectures and Refutations 7 Edicoes Roger Delraux, 1978, re The Poverty of Historicism 8 Edition Tusch (Kristian Sotriffer), 1980 9 Editions Calmann-Levy (Robert Calmann-Levy, Alain Oulman, Therese Scaroni, Christian Schmidt), 1979-1982, re Unended Quest 10 Editions Complexe (Andre Versaille), 1978-1981, re Objective Knowledge 11 Editions du Seuil (Paul Flamand, Francois Wahl, Jean-Marc Levy-Leblond), 1972-1981, re The Open Society and Conjectures and Refutations 12 Editions Gallimard (Pierre Nora), 1978-1980 13 Editions Magnard, 1979 14 Editions Payot (Catherine Alicot, Jean-Luc Pidoux-Payot), 1979-1985, re Conjectures and Refutations 15 Editora Cultrix (Diaulas Riedel), 1977-1983, re The Poverty of Historicism and Unended Quest 16 Editore Armando Armando, 1971-1977, re Unended Quest, Epistemology Without a Knowing Subject, and Of Clouds and Clocks. Includes correspondence with Arcangelo Rossi re Objective Knowledge, and with Bryan Magee and Midland Bank 17 Editorial Paidos, 1968-1970, re Conjectures and Refutations 18 Editorial Perfil, 1977 19 Editorial Planeta, 1982 20 Editorial Tecnos (Gabriel Tortella Oteo, Alejandro Sierra Benayas), 1975-1984, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Unended Quest, and The Open Universe 21 Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1974-1981, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery 291. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 22 Edizioni Borla (Vincenzo D'Agostino), 1981, re Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnisstheorie 23 Edizioni della Nuova Antologia (Riccardo Campa), 1969-1974, re "The Moral Responsibility of the Scientist." Includes Italian typewritten translation 24 Edson, L. L., 1945 292. 1 Edwards, J. S., 1976 2 Edwards, M. J., 1979-1980 3 Edwards, Paul (Encyclopedia of Philosophy), 1965-1984 4 Edwards, Ronald S., 1961 5 Egydio Martins(?), Lila B., 1980 6 Ehlers, Jurgen, 1984 7 Ehrenhaft, Felix, 1949 8 Ehrenkreutz, A. S., 1951 9 Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenaus, 1985 10 Eidlin, Fred H., 1977-1985 11 Eilers, Wolfgang, 1984 12 Einstein, Albert, 1935. Includes correspondence with John Stachel (Einstein Project), 1977-1984. See also Estate of Albert Einstein 13 Eisler, Robert and Lili, 1946-1972 293. 1 Elders, Fons, 1974 2 Ellinghouse, M. P., 1978 3 Ellington, H. I., 1977-1979 4 Ellis, Bob, 1973-1974 5 Ellis, Weldon, 1984 6 Elvee, Richard Quentin (Gustavus Adolphus College), 1980-1982 7 Emmet, Dorothy M., 1946-1979 8 Emory University (Judson C. Ward, Jr.), 1969-1970 9 Encounter (Irving Kristol, Melvin J. Lasky, Bryan Healing), 1955-1979 10 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1963-1975 11 Engel, Friedrich, 1948 12 Engelbrecht, Chris A., 1982 13 Engelhorn, Peter, 1984 14 Engl, Max C., 1982 15 Epidemiology Resources (Stephen F. Lanes), 1985 16 Epoca, 1984 17 Erasmus (Rudolf Jud), 1979 18 Erfahrung und Denken (Kurt Schelldorfer), 1955-1966, re Conjectures and Refutations 19 Ergo, 1980 20 Erhard, Werner, 1981-1982. Includes letter from Polly Lansdowne 21 Ernst Klett Verlag, 1983 22 Eschbach, Achim, 1981-1983 23 Estate of Albert Einstein (Otto Nathan), 1956 24 Et Cetera (Paul Levinson), 1976-1978 25 Etges, Peter J., 1973, re Objective Knowledge. Includes corrections to the index 293. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 26 Eucken, Rudolf Christoph, 1984 27 Eucken-Erdsiek, Edith, 1966 28 Eugen Rentsch Verlag, 1946, re The Open Society 29 Euler, Hans, 1935 30 Europa Verlag (Emmie Oprecht), 1960-1962 31 Evans, Charles, 1978 32 Evans, Eve, 1949-1954 33 Evans, Ifor, 1960 34 Evans, J. L., 1954 35 Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 1957 36 Ewer, Jonathan and Sally, 1979 37 Ewing, A. C., 1946 38 Express (Sophie Lannes), 1981 39 Eysenck, H. J., 1978 294. 1 Faludi, Andreas, 1981-1983 2 Farrelly, R. J., 1977 3 Faure, Edgar, 1981-1984 4 Fauth, Wilfried, 1982-1984 5 Federation Internationale des Societes de Philosophie (Andre Mercier), 1972-1975 6 Feigl, Herbert and Maria, 1945-1978 7 Felchtinger, Frieda, 1962 8 Fernandez de Soto, Leon, 1982 9 Fernsehen der Deutschen und der Ratoromanischen Schweiz, 1982-1984. Includes notes by Karl Popper 10 Ferretto, Alessandro, 1974-1975 11 Fetzer, James H., 1967-1982 12 Feuer, Lewis S., 1979 Feyerabend, Paul K. 13 Undated 14 1949 15 1953 16 1954 17 1955 18 1956 19 1957 295. 1 1958 2 1959 3 1960 4 1961 5 1962-1963 6 1965 7 1966 8 1967 9 Fiedler, Harald, 1983 10 Fields, Harvey and Janet, n.d. 11 Fillencz, Marianne, 1947-1984 12 Finch, Henry A., 1960 13 Findlay, Allan F., 1960-1968 14 Findlay, John N., 1939-1968 295. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 15 Finkelstein, David, 1968 16 Firnberg, Herta, 1976-1984 17 Firneis, Friedrich, 1982 18 Fischer, E. Hugo, 1970 19 Fischer, Gerhard, 1984 20 Fischer, J. L., 1970 21 Fischer, Wolfram, 1968 22 Fisher, George, 1978 23 Fisher, Gordon, 1978 296. 1 Fissenewert, Horst and Christiane (Fissenewert-Kilthau), 1981 2 Fleischmann, Bernd, 1984 3 Fleischmann, Charlotte, 1960 4 Fleischmann, Gerd and Ingeborg, 1961-1984. Includes correspondence re Objective Knowledge and Unended Quest, as well as a holograph fragment by Karl Popper 5 Flew, Antony G. N., 1973-1985 6 Flieder-Trio, 1978-1979 7 Foldes, Lucien P., 1966 8 Fondamenti, 1984 9 Fondation Louis de Broglie, 1981-1983 10 Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, 1982 11 Fondul Literar al Scriitorilor Din, 1981 12 Fontana Paperbacks (Helen Fraser, Alison Wade, Robert B. Woodings), 1975-1984, re Unended Quest. Includes typewritten blurbs for A Pocket Popper 13 Ford, G. W., 1948 14 Ford, Oliver E., 1965-1974. Includes correspondence re Conjectures and Refutations 15 Forder, H. G., 1943-1945 16 Forlaget Akademilitteratur, 1982 17 Formoso, Laure, 1979 18 Fortgang, Rudolph, 1978 19 Forum (Friedrich Torberg), 1958-1959 20 Fossati, Eraldo, 1957-1958 21 Foster, Michael, 1952 22 Foundations of Physics (Henry Margenau, Alwyn van der Merwe, Wolfgang Yourgrau), 1969-1983. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten report on two papers by Yehudah Freundlich 23 Fowler, David H., 1980-1982 297. 1 Franchetti, S., 1982 2 Francke Verlag Bern (Carl Ludwig Lang), 1961-1984 3 Frankel, Otto H., 1971-1983 4 Frankel, P. H., 1965 5 Frankel, S. H., 1972 6 Frankfurter Allgemeine, 1981 7 Franklin, Allan, 1981-1982 8 Franklin Publications (Donald S. Cameron), 1960 9 Franz Deuticke Verlag (Othmar Spachinger, Herbert Fussy), 1981-1985 10 Free Austrian Movement in Great Britain, 1944 297. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 11 Free Inquiry (Paul Kurtz), 1973-1983 12 Free Press of Glencoe, 1964 13 Freed, Lan, 1949 14 Freeman, Derek, 1973-1984. See also WRITINGS BY OTHERS Freeman, Eugene. See Open Court 15 Freethinker (N. H. Sinnott), 1973 16 Frei, Bruno, 1971 17 Freidmann, F. G., 1979 18 Freundlich, Yehudah, 1973 19 Frey, Ulrich, 1981 20 Fried, J. M., 1968 21 Fried, Yehuda, 1979-1982 22 Friedell, Egon, 1932-1933 23 Friedman, Milton, 1954 24 Friedmann, Johannes, 1976 25 Friedrich, Carl J., 1949-1969 26 Friedrick Vieweg & Sohn, 1978 27 Frisch, Karl von, 1981 28 Frisch, Otto R., 1961-1977 29 Fritz, Karl, 1982 30 Frohlich-Sandner, Gertrude, 1967-1982 31 Fry, E. Maxwell, 1971 32 Fulbright Programme, 1960 33 Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, 1964-1985 34 Fundamenta Scientiae (Baudouin Jurdant), 1982, re "The Present Significance of Two Arguments of Henri Poincare" 35 Funke, Hermann, 1979 36 Furley, David John, 1959 37 Furtmuller, Lux, 1961 298. 1 GRANI (G. Bonafede, V. Poremsky), 1977-1983. Includes correspondence re Unended Quest 2 Gablentz, Otto von der, 1980-1981 3 Gabor, Dennis, 1958-1973 4 Gabriele Mazzotta Editore (Gabriele Mazzotta, Pier Aldo Rovatti, Salvatore Veca), 1972-1974 5 Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 1968-1985 6 Gadol, Eugene T., 1978-1979 7 Galbraith, W. M., 1966 8 Gal-Or, Benjamin, 1977-1983. Includes typewritten preface by Karl Popper to Benjamin Gal-Or's book Western Philosophy and Science: Time and Crisis 9 Gallie, W. Bryan, 1952-1966 10 Gardiner, Patrick, 1961-1970 11 Gardner, David P. (The Tanner Lectures on Human Values), 1981 12 Gardner, Martin, 1960 13 Gardner, Michael R., 1969 14 Garibaldi, Oscar M., 1974-1979 15 Gavroglu, Kostas, 1983-1984 16 Gebauer, Eleonore (and Annelies and Helga), 1985 17 Gebauer, Wolfgang, 1979 298. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 18 Gehrmann, Hans, 1983 19 Geisenheyner & Crone (Ernst W. Geisenheyner), 1972, re The Poverty of Historicism 20 Gell-Mann, Murray, 1982 21 Gellner, Ernest, 1952-1984 22 Genke, Lucia A., 1985 23 Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei, 1978 24 Genre humain (Maurice Olender), 1983. Includes correspondence with Scott Atran 25 George, F. H., 1974 26 George Allen & Unwin (Stanley Unwin, Philip Unwin, W. N. Beard), 1953-1970. Includes correspondence with C. Alec Mace and H. D. Lewis 27 Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1977 28 Gerard, Jacques, 1947 29 Germany. Embassy (Great Britain), 1972-1983 30 Germany. Embassy (Mexico), 1979 31 Gerschenkron, Alexander, 1974 32 Gesellschaft zur Forderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst (Reinhard Low), 1979 33 Geyl, P., 1951 34 Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore (Gian Piero Brega), 1974-1984, re The Poverty of Historicism. Includes typewritten preface by Karl Popper to the Italian edition 299. 1 Giarini, Orio, 1982-1984 2 Gibson, Arthur, 1983-1984 3 Gideonse, Harry D., 1947 4 Giedymin, Jerzy, 1957-1983 5 Giger, Bernhard, 1984 6 Gilbert, Joseph A., 1984 7 Gill, Jerry H., 1969 8 Gillie, Alan, 1965-1971 9 Gillie, Oliver, 1978 10 Gillies, Donald A., 1967-1985 11 Gilmour, Ian, 1977-1983 12 Ginsberg, Morris, 1950 13 Giornale Nuovo, 1980 14 Gisin, Nicolas, 1983 15 Gissurarson, Hanes H., 1982-1985, re The Poverty of Historicism 16 Giulio Einaudi Editore (Giulio Einaudi), 1967-1984. Includes correspondence with Fernando Gil and Giulio Giorello 17 Gius. Laterza & Figli (Enrico Mistretta), 1969-1983 18 Givant, Steven, 1984 19 Gladwyn, Lord, 1977 20 Glees, Paul, 1983 21 Gobel, Dieter, 1982 22 Godel, Kurt, 1964 23 Godsiff, Patricia, 1972 24 Goldman, Alvin I., 1978 299. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 25 Goldstein, H., 1961 26 Goldstein, Irwin, 1983 27 Goldstein, Laurence, 1984 28 Goldstern, Alex, 1973-1984 29 Goldthorpe(?), J., 1972 30 Gollner, Stephanie, 1962-1985 300. Gombrich, Ernst H. and Leonie (Ilse) 1 Undated 2 1943 3 1944 4 1945 5 1956-1983 6 Gombrich, Lisbeth, 1972 7 Gombrich, Richard, 1945-1982 8 Gomes da Costa, Brian L., 1965-1986 9 Gomperz, Heinrich, 1932-1936 10 Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1946-1955 11 Gonville and Caius College (J. Chadwick), 1951-1952 12 Gonzales y Cobarrubias, Juan Jose, 1967 13 Good, Irving John, 1959-1984 14 Goodman, Edward, 1961-1983. Includes correspondence re the Acton Society Trust 15 Goodman, Nelson, 1956-1983 16 Goodman, R. P., 1960 17 Gopnik, Adam, 1976-1977 18 Gordon, H. S., 1975 19 Gordon, Lindsay J. M., 1978-1981 20 Gordon, Manfred, 1979-1982 21 Gordon, R. E., 1977-1978 22 Gorecki, Jan, 1973 23 Gorkin, Lawrence L., 1961 24 Gott, Hans, 1979-1980 25 Gottlob, Rainer, 1985 26 Gotze, Heinz, 1977 27 Goustis, Constantine P., 1984-1985 28 Graham, A. C., 1965 29 Graham, James, 1979-1983 301. 1 Grant McIntyre Ltd., 1979 2 Grattan-Guinness, I., 1980-1984 3 Gratz, Leopold, 1977-1982 4 Gray, J. A. Muir, 1977 5 Gray, John N., 1976-1984 6 Grebenik, E., 1952-1954 7 Greenall, Philip D., 1961 8 Gregory, Frederick, 1982 9 Gregory, Richard L., 1979-1980 10 Grelling, Kurt, 1936 11 Griese, Friedrich, 1975-1977, re Unended Quest. Includes notes and printed fragments annotated by Karl Popper 12 Griffiths, A. Phillips, 1976 301. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 13 Grim, Patrick, 1979-1982 14 Grimm, Klaus, 1979 15 Grinnell College (Howard R. Bowen), 1960 16 Groenewold, H. J., 1968 17 Groot, Adriaan D. de, 1948-1972 18 Grossner, Claus, 1971-1985 19 Grove, J. W., 1949-1982 20 Grunbaum, Adolf, 1956-1982. Includes correspondence with Alan Ross Anderson (University of Pittsburgh) 21 Grunfeld, Ernest, 1985 22 Grusser, O.-J., 1982-1984 23 Guardian, 1946 24 Gudehus, Herbert, 1980 25 Gunzl, Christof, 1979-1983 26 Gupta, Jyotirindra Das, 1961 27 Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1981-1985 28 Guthrie, Robin, 1981-1982 29 Guthrie, William Keith Chambers, 1966-1980. Includes letter from Adele Guthrie 30 Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1968-1979 302. 1 H. W. Wilson Company, 1952 2 Haakonssen, Knud (and Niels Christian Stefansen), 1972-1981 3 Haaland, Arild, 1949 4 Haas, Eduard and Erika, 1982-1985 5 Haberler, Gottfried, 1946-1972 6 Habermas, Jurgen, 1965 7 Habermehl, Werner, 1975-1982. Includes Werner Habermehl's German translation of part of Unended Quest 8 Hacking, Ian M., 1966-1980 9 Hacohen, Malachi H., 1983-1984 10 Haecht, Professor van, 1972 11 Haggart, A. I. M., 1978 12 Hakamies, Ahti, 1975-1978. Includes correspondence with Uuno Saarnio 13 Haldane, J. B. S., 1952 14 Hall, A. Rupert, 1964-1981 15 Hallam, A., 1984 16 Halsbury, Earl of, 1952 17 Halstead, L. Beverly, 1982 18 Halverson, William H., 1979-1981 19 Hamblin, Charles L., 1955-1968. Includes Karl Popper's handwritten and typewritten report on Charles L. Hamblin's thesis, 1955 20 Hamel, Greta, 1971 21 Hamilton, Alistair, 1972 22 Hamley, H. R., 1949 23 Hamlyn Group, 1971-1981 24 Hampshire, Stuart N., 1960-1962 25 Han, Suyin, 1961 26 Hanfling, Stanley M., 1962(?) 302. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) Hansen, Troels Eggers and Margit Hurup Nielsen, re the bibliography for The Philosophy of Karl Popper, and Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie. Includes correspondence with Andre W. Carus (Open Court Publishing Company) and Hans Georg Siebeck, as well as notes by Jeremy F. G. Shearmur 27 Undated 28 1970-1971 303. 1 1972 2 1973 3 1974 4 1975 5 1976 6 1977 7 1978 304. 1 1979 2 1981-1986 3 Hanson, F. Allan, 1974 4 Hanson, Norwood Russell, 1959-1962. Includes correspondence with Herman B. Wells, Roger C. Buck, and Frank T. Gucker (Indiana University). Also includes a letter from Karl Popper to The Nation enclosing a review by Norwood Russell Hanson of The Logic of Scientific Discovery 5 Haratonik, Peter L., 1979 6 Harcourt, Brace & Company (J. H. McCallum), 1956-1957 7 Hardy, Alister, 1966-1975 8 Hare, Richard M., 1952-1982 9 Hargrove, Eugene C., 1975 10 Haringer, Thomas, 1982 11 Harper, F. A., 1949 Harper & Row (Melvin L. Arnold, Hugh Van Dusen, Winthrop Knowlton, Cynthia Merman, Peter Bejger), re The Open Society, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, and Conjectures and Refutations. Includes correspondence with Benjamin Nelson 12 1956-1969 13 1972-1982 14 Harre, Rom, 1974-1983 15 Harris, Anthony, 1983 16 Harris, Henry, 1985 17 Harris, Ralph, 1968 18 Harrison, Stephen, 1977-1982 19 Harsanyi, John C., 1960-1983 20 Hartman, H., 1978-1979 21 Hartmann, Eva, 1983 22 Hartshorne, Charles, 1963-1977 23 Hartung, Angela, 1976. Includes Angela Hartung's German translation of part of Unended Quest 24 Harvard, Mr., 1973 304. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 25 Harvard University (Mason Hammond, Donald C. Williams, Abram Bergson), 1949-1963 26 Harvard University Press (Thomas J. Wilson), 1950-1981. Includes correspondence with Arthur Smithies (Quarterly Journal of Economics) 27 Harvester Press, 1980-1983. Includes letter to N. M. L. Nathan 28 Hase & Koehler Verlag (Kaspar Hans v. Harnier), 1984 29 Haslauer, Wilfried, 1982 305. 1 Hattiangadi, Jagdish N., 1966-1984 2 Haulleville, P. de, 1968 3 Hauptverband des Osterreichischen Buchhandels (Gerhard Prosser), 1982 4 Hausman, David B., 1972 5 Havard, John, 1966-1973 6 Hawking, Dr., 1977 7 Hay, Douglas R., 1966-1967 8 Hay, Gillian, 1967-1968 9 Hay, Stephen, 1971 10 Hayakawa, S. I., 1960-1974. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten memorandum on how the United States should withdraw from Vietnam, 1969 Hayek, Friedrich August and Helene von 11 Undated 12 1936-1938 13 1940-1947 14 1950-1958 15 1960-1969 16 1970-1977. Includes a printed copy of Karl Popper's letter to the editor of the Times Literary Supplement, 5 December 1975, re Friedrich A. von Hayek's book Law, Legislation and Liberty 17 1980-1984 18 Haynes, Michael, 1979-1983 19 Healy, M. J. R., 1979 20 Heaton, E. W., 1982 21 Hecht, Ernest, n.d. 22 Heckmann, Gustav, 1979 23 Heerden, Pieter J. van, 1964 24 Heftner, Ernst, 1982 25 Hegenbarth, Hans, 1981 26 Hegenberg, Leonidas H. B., 1964-1981 27 Hein, Piet, 1971-1984 28 Heinemann Educational Books (Philippa Stratton, Paul Richardson, Penny H. Hayes), 1972-1983. Includes correspondence re The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology 29 Heinis, A. B., 1984 30 Heirs, Ben J., 1982 305. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 31 Heisenberg, Martin, 1983 32 Heisenberg, Werner, 1934-1935 33 Helbig, Wolfgang, 1980-1981 34 Hellegers, Andre E., 1971-1979 35 Heller, Eitel-Fritz, 1981 36 Hellewell, David, 1977 306. 1 Hellin, Fritz P., 1961-1980 Hellman, Geoffrey. See Michael J. Dunn 2 Hempel, Carl G. (Peter) and Eva, 1937-1980 3 Henderson, P. D., 1948 4 Hengge, Paul, 1981 5 Henkin, Leon, 1971-1978, re the Tarski Symposium 6 Henry-Hermann, Grete, 1963-1979 7 Herbert, Nesta, 1982 8 Herbig, Jost, 1984-1985 9 Hermann Editeurs des Sciences et des Arts (Pierre Beres), 1982-1985. Includes correspondence with Librairie Plon 10 Hermann-Ehlers-Akademie (Manfred Dahlke), 1980 11 Hermann Luchterhand Verlag (Anna Stolz, Heinz Schutte, Frank Benseler, Hannelore Kirchem, Otto F. Walter), 1965-1980, re "Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie." Includes a letter to Dr. Boytha and Frau Szekely 12 Hermann Schroedel Verlag, 1980 13 Hermes, Hans, 1968 14 Hervey, Helen, 1951-1964 15 Herz, Martin F. and Elisabeth K. (Liesl), 1954-1985 16 Hessischer Rundfunk (Kurt Zimmermann, Jurgen Kritz), 1972-1982. Includes correspondence with Fritz Vogelsang and F. Weigend-Abendroth (Stuttgarter Zeitung), H. E. Scheele and Christian Sommer (Polytel International), Klaus Podak, G. Grenz 17 Heyt, Friso D., 1979 18 Heyting, Arend, 1949-1968 307. 1 Hick, John H., 1979-1980 2 Hickey, R. J., 1977 3 Higgs, P. W., 1952 4 Hiley, B. J., 1981-1983 5 Hilgartner, C. A., 1976 6 Hill, A. V., 1976 7 Hill, Anthony, 1965 8 Hill, Edward L., 1965-1970 9 Hill, Frank L., 1982 10 Hill, J., 1980 11 Hill, Karl O., 1962-1981 12 Hilton, Jane, 1975 13 Hinst, Peter, 1976 14 Hintikka, Jaakko, 1964-1977 15 Hirsch, E. D., Jr., 1976 16 Hirschmann, Edward E., 1971-1972 17 Ho, Hsiu-hwang, 1963 307. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 18 Ho, Wing-meng, 1970 19 Hoare, C. A. R., 1958 20 Hobart, Robert H., 1974-1982 21 Hobart & William Smith Colleges (Perrell F. Payne), 1974-1975 22 Hocevar, Emil H., 1983 23 Hodgkin, Dorothy, 1983 24 Hoefert, Hilde, 1961-1962 25 Hoeg, Carsten, 1958 26 Hoerster, Norbert, 1970-1982 308. Hoffmann und Campe Verlag (Hans-Helmut Rohring, Anneliese Schumacher-Heiss, Renate Langheck), mainly re Objective Knowledge and Unended Quest. Includes annotated proofs of Unended Quest and correspondence with Klaus Podak, Oxford University Press, Hoimar von Ditfurth, Friedrich Griese, and Hermann Vetter, as well as the latter's German translation of part of Objective Knowledge 1 Undated 2 1972 3 1973 4 1974 5 1975 6 1976 7 1977 8 1978 9 1979 10 1980 11 1981 12 1982 13 1983 14 1984 15 1985 309. 1 Hofmann, Hans W., 1976 2 Hogan, James, 1960 3 Hokkyo, Noboru, 1979-1983 4 Holecek, Elfriede, 1968 5 Holenstein, Elmar, 1982 6 Holland, Jeffrey R., 1981 7 Hollis, Martin, 1979 8 Hollow, Phyllis, 1960 9 Hollweg, Arnd, 1971-1977 10 Holmes, Brian, 1962-1984. Includes a letter from Ivan Slade 11 Holt, Robert T., 1979 12 Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. Includes a letter from Jonathan Cape Ltd. 13 Holton, Gerald, 1972-1979 14 Honderich, Ted, 1978-1984 15 Hook, Sidney, 1981 16 Hooker, C. A., 1972 17 Horizon, 1974 309. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 18 Horlock, John H., 1977 19 Horowitz, Irving Louis, 1958 20 Horrobin, David F., 1979-1982 Howard, John. See Turner, Martin 21 Hoyer, Ulrich, 1978-1985 22 Hoyningen-Huene, Paul, 1984 23 Huang, Po-chi, 1978-1980. Includes Chinese translation of "Towards a Rational Theory of Tradition," and a letter from Pui-chong Lund 24 Hubner, Adolf, 1979 25 Huddleston, Trevor, 1975, re Alan Stewart Paton 26 Hulme, H. R., 1948 27 Human Rights International, 1974 28 Humanidades (Jose Carlos Azevedo), 1982-1983 29 Humanist (Paul Kurtz), 1973 30 Humanist Society of New Zealand, 1972 31 Hume Studies, 1974 32 Humm-Sernau, Lola, 1982 33 Humphreys, Paul, 1982-1983 34 Hung, Tscha, 1980-1986. Includes correspondence with Brian McGuinness 35 Hunold, A., 1957-1962 36 Hurst, Robert, 1982 310. 1 Hutchinson Education (Mark Cohen), 1973-1983 Hutchinson Publishing Group (Ruth Klauber, Kathleen R. Nathan, Elaine V. Hopton, Angela Elkins, Mark Cohen), mainly re The Logic of Scientific Discovery. Includes typewritten blurbs and corrections 2 Undated. Includes extract of letter to John W. N. Watkins 3 1952-1955 4 1956 5 1957 6 1958 7 1965 8 1972-1979 9 1980-1985 10 Hutchinson, Terence, 1968 11 Huth, Werner, 1983 12 Hutten, Ernest H., 1960 13 Hutton, Gordon M., 1961 14 Hyde, Inge, 1978 15 Hyde, Stephen, 1982 311. 1 Iaccarino, Luigi, 1974 2 Ichii, Saburo, 1952-1977 3 Idea (Aryeh Mor and Yirmiahu Yovel), 1978 4 Iggers, Georg G., 1960 5 Iggo, Professor, 1978 6 Ihara, Jiro, 1983-1984 7 Impact of Science on Society (Bruno Friedman), 1969 311. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 8 Imperial College of Science and Technology (C. K. McDowall, David Sherrington), 1954-1984 9 Indian Journal of Philosophy (J. D. Swamidasan), 1958 10 Industria (Ferdinando di Fenizio), 1948-1972. Includes correspondence re The Poverty of Historicism 11 Informationsdienst fur Bildungspolitik und Forschung (Felix Gamillscheg), 1965-1966 12 Inner London Education Authority (Laurie Buxton), 1978 13 Inquiry (Ralph Raico, Alastair Hannay), 1976-1978 14 Institut de France, 1980 15 Institut fur Wirtschaft und Politik, 1979 16 Institut International de Philosophie, 1948-1969 17 Institute for Fundamental Studies Association (John Yates), n.d. 18 Institute for Humane Studies (F. A. Harper), 1963-1976 19 Institute for Scientific Information, 1963 20 Institute for Vico Studies, 1976-1977 21 Institute of Contemporary History, 1967 22 Institute of Economic Affairs (Ralph Harris), 1977-1983 23 Institute of Historical Research, 1948 24 Institute of Parascience, 1980 25 Institute of Physics, 1962-1973 26 Instituto de Ciencias Humanas (Gentil Martins Dias), 1979 27 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (Anthony R. Michaelis), 1977-1978 28 International Biographical Archives and Dictionary of Central European Emigres, 1933-1945, 1980 29 International Centre for Child Studies, 1984 30 International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (Michael Young Warder, John C. Eccles), 1975-1983. Includes correspondence with Peter B. Checkland, S. L. Cook, Irving Louis Horowitz, and Frederick Sontag re the Reverend Sun Myung Moon 31 International Congress of Classical Studies (Carsten Hoeg), 1954 32 International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Max Jammer, Paul Weingartner), 1978-1984 33 International Cultural Foundation, 1977-1978 34 International Editors' Company, 1981 35 International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (David L. Sills), 1966-1967 36 International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study (Sam Nilsson), 1978-1979 37 International House of Japan (Shigeharu Matsumoto), 1963 38 International Institute for Strategic Studies (Christoph Bertram), 1980 39 International Journal of Epidemiology (Walter W. Holland), 1976. Includes letter to Carol Buck 40 International Journal of Theoretical Physics (John Yates), 1968 41 International Mark Twain Society, 1951 42 International Society for the History of Ideas (Aaron Noland, Philip W. Wiener), 1959-1974 311. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 43 International Society for the Study of Time (J. T. Fraser), 1967 44 Ioannidou, H., 1981-1982 45 Israelische Kultusgemeinde Wien (Ivan Hacker), 1982 46 Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana (Vincenzo Cappelletti), 1979-1985 47 Istituto di Metodologia e Filosofia della Scienza (Angelo Maria Petroni), 1982-1983 48 Iversen, Erik, 1980 49 Iversen, K., 1973 50 Iwanami Shoten, Publishers (Mitsuko Takiguchi), 1976-1979 312. J.C.B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck (Hans Georg Siebeck, Georg Siebeck), re The Poverty of Historicism, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie, Conjectures and Refutations. Includes correspondence with Oliver E. Ford and Bernd Enders. See also Erik Boettcher and Herr Wienhold 1 1961 2 1965 3 1966 4 1967 5 1968 6 1969 7 1970 8 1971 9 1972 10 1973 11 1974 12 1975 13 1976 14 1977 15 1978 16 1979 17 1980-1984 18 Jabs, Arthur, 1978-1985 19 Jacob, Francois, 1979 20 Jacob, Pierre, 1979-1980 21 Jaeger, Hasso, 1965-1966 22 Jaeger, Wolfgang, 1972 23 Jaki, Stanley L., 1982 24 James, D. Marc, 1978-1979 25 James, G. D., 1979 313. 1 James, Roger, 1973-1985 2 James Thin Ltd., 1977-1978 3 Jammer, Max, 1967-1984 4 Janoska, Georg, 1967-1970 5 Japan Uni Agency (Hideo Aoki, Kozaburo Yano), 1973-1985, mainly re Unended Quest 6 Jarvie, Ian Charles, 1957-1984 7 Jary, Walther, 1978 313. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 8 Jeffrey, Richard C., 1970 9 Jeffreys, Harold, 1942-1958 10 Jewish Year Book, 1969 11 Ji, Shu-li, 1982 12 John Didier Editions, 1981 13 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1979 14 John Wiley & Sons Limited, 1983-1984 15 Johnson, Barclay D., 1977 16 Johnson, Daniel, 1976-1977 17 Johnstone, R. Edgeworth, 1971-1983 18 Johr, W. A., 1981 19 Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1980 20 Jones, G. O., 1965-1967 21 Jones, P. E., 1970 22 Jordan, P., 1935. Includes letter from Frankfurter Zeitung 23 Jorgensen, J., 1935-1946 24 Joseph, Kevin, 1977 25 Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust (Robin Guthrie), 1982 26 Journal of Industrial Affairs, 1984 27 Journal of Philosophy, 1982 28 Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1951-1965 29 Judge, H. Y., 1960 30 Junankar, N. S., 1964 31 Jung, Richard, 1983 314. 1 Kadlec, Bernard, 1974-1978 2 Kadlec, Erich, 1974-1985 3 Kaestner, Heinrich, 1979-1980 4 Kahn, Charles H., 1965-1981 5 Kahn-Freund, Otto, 1946 6 Kalicki, Jan, 1951 7 Kalista, Monika, 1979-1982 8 Kalman, Rudolf E., 1983 9 Kalmar, Laszlo, 1966-1968 10 Kamenka, Eugene, 1969 11 Kaneko, Mitsuo, 1984 12 Kanitscheider, Bernulf, 1978-1984 13 Kannellopoulos, P., 1978, re Constantine D. Tsatsos. Includes letter to Linos Benakis 14 Kaplan, Morton A., 1978-1979 15 Kapp, Reginald O., 1952-1957. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten comments on Peter Alexander's review of Reginald O. Kapp's book Mind, Life, and Body 16 Karlan, Daniel M., 1977 17 Kary, Michael, 1983-1984 18 Kasper, Helmut, 1968-1969 19 Karstendiek, Helmut, 1981 20 Kathimerimi, 1983 21 Katholiek Centrum voor Lectuurinformatie en Bibliotheekvoorziening, 1981 22 Katouzian, Homa, 1975-1983 23 Kattsoff, L. O., 1949 314. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 24 Katz, Bernard, 1983 25 Kaus, Rainer, 1972 26 Kavanagh, H., 1983 315. 1 Kekes, John, 1976-1981 2 Keller, Hannes, 1985 3 Kemeny, John G., 1951-1954 4 Kendall, Maurice G., 1955-1964 5 Kennan, George F., 1984 6 Kennet, Wayland, 1981 7 Kenny, Anthony J. P., 1984 8 Kermode, Frank, 1970 9 Keuth, Herbert, 1969-1973 10 Khan, R. F., 1961 11 Kielwein, R., 1960-1961 12 Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1980 13 Kiesewetter, Hubert, 1968-1985 14 Kiesslinger, Rudolf, 1983 15 Kindler Verlag Zurich, 1981 16 King, Edmund J., 1966-1982 17 King, Preston, 1961 18 Kirchhoff, Joachim, 1983-1985 19 Kirchschlager, Rudolf, 1977-1985 20 Kirk, G. S., 1959-1965 21 Kitchen, Jack, 1953 22 Klappholz, Kurt, 1982 23 Kleene, Stephen C., 1968 24 Klein, Robert F., 1979 25 Klemke, E. D., 1974-1979 26 Klibansky, Raymond, 1968-1969 27 Klose, Dietrich, 1981 28 Knaurs Prominentenlexicon, 1980 29 Kneale, William C., 1945-1983 30 Knox, F., n.d. 31 Koch, L. E., 1964 32 Kochen, Simon, 1973-1982 33 Koenne, Werner, 1983 34 Koertge, Noretta, 1968-1984 35 Koesters, Paul-Heinz, 1980 36 Koestler, Arthur, n.d. 37 Koga, Toyoki, 1973-1983 316. 1 Kohl, Helmut, 1977 2 Kohler, Eckehart, 1968 3 Kohn, Hans, 1950-1966 4 Kolakowski, Leszek, 1971-1982 5 Kolb, Fritz and Martha, 1961-1984. Includes Karl Popper's handwritten and typewritten foreword to Fritz Kolb's book Es kam ganz anders, 1981 6 Kolditz, Wolfgang, 1979-1984 7 Koliha, Lothar, 1984 8 Koller, Frau, n.d. 316. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 9 Kolnai, Aurel T., 1952-1955 10 Komarek, Kurt, 1978 11 Komitee zur Organisation eines Osterreichischen Schriftstellerkongresses, 1980 12 Kongress fur die Freiheit der Kultur, 1947 13 Konig, Heinz, 1981 14 Konstanzer Blatter fur Hochschulfragen, 1971 15 Koppelmann, Floris, 1980 16 Kordig, Carl R., 1980-1981 17 Korean Broadcasting System, 1981-1982 18 Korn, Peter Jona and Barbara, 1981 19 Korner, Stephan, 1957-1981 20 Kornhuber, H. H., 1977 21 Kosel-Verlag, 1972-1978 22 Kothbauer, Hilde, 1972 23 Kraft, Julius, 1945-1960. Includes correspondence with Margit Kraft, 1961 24 Kraft, Victor, 1932-1974. Includes correspondence with Eva Frodl-Kraft, 1975 25 Krag (Nina Smolar), 1984 26 Krah, Wolfgang, 1972-1975 27 Krakau, C. E. T., 1982 317. 1 Krassnigg, Albert, 1970. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten report entitled "Einige Bemerkungen uber die Wiener Schulreform und ihr Einfluss auf mich," 1970, as well as a letter to Albert Krassnigg's widow, 1971 2 Kratky, Otto, 1980-1985 3 Kraus, Michael, 1951 4 Kraus, Wolfgang, 1968-1984 5 Krausz, Michael, 1960-1985 6 Krawietz, Werner, 1976-1977 7 Krebs, Greti, 1982 8 Krebs, Hans, 1976 9 Kreisel, Georg, 1952-1983. Includes Georg Kreisel's typewritten review of A. Mostowski's book Sentences Undecidable in Formalized Arithmetic: An Exposition of the Theory of Kurt Godel, annotated by Karl Popper 10 Kreisky, Bruno, 1972-1982 Kremenak, Elisabeth K. See Herz, Martin F. and Elisabeth K. 11 Kretschmer, Gerhard, 1965-1968 12 Krips, Henry, 1984 13 Krohn, Peter L., 1977-1978 14 Kroiss, Gerhard, 1981-1984 15 Kroy, Moshe, 1970-1979 16 Kruger, Lorenz, 1968-1972 17 Kuhn, Thomas S., 1965 18 Kuipers, Theo A. F., 1978-1983 19 Kulmann, Hermann, 1981-1982 20 Kulturzeitschrift (Gabriele Pfan), 1979 21 Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf, 1983 22 Kuppner, Frank, 1983 317. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 23 Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, 1965, re The Open Society 24 Kuswetter, H., 1977 25 Kuypers, K., 1970-1983 26 Kvan, Eric, 1963-1965 27 Kwiatkowski, Gerhard (Bibliographisches Institut), 1978-1979 28 Kyburg, Henry E., Jr., 1960-1967. Includes a letter from Sigmund Neumann 29 Kyrkos, Basileiy A., 1974-1985 318. 1 Labedz, Leopold, 1973-1980 2 Lahti, Pekka J., 1984-1985 3 Lai, Tyrone, 1968 Lakatos, Imre 4 Undated 5 1959-1963. Includes correspondence with Suresh C. Parikh 6 1964 7 1965 8 1966 9 1967-1969 10 1970-1973 11 Lammer, Meinhart and Traudl, 1968-1974 Lammer, Robert 12 1960-1968 13 1970-1978 14 1981-1985 15 Lampugnani Nigri Editore, 1972, re The Poverty of Historicism 16 Lancet, 1978 17 Lanczos, Cornelius, 1966-1970 18 Lande, Alfred, 1955-1971 19 Landsberg, Peter T., 1971-1985 20 Lang, C., 1951 21 Lange & Springer, 1982 22 Laor, Nathaniel, 1983 23 Larijani, Sadegh, 1979 319. 1 Larsen, Harold, 1945-1946 2 Laszlo, Stephan, 1972 3 Laudsberg, Dr., 1957 4 Lauener, Henri, 1972-1981 5 Launay, Marc and Michelle Brudy de, 1979-1985, re Conjectures and Refutations 6 Laungani, Pittu, 1978 7 Laurence, Alfred Edward, 1968-1970 8 Laurikainen, K. V., 1983 9 Lauwerys, J. A., 1968-1969 10 Lawrence, John, 1978-1979 11 Lawrence, Philip J., 1948 12 Lawrence Smith Literary Agency (Lawrence Smith), 1955-1973 13 Leach, B. Foss, 1980-1983 14 Leary, James E., 1960 15 Leblanc, Hugues, 1978-1981 319. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 16 Leeper, G. W., 1974 17 Leeuwen, J. van, 1981 18 Leinfellner, Werner, 1974 19 Lejewski, Czeslaw, 1952-1982 20 Leoni, Bruno, 1952-1966 21 Leser, Norbert, 1975 22 Lessnoff, Michael, 1980 23 Letwin, William, 1949 24 Leung, Physer, 1980-1984 25 Levere, Trevor H., 1977 26 Levi, Isaac, 1962-1983 27 Levinson, H. B., 1964 28 Levinson, Paul, 1978-1983 29 Levison, Arnold B., 1963 30 Levy, David, 1978 31 Levy, H., 1943 32 Lewin, Douglas W., 1979 33 Lewis, Albert C., 1979-1980 34 Lewis, Hywel D., 1983 35 Lewis, John, 1972 36 Lewis, Thomas T., 1981-1982 37 Lewis-Loubignac, Anne, 1982-1983 38 Lewy, Casimir, 1946-1982 39 Liberal Summer School, 1967 320. 1 Librairie Armand Colin (Marianne Veron), 1970-1971, re Conjectures and Refutations 2 Librairie Artheme Fayard, 1970-1971, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery 3 Librairie Ernest Flammarion (Louis Audibert), 1984-1985, re The Poverty of Historicism 4 Librairie Plon (Helene Bourgeois, Rene Julliard), 1981-1984, re Conjectures and Refutations and The Poverty of Historicism Library of Science (David Klein). See Basic Books 5 Lieberson, Jonathan, 1982 6 Light, Ursula E. K., 1982 7 Lindley, T. Foster, 1952 8 Lingens, Ella, n.d. 9 Linguiti, Gennar Luigi, 1976-1977 10 Linke, Paul F., 1936-1937 11 Linney, D. S., 1952 12 Lion, Aline, 1949 13 Lippincott, Benjamin E., 1978-1981 14 Lipton, Marianne, 1961 15 Listener, 1954 16 Little, Graham R., 1977-1982 17 Little, John, 1980 18 Liviana Editrice in Padova, 1970, re Conjectures and Refutations 19 Livingstone, Angela, 1980 20 Lloyd, G. E. R., 1966 320. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 21 Lock, Andrew, 1979 22 Lodynski, Andrej, 1984 23 Logan, Ken, 1961-1984 24 Loidl, Willi, 1984 25 Lombardi, Franco, 1984 26 London Review of Books, 1980 London School of Economics (Walter Adams, Sydney Caine, Huw Wheldon, Ralf Dahrendorf). See also Wasserman, Benno. For pre-1970 correspondence, see COURSE MATERIAL, London School of Economics, Correspondence 27 1970-1975 28 1976-1985 321. 1 London School of Economics Society, 1980 2 Lorber, John, 1980 3 Lorenz, Ingeborg F. R., 1982 4 Lorenz, Konrad Z., 1969-1984. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten tribute to Konrad Lorenz 5 Lorenzen, Hans-Peter, 1970 6 Lorenzen, P., 1954-1964 7 Lort-Phillips, Patrick, 1978 8 Louisiana State University, 1965 9 Louisiana State University Press (Beverly Jarrett), 1976 10 Lubbe, Hermann, 1972 11 Lucas, F. D., 1984 12 Luce, A. A., 1968 13 Luderssen, Klaus, 1970 14 Ludwig-Erhard-Stiftung, 1979-1980 15 Lukasiewicz, Jan, 1955 16 Lund, Pui-chong and Nellie, 1972-1978 17 Lunghi, Sandro, 1981 18 Lutfalla, G., 1946 19 Lwoff, Professor, 1978 20 Lyman, Harry, 1981 322. 1 Mabott, J. D., 1952 2 Macatesta, Michele, 1983 3 Macbeth, Norman, 1963-1977. Includes correspondence with Gambit Publishers 4 Mace, C. Alec, 1952. See also George Allen & Unwin 5 Machlup, Fritz, 1956-1982 6 MacKay, Donald M., 1966-1983 7 Mackie, R., 1982 8 MacKinnon, Donald M., 1956-1978 9 MacKinnon, L., 1983 10 MacLane, Professor, 1968 11 Maclure, Malcolm, 1984 12 Macmillan International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1968 13 Macmillan London Ltd., 1952-1979 14 MacRae, Donald G., 1951-1982 322. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 15 Magarian, Michael, 1981-1984 Magee, Bryan 16 Undated 17 1958-1959 18 1960-1969 19 1970-1973 20 1974 323. 1 1975-1977 2 1978-1979 3 1980-1981 4 1982-1983 5 1984-1985 6 Mahieux, Micheline, 1960 7 Mahieux, Mr., 1960 8 Maier, K. F., 1949 9 Maier-Leibnitz, Heinz, 1978-1982 10 Makinde, M. Akin, 1972-1984 11 Malina, Jaroslav, 1979 12 Mall, Jim, 1978 13 Manchester University Press, 1983 14 Mannheimer Morgen Grossdruckerei und Verlag, 1975, re Mannheimer Forum 75/76 15 Manning, C. A. W., 1970 324. 1 Mannu, Andrea, 1972-1973 2 Mansfeld, J., 1971 3 Marcus, Ruth Barcan, 1964 4 Marek, Johann Christian, 1977-1978 5 Margenau, Henry, 1962-1971 6 Marhefka, Edmund, 1960-1961 7 Marietti Editori, 1970, re The Poverty of Historicism 8 Mark, Karl, 1982 9 Mark Twain Journal, 1977 10 Markl, Peter, 1977 11 Marks, John, 1978-1983 12 Marmet, Paul, 1984 13 Marris, Mr., 1970, re Conjectures and Refutations 14 Marschak, Jacob, 1937-1976 15 Marshall, Trevor W., 1983-1985. Includes correspondence between Trevor Marshall and Thomas D. Angelidis and Abner Shimony 16 Martin Santos, Luis, 1968-1971 17 Martin Secker & Warburg, 1971 18 Martt, Judson, 1975-1985. See also Morgan, Richard B. 19 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1970-1971 20 Massada Ltd., 1977-1980. Includes correspondence re The Open Society and Philosophia 21 Masse, Pierre, 1982 22 Matthews, Bryan, 1957 23 Matthiesen, Einar, 1973 24 Maurer, Joseph, 1937 324. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 25 Maxwell, Grover and Mary Lou, 1963-1982 26 Maxwell, Nicholas, 1965-1973 27 Maycock, R. F., 1982 28 Mayerhofer, Josef, 1982-1983 29 Mayo, Deborah G., 1983 30 Mayper, Stuart A., 1965-1981 325. 1 Mayr, Ernst, 1966-1984 2 Mazzaroli-Gherson, J., 1970-1971 3 McCarthy, Patrick J., 1984 4 McCausland, Ian, 1980 5 McClare, Colin W. F. and Gill, 1965-1978 6 McConnell, R. Shean, 1978-1981 7 McConnell, Richard B., 1977 8 McCrea, William Hunter, 1982, re his review of The Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery 9 McDonald, Ian, 1977 10 McEvoy, Donald P., 1985 11 McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968-1972 12 McGuinness, Brian, 1981-1984. Includes Karl Popper's writings for the Schlick Festschrift volume 13 McHugh, Paul R., 1985 14 McIntyre, Neil, 1980-1983. Includes Karl Popper's holograph "The Very Special Situation of Medical Men and Women" 15 McKeon, Richard P., 1954 16 McKinney, J. P., 1960 17 McLaren, Donald S., 1977 18 McLaren, Robert Bruce, 1981 19 McMaster University (Kenneth Blackwell), 1979 20 McMullin, Ernan, 1969 21 McMurrin, Sterling M., 1978, re The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 22 McNelis, Mary J., 1980-1982 23 McQuaid, John, 1977-1983 24 McWhirter, Norris D., 1980-1982 Medawar, Peter B. 25 Undated 26 1946-1966 27 1970-1974 28 1975-1979 29 1980-1984 326. 1 Medical Hypotheses (David F. Horrobin), 1974-1980. Includes letter from John C. Eccles to David F. Horrobin 2 Medicine and Mind, 1982 3 Meehl, Paul E., 1964-1979 4 Megwa, Peter O., 1978-1979 5 Mehlberg, Henryk, 1966-1979 6 Mehmanesh, Hormoz, 1981-1984 7 Meinhardt, H., 1979 8 Mejer, Jxrgen, 1971 9 Mellone, Dr., 1948 326. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 10 Mellov, 1984 11 Meltzer, Bernard, 1971 12 Men of Achievement, 1971 13 Menahem, Hanina Ben, 1981-1983 14 Menger, Karl, 1951-1980 15 Menne, Albert, 1977-1984 16 Mensa, 1963-1980 17 Mensah, Eugene B., 1983-1984 18 Menzl, Walter (Pan~Humanistische Aktion), 1978-1979 19 Mercier, Andre, 1946-1949 20 Merkel, Reinhard, 1982 21 Merklein, Siegfried T., 1981-1983 22 Merrill, Daniel D., 1976-1978 23 Mertes, Michael, 1977-1979 24 Merwe, Alwyn van der, 1982 25 Messmer, Bernhard, 1974-1982 26 Messner, Johannes, 1981 27 Methodology and Science (Piet H. Esser), 1972-1982, re "The Present Significance of Two Arguments of Henri Poincare." See also Morscher, Edgar 28 Methuen & Co., 1975-1981 29 Mettenheim, Cristoph von, 1968-1975 30 Mew, Melitta, 1983-1985 31 Meyer, Herman, 1946-1947 32 Meyer, Justus, 1946-1952 327. 1 Meyer, William H., 1953 2 Meyer-Abich, Klaus M., 1981-1982 3 Meyer-Bornsen, Christiane, 1982-1986 4 Meyer-Schwickerath, Gerd, n.d. 5 Michaelis, Ernstaugust, 1983 6 Michalos, Alex C., 1972 7 Michigan Quarterly Review, 1978-1979 8 Michl, Jan, 1979 9 Middelmann, Hans W., 1981-1983 10 Mieszkis, K. W., 1985 11 Miles, T. R., n.d. 12 Milford-Hilferding, Peter, 1960-1984 Miller, David William and Farida. Includes David Miller's notes 13 Undated 14 1965-1966 15 1967-1969 328. 1 1970-1973 2 1974-1979 3 1980-1982 4 1983 5 1984. Includes Karl Popper's notes 6 1985-1986 CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 329. 1 Miller, Ian, 1983 2 Milne, Alan J. M., 1947-1981 3 Mind (David W. Hamlyn), 1971-1981. See also Ryle, Gilbert 4 Mises, Richard von, 1935 5 Missimer, G., 1984 6 Mitchell, E. W. J., 1983 7 Mitchell, H. B., 1982, re translation of Karl Popper's interview "Les chemins de la verite" 8 Mitchell, Peter, 1982 9 Mittelstrass, Jurgen, 1984 10 Mittwoch, Ursula, 1977 11 Moberly, Walter, 1951 12 Moewes, Winfried, 1980-1981 13 Moffat, James, 1969 14 Moir, David, 1982 15 Mokre, J., 1962 16 Moldauer, Peter, 1968 17 Molden, Fritz P., 1979-1980 18 Molden, Otto, 1948-1985 19 Mombert, Francois, 1979-1982 20 Mondadori (Anna Piana), 1975 21 Mondoperaio Edizione Avanti, 1979 22 Monist (Eugene Freeman), 1972-1982 23 Monod, Jacques, 1970-1975 24 Monod, Philippe, 1977-1979 25 Mont Pelerin Society (Friedrich A. von Hayek, A. Hunold), 1947-1979 26 Montague, Richard, 1960 27 Moorbath, Stephen, 1982 28 Moore, D. J., 1952 29 Moore, G. E., 1938-1958 30 Moore, Walter J., 1985 31 Moorhead, Hugh S., 1958 32 Morgan, Richard B., 1974-1979 33 Morgenstern, Oskar (Mathematica), 1973 34 Mori, I., 1971-1979 35 Morishige, Tsuchiya, 1984 36 Morl, Anton von, 1948 37 Morris, Charles W., 1936 38 Morris, Richard O., 1975 39 Morscher, Edgar, 1980-1981 40 Mosee, Margarete, n.d. 41 Moser, Simon (osterreichisches College), 1950-1982 42 Moser-Duftner, Carin, 1979-1985 43 Moss, E. H. G., 1979 330. 1 Motz, Hans, 1938-1983. Includes Karl Popper's notes 2 Mourelatos, Alexander P. D., 1974 3 Muckenheim, Wolfgang, 1984 4 Muller, Gert H., 1965-1980 5 Mugur-Schachter, Mioara, 1973-1983 6 Muhlmann, W. E., 1961 330. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 7 Mulligan, Kevin, 1979 8 Munch, Hans, 1970 9 Munro-Kerr, Anne (Society of Authors), 1976 10 Munz, Peter, 1946-1984 11 Murdoch, Professor, n.d. 12 Murray, Gilbert, 1948 13 Murray, John Kerr, 1970-1971 14 Murray, W. A. Scott, 1980-1984 15 Musgrave, Alan, 1964-1981 16 Mycielski, Jan, n.d. 17 Myddelton, David, 1979 331. 1 Nadel, George H., 1959-1970 2 Nagy, Lajos V., 1970 3 Naess, Arne, 1949-1964 4 Nahs, Hans-Georg, 1982-1983 5 Naik, V. A., 1980 6 Nalimov, Vassili V., 1971-1983 7 Naor, David, 1981 8 Nash, S. J., 1946 9 Nation (Carey McWilliams), 1954 10 National Bank Cultural Foundation (E. C. Casdaglis), 1982, re The Open Society 11 National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment, 1961 12 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships, 1979 13 National Portrait Gallery, 1959-1960 14 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 1981 15 Natur och Kultur (Britta Svensson), 1975 16 Nature (John Maddox), 1956-1983. Includes joint papers by Karl Popper and Thomas D. Angelidis 17 Naude, Cavin, 1973-1974 18 Neblett, William R., Jr., 1964 19 Nechausky, Frau, 1982 20 Neely, Peter M., 1979 21 Nelson, Benjamin, 1965-1970 22 Nelson, Edward, 1970 23 Neue Hefte fur Philosophie, 1970 24 Neues Forum (Gunther Nenning), 1972 25 Neuhauser-Loibl, Maria, 1983 26 Neumann, Lothar F., 1969-1970 27 Neurath, Marie, 1964 28 Neurath, Otto, 1935-1936 29 New American Library, 1966 30 New Mexico Highlands University, 1984 31 New Scientist (Tim Raison, Michael Kenward), 1958-1981 32 New Society, 1963-1983 33 New Statesman, 1973 34 New York Review of Books (R. B. Silvers), 1965-1967 331. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 35 New York Times (Holcomb B. Noble), 1983-1985. Includes correspondence with Daniel Goleman and printed copy of his article on Adolf Grunbaum and psychoanalysis. See also Mark Amadeus Notturno and Paul R. McHugh 36 New York University Press, 1979 37 Newman, Jose, 1975 38 Newton-Smith, W. H., 1981, re unofficial Philosophy Seminars in Prague 39 Nichols, Mary P., 1985 40 Nieli, Russell, 1980 41 Nielsen, Fleming S., 1963-1978 42 Nisewanger, Darlene E., 1974 43 Noda, Matao, 1953 332. 1 Norddeutscher Rundfunk, 1982 2 Nordin, Ingemar, 1977-1979 3 North Holland Publishing Company, 1968-1969 4 Northrop, F. S. C., 1954 5 Northwestern University (William Earle), 1964 6 Norway. Embassy (Great Britain), 1967 7 Notturno, Mark Amadeus, 1982-1985 8 Nouvelle Ecole (Alain de Benoist), 1976 9 Novakovic, Stanisa, 1961-1983 10 Nuffield Foundation, 1969-1981. Includes reports on Karl Popper's publications and on the work of his research assistants. See also London School of Economics 11 Nugayev, R. M., 1983 12 Nuova Italia Editrice (Mario Casalini), 1968-1971 13 Nuzzaci, Francesco, 1972-1979 14 Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung (Hans A. Neunzig), 1971-1972 15 Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1972-1973 16 ORDO (Hans Willgerodt), 1978-1979. Includes correspondence with Gustav Fischer Verlag 17 Oakeshott, Michael, 1948-1961 18 Oakley, Kenneth P., 1978 19 O'Connor, Dan J., 1966-1973 20 Odell, S. Jack (and Charles J. Bontempo), 1971-1982 21 Odling-Smee, John, 1978-1979 22 O'Dowd, Matt, 1984 333. 1 Oerley, W. A., 1983 2 Offenberger, Hans (John), 1977-1984 3 Office de Radiodiffusion-Television Francaise, 1972 4 Ogilvie, Sheilagh C., 1984 5 O'Gorman, James P. P., 1979-1981 6 Ohe, Seizo, n.d. 7 O'Hear, Anthony, 1979 8 Ohio State University (Everett J. Nelson), 1958 9 Oka, Masahiro, 1974-1975 10 Okera, P., 1983-1984 11 Olafson, Frederick A., 1960 12 Old Whig Society (Sudha R. Shenoy), 1964 333. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 13 Oldham, J. H., 1952 14 Oliver, D. S., 1979 15 Ollman, Bertell, 1972 16 Omni (Bernard Dixon), 1979 17 O'Neil, W. M., 1968 18 O'Neill, Angus, 1978 Open Court Publishing Company re Library of Living Philosophers. See also McNelis, Mary General 19 Undated 20 1972-1974 21 Carus, Andre W., 1974-1985 22 Carus, Blouke M., 1972-1975 Freeman, Eugene 23 1961-1972 24 1973-1976 334. Schilpp, Paul Arthur 1 1953-1964 re Carnap volume 2 1963-1969 re Popper volume 3 1970-1972 4 1973-1976 5 Webber, Howard R., 1975-1980 6 Open University, 1980-1982 7 Opinione (Salvatore Carruba), 1979-1980 8 Oppacher, Franz, 1973 9 Oppenheim, Paul, 1946-1954 10 Oppitz, Gerda, 1982 11 Orden pour le Merite fur Wissenschaften und Kunste, 1982-1984 12 O'Reilly, Ron, 1945 13 Organisatie van Natuurphilosophische en Technologische Faculteiten in Nederland (C. M. C. Hoedemaker, J. C. H. L. Benneker), 1960-1961 14 Orion Press, 1975-1978 15 Ormell, Christopher, 1968 16 Orpinela, Robert R., 1960 335. 1 Osborn, Reuben, 1977 2 osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1977-1984 3 osterreichische Hochschulerschaft (Anton Winter), 1983 4 osterreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft (Adolf Hubner), 1978, re International Wittgenstein Symposium 5 osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, 1970-1982 6 osterreichischer Bundesverlag (Herbert Fussy, Othmar Spachinger), 1981-1985 7 osterreichischer Rundfunk (Franz Kreuzer), 1954-1985. Includes Karl Popper's handwritten notes 8 osterreichisches College (Alexander Auer, Sonja Wengersky), 1948-1983. See also Molden, Otto 9 Osters, P., 1974 10 Otava Publishing Company, 1965 335. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 11 Ott, Walter, 1983 12 Otto, Frei, 1979 13 Owen, Lawrence, 1982 14 Owl (Alfred Juenson-Taylor), 1951 15 Oxford Union Society, 1967, re Karl Popper's lecture "A Pluralist Approach to the Philosophy of History" 16 Oxford University Politics Society, 1984 17 Oxford University Press (Jon Stallworthy, Adam Hodgkin), 1966-1985. Includes correspondence re Objective Knowledge. See also Wheeler, Mortimer; Watkins, John; Clarendon Press 18 Pacheco, Keith, 1975 19 Padagogisches Institut der Stadt Wien, 1983-1984 20 Pahler, Klaus, 1977-1985 21 Pais, Istvan, 1979 22 Palmer, C. P., 1979 23 Palumbo, Pietro, 1981 24 Pambuccian, Victor, 1984 25 Pandit, G. L., 1983 26 Panine, Dimitri, 1979 27 Pap, Arthur, 1953-1954 336. 1 Papadaki, Irene, 1978-1986, re translations of Karl Popper's works into Greek 2 Papaikonomou, E., 1976 3 Parahitananda, Swami, 1981 4 Pardo, Raymundo, 1973 5 Parekh, B. C. (University of Baroda, India), 1982 6 Park, Woosuk, 1979-1982 7 Parker, L. K., 1975 8 Parker, Miles, 1974 9 Parker, Neil, n.d. 10 Parkes, H. B., 1941 11 Parkin, Mr., n.d. 12 Parkinson, Henry J., 1982 13 Parsler, Ron, 1979 14 Parton, Hugh Noble, 1946-1985. Includes his review of The Open Society 15 Paschke, F., 1982 16 Pascoe, Clive B., 1977 17 Passmore, John Arthur, 1945-1967 18 Pasternak, Josephine, 1980 19 Patel, A. B., 1981-1984 20 Patmos Verlag, 1975-1977 21 Paton, H. J., 1948-1966 22 Pattaro, Sandra Tugholi, 1979 23 Pauling, Linus, 1980 24 Paulos, John A., 1978 25 Pauly, Philip J., 1980-1981 26 Pauwels, Leo (Volksmacht), 1979 27 Pavco M. Vianna, Moyses, 1964-1966 28 Payne, Perrell F., 1975 29 Pearsall, Richard, 1983 336. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 30 Peces-Barba Martinez, Gregorio, 1984 31 Pecker, Jean-Claude, 1981 32 Peierls, Rudolf E., 1959. Includes Karl Popper's holograph "A Note on the Tunnel Effect" 337. 1 Penfold, Chesney, 1982 2 Penman, John, 1963 3 Penn, Hans-Joachim, 1982-1984 4 Pera, Marcello, 1979-1984 5 Percival, P., 1978 6 Perelman, Chaim, 1960-1976 7 Perey, Francis G., 1983 8 Perez-Diaz, Victor, 1984 9 Pergamon Press, 1979. Includes correspondence re Biologos 10 Perkinson, Henry J., 1977-1982 11 Perroux, Francois, 1982 12 Perry, Leslie R., 1971 13 Perutz, Max F., 1981-1984 14 Pesaro, Friederike and Mario, 1984 15 Pesce, Maria Antonietta Arioli, 1978 16 Peschek, Friedrich, 1981 17 Peston, Maurice H., 1961 Petersen, Arne Friemuth 18 1968-1969 19 1970-1985 20 Petroni, Angelo Maria, 1980-1984 21 Petrovic, Alexandre, 1983-1984 22 Petzinger, Johann-Michael v., 1980 23 Peursen, C. A. van, 1982 24 Peyrefitte, Alain M., 1984 25 Pezzimenti, Rocco, 1984-1985 338. 1 Pfanzagl, J., 1960 2 Pfaundler, Gertrud, 1982-1984 3 Pfaundler, Wolfgang, 1972-1984 4 Pflugstert, Ulrich, 1980-1981 5 Pfreundschuh, Gerhard, 1982 6 Phillips, Roger E. A., 1966 7 Philosopher's Index (Richard H. Lineback), 1974-1982 8 Philosophia (Ruth Sheizaf), 1980. Includes correspondence with Massada Ltd. 9 Philosophical Lexicon, 1978 10 Philosophisch-Politische Akademie (Susanne Miller), 1980-1984 11 Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger (Georgi Schischkoff), 1968-1980 12 Philosophon agora (Krysztof Duszkiewicz), 1981 13 Philosophy (J. Renford Bambrough), 1978 14 Phipps, Thomas E., Jr., 1974-1984 15 Physical Review and Physical Review Letters (George Basbas), 1981, re "Possible Direct Physical Detection of De Broglie Waves" written by Augusto Garuccio, Karl Popper, and Jean-Pierre Vigier 338. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 16 Piaget, Jean, 1973 17 Pick, Joan Margaret, 1981, re Earth Enterprise project 18 Pickthorn, Helen, n.d. 19 Piepe, Anthony, 1961 20 Piffl-Percevic, Theodor, 1968 21 Pikal, Klaus, 1980, re Ludwig Wittgenstein 22 Pischl, Kurt, 1984 23 Pitman, Mike, 1980-1983 24 Pizano Salazar, Diego, 1978 25 Platzgummer, Winfried (Universitat zu Wien), 1982 26 Plenum Press, 1970-1982. See also Eccles, John C. 27 Pleydell-Pearce, A. E., 1960 28 Plotkin, H. C., 1980 29 Pocock, Philip J., 1976-1984 30 Podgorecki, Adam, 1979 31 Podlaha, M. F., 1970-1985 32 Pokorny, Zdenek, 1972-1980 339. 1 Polanyi, Michael, 1932-1966 2 Poli, E., 1974 3 Political Quarterly (William A. Robson), 1955 4 Political Theory (Walter Odajnyk), 1972-1981 5 Pollard, J. W., 1983-1984. See also John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Publishers 6 Pollock, Raphael C., 1954-1984 7 Polten, Eric P., 1972 8 Polytel International, 1974 9 Pongratz, Ludwig J., 1975 10 Popa, Cornel, 1966-1972 11 Pope, Neville Vivian, 1970-1985 12 Popkin, Richard H., 1966 13 Pork, Andrus, 1980 14 Portisch-Riff GMBH, 1985 15 Post, Heinz R., 1965-1983. Includes letter from Lord Wolfenden 16 Post, John F., 1969-1974 17 Pozzi, Hector, 1961 18 Praemium Erasmianum Foundation (H. R. Hoetink), 1980 19 Premdas, John A. Xavier, 1961-1980 20 Presse (Otto Schulmeister), 1968-1975 21 Presses de la Cite (Bernard de Fallois), 1984-1985 22 Presses Universitaires de France, 1981 23 Pribram, Karl H., 1981 24 Price, O. John, 1982 25 Priest, Stephen, 1984 26 Prigogine, Ilya, 1984-1985 Princeton University Press, mainly re The Open Society 27 1947-1956 28 1960-1984. Includes correspondence with Routledge & Kegan Paul, Prentice-Hall, and Donald N. Baker CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 340. 1 Principles of Freedom Project (John V. Van Sickle), 1963-1968 2 Prior, Arthur N., 1952-1960 3 Prior, W. E., 1956-1957 4 Probst, David Karl, 1965-1975 5 Profil (Peter-Michael Lingens), 1979-1984. Includes Konrad Lorenz's letter to Profil 6 Prokhovnik, Simon J., 1969-1973 7 Publicacoes Dom Quixote, 1985 8 Quan, Stanislaus, 1963-1964 9 Quine, Willard Van Orman, 1948-1954 10 Quintanilla, Miguel, 1970 11 Quinton, Lord Anthony, n.d., 1983 12 RIAS Berlin, 1962-1983 R. Piper & Co. Verlag, mainly re The Self and Its Brain. Includes Karl Popper's notes and holograph "A Note on the Tractatus 636111." See also Eccles, John C. 13 1972-1979 14 1980-1985 15 Rabasa, Emilio, 1976-1977 16 Radcliffe(?), n.d. 17 Radio Free Europe (Richard Sears), 1954 341. 1 Radnitzky, Gerard, 1969-1985. See also Seiffert, Helmut 2 Rasmussen, Edgar Tranekjear, 1949-1979 3 Rasmussen, Stig Alstrup, 1982 4 Rastogi, R. P., 1983 5 Rathgeber, H. D., 1964 6 Ratio (Stephan Korner, Martin Hollis, Mary Saran), 1957-1979 7 Rationalist Press Association, 1948-1982 8 Rationalist Society, n.d. 9 Rauch, Helmut, 1984 10 Raven, J. C., 1958 11 Ravest, J., 1967 12 Ravetz, Jerry R., 1973 13 Ravnkilde, Jens, 1971-1974 14 Read, Herbert, 1947 15 Read, Leonard E., 1947 16 Recherche, 1974 17 Reclam Verlag (Dietrich Klose), 1977-1982. Includes the typewritten translation into German of Karl Popper's lecture "Some Reflections on the Prehistory of Our Western Universities and on Their Present Crisis" 18 Redhead, Michael L. G., 1980-1985 19 Redlich, Otto, 1965-1972 20 Reed, Alan, 1962-1972 21 Reed, Margaret, 1980 22 Rees, Alan, 1980 23 Rees, David A., 1950-1952 24 Reichenbach, Hans, 1935 25 Reid, Louis Arnaud, n.d. 26 Reif, Adelbert, 1977 341. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 27 Rein, Andrew, 1982 28 Reinfrank, Arno, 1972-1977 29 Reinhard, W., 1978 342. 1 Reiss, Hans S., 1952-1984 2 Rensch, Bernhard, 1977-1982 3 Renyi, Alfred, 1959-1966 4 Resce, Maria Antonietta Arioli, 1979 5 Rescher, Nicholas, 1965-1967 6 Review of Metaphysics (Richard J. Bernstein, Jude P. Dougherty), 1968-1978 7 Review of Social Economy (William R. Waters), 1979 8 Revista de Occidente (Juan Pablo Fusi), 1982 9 Revue internationale de philosophie, 1971-1979 10 Reynolds, Sydney, 1982 11 Rhee, Yinsog, 1975-1989, re translantion of The Poverty of Historicism into Korean 12 Rhein-Ruhr-Klub, 1958 13 Rhode, Wolfgang, 1982-1983 14 Richmond, Sheldon, 1978-1979 15 Riddell, R. C., 1979 16 Riedl, Rupert, 1975-1979 17 Rietdijk, C. W., 1983 18 Riley, Professor, 1984 19 Ringle, Martin, 1979 20 Ritchie, Benbow F., 1966 21 Ritter, J.-P., 1984 22 Rivista di filosofia (Nicola Abbagnano), 1956 23 Robbins, Lord Lionel, 1946-1981 24 Roberts, George W., 1971 25 Robertson, Alan, 1977. Includes correspondence with Sewall Wright 26 Robilant, Enrico di, 1983-1984 27 Robinson, Abraham, 1964-1968 28 Robinson, D. H., 1952-1953 29 Robinson, Joan, 1954-1966 30 Robinson, Less G., 1952, re his review of The Open Society 31 Robinson, Richard, 1952-1970 32 Robson, William A., 1957-1971 Rockefeller Foundation 33 1953-1954. Includes work plans 34 1972-1974, re the Villa Serbelloni. Includes correspondence with John C. Eccles 35 Rod, Wolfgang, 1981 36 Rodrigues, Waldyr Alves, Jr., 1984 37 Roellecke, Gerd, 1983-1984 38 Rogers, Raymond, 1953 39 Rokkan, Stein, 1947 CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 343. 1 Rollins, C. D., 1962 2 Ronde Tafel, 1982 3 Roodkovsky, Nikita D., 1952 4 Ropke, Wilhelm, 1947 5 Rortgen, Barbara (Public Action), 1976 6 Roseberg, Ulrich, 1982 7 Rosenbaum, E., 1946 8 Rosenthal, Abraham, 1971 9 Rosenzweig, Mark R., 1976 10 Ross, Alf, 1972 11 Rossi, Arcangelo, 1972-1973 12 Rossner, Hans, 1977-1979 13 Rosso, Angelo, 1972 14 Rotenstreich, N., 1954 15 Roth, George, 1960-1979 16 Rothschild, Lord, 1982 17 Roudnitska, Edmund, 1982 Routledge & Kegan Paul (Norman Franklin) 18 Undated 19 1947-1956 20 1957-1961 21 1962-1964 344. 1 1965-1968 2 1971-1974 3 1975-1977 4 1978-1979 5 1980-1985 345. 1 Routley, Richard, 1980-1982 2 Rowan, Michael (and Alan Smithson), 1981 3 Rowman and Littlefield Publishers (Jim Feather), 1979-1982 4 Royal Institute of Philosophy (A. Phillips Griffiths), 1951-1981 5 Royal Institution, 1977 6 Royal Society, 1977-1985 7 Royal Society of New Zealand, 1965 8 Royal Statistical Society (J. Durbin), 1965 9 Rudner, Richard S., 1966 10 Rudwick, Dr., 1971 11 Rueff, Jacques, 1967 12 Ruegg, Walter, 1984 13 Ruse, Michael, 1982-1983 14 Russell, Lord Bertrand, 1936-1968. Includes Karl Popper's notes and a typewritten review of Bertrand Russell's A History of Western Philosophy 15 Russell, L. J., 1947-1961 16 Ruthers, Bernd, 1983 17 Ryan, James P., 1972 18 Rybak, John and Janet, 1975-1983 19 Ryder, John M., 1982 20 Ryle, Gilbert, 1946-1976 345. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 21 S. Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart (H. Rotta), 1972 22 Saarlandischer Rundfunk, 1980-1982 23 Saarnio, Uuno, 1961-1975 24 Sabine, George H., 1958 25 Sabra, Abdel Hamid Ibrahim, 1953-1982 26 Sachs, Mendel, 1967-1978 27 Sadler, Mark D., 1985 28 Sadovsky, Vadim N., 1980-1985 346. 1 Saggiatore (Elena Panizza, Maria Laura Boselli), 1962-1984, mainly re The Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery 2 Sahner, Heinz, 1977-1978 3 St. James Society (John Blundell), 1979 4 St. John-Brooks, W. H., 1977 5 Salam, Abdus, 1959-1985 6 Salaman, Myer H., 1982 7 Salamun, Kurt, 1978-1984 8 Salk Institute for Biological Studies (Jonas E. Salk, Jacob Bruno Bronowski), 1965-1968 9 Sallinger, Hermann, 1984 10 Sallows, Lee, 1979-1984 11 Salzburg Seminar in American Studies (Dexter Perkins), 1950 12 Salzer, Martin, 1981 13 Sambursky, S., 1961-1973 14 Sampson, Geoffrey, 1980-1983 15 Sanchez de Zavala, Victor, 1962-1969 16 Sander, P. M., 1981 17 Sander, Wolfgang, 1983 18 Santilli, Ruggero Maria, 1981 19 Saposnekow, J., 1951 20 Sarkar, Husain, 1981 21 Sarton, George, 1948-1954. See also Ziman, John M. 22 Sasaki, Kazuo, 1979 23 Schaeffer, F., 1973 24 Schafer, Lothar, 1971 25 Schafer, Werner, 1984 26 Schatzman, Morton, 1973 27 Scheib, Artur, 1977 28 Scheibe, Erhard, 1970-1985 29 Schellenbacher, Manfred, 1983 30 Scheurer, Paul, 1983 31 Schidlowski, Manfred, 1982-1983, re 27th International Geological Congress, Moscow, 1984. Includes correspondence between potential speakers 32 Schiff, Erich, 1985 (Karl Popper's nephew) 33 Schiff, K. Ludwig, 1977 34 Schiff, Kathl, 1934 35 Schiff, Otto F. K., 1962-1979 36 Schimanovich, Werner, 1980-1981 37 Schlagel, Richard H., 1978-1982 38 Schlamm, William S., 1977 346. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 39 Schlegel, Richard, 1956-1976 40 Schleichert, Hubert, 1966 41 Schmidt, Ernst, 1972 42 Schmidt, Helmut, 1977-1985 43 Schmidt, Hermann Josef, 1979 44 Schmidt, Robert F. (Sensori-Motor Integration in the Brain Symposium), 1982-1983 347. 1 Schmidt, Wolfgang, 1981 2 Schmitt, Charles, 1968 3 Schneider, Hans-Georg, 1979-1980 4 Schneider, Horst, 1981-1982 5 Schnusenberg, Christine C. (University of Chicago), 1985 6 Schoeck, Helmut, 1956-1979 7 Scholer, Hans, 1983 8 Scholter, Siegfried, 1981-1982 9 Scholz, Heinrich, 1947-1953 10 Schone, Albrecht, 1983 11 School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London (C. H. Phillips), 1950-1965 12 Schor, Silvia Maria, 1982 13 Schorer, Peter, 1981-1982 14 Schramm, Alfred, 1977-1982 15 Schramm, Gottfried, 1972 16 Schreier, F., 1976 17 Schroder, Wilfried, 1981-1983 18 Schrodinger, Erwin, 1949-1962. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten "Complementarity and the Two-Slit Experiment" 19 Schrodinger Centenary Conference at Imperial College (Lord Flowers), 1985 20 Schroeder-Heister, Peter, 1980-1983 21 Schufle, Joseph A., 1976-1985 22 Schuklenk, Udo, 1984-1985 23 Schuler, Wolfgang, 1984 24 Schulten, Otto, 1981-1985 25 Schumacher, Donald L., 1972 26 Schuman, Margaret, 1966 27 Schutz, Alfred, 1950 28 Schwartz, Pedro, 1964-1983. Includes a typewritten transcript of his interview of Karl Popper in 1982, plus Karl Popper's corrections 348. 1 Schwarz, Balduin, 1979 2 Schwarz, Richard, 1974 3 Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, 1968 4 Schwyzer, Hubert, 1961 5 Schwyzer-Shuh, Elsa, 1960-1986. Includes correspondence with her daughter Christl 6 Science Digest, 1981-1982 7 Science Journal, 1966 8 Science Progress, 1952 9 Sciences (Robert N. Ubell), 1978 348. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 10 Scientia, 1985 11 Scott, George P., 1977 12 Scott, J. W., 1946-1950 13 Scuola in azione (Marcello Boldrini), 1961 14 Searchinger, Jean (Equinox Films), 1979 15 Seckler, David, 1977 16 Seeger, Alfred, 1983 17 Seidl, Christian, 1982-1983 18 Seidl, Lois, 1980 19 Seiffert, Helmut, 1978-1982, re Handlexikon zur Wissenschaftstheorie, 1978-1982. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten article for the Handlexikon entitled "Falsifizierbarkeit" 20 Seitelberger, Franz, 1983 21 Selleri, Franco, 1983-1984 22 Selling, Magnus, 1980-1982 23 Selzer, Edgar, 1976 24 Serkin, Rudolf, 1975-1982 25 Sethi, Dino, 1977 26 Settembrini, Domenico, 1970-1972 349. 1 Settle, Thomas W., 1966-1985 2 Seven Star Productions, 1980 3 Severin und Siedler, 1981 4 Sexl, Roman (and Herbert Pietschmann), 1972-1980 5 Seymann, Anna, 1985 6 Shahak, Israel, 1981 7 Shalom, Albert, 1979 8 Shanker, S. G., 1984. Includes printed copy of "The Myth of the Framework" 9 Shanmuga Sundaram, V., 1972 10 Sharpe, David, 1980 11 Shaw, Patrick (and Bill Lyons), 1975 Shearmur, Jeremy F. G. 12 Undated 13 1971-1985 14 Shehaby, Nabil, 1965-1969 350. 1 Sheldon, Neil A., 1980 2 Sheldrake, Rupert, 1980-1983 3 Shenker, Israel, 1969 4 Sherrington Society (John R. Smythies), 1975-1979 5 Shiang, David, 1979 6 Shils, Edward, 1948-1958 7 Shimony, Abner, 1969-1973 8 Shively, W. Phillips, n.d. 9 Shotwell, David A., 1973-1974 10 Shriver, Sargent, 1971 11 Sievering, Ulrich O., 1983-1985 12 Sifriat Poalim Workers' Book-Guild, 1984, re Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt 13 Sigbert Mohn Verlag (Dieter Struss), 1965-1966 350. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 14 Silverman, William A., 1982 15 Simkin, Colin G. F. and Elise, 1959-1985 16 Simmons, David, 1981 17 Simmons, George C., 1980 18 Simmons, George F., 1984 19 Simon-Schaefer, Hans-Albert, 1972 20 Simon-Schaefer, Roland, 1972 21 Simpson, Esther, 1982 22 Singer, Philip, 1954 23 Singer, Rina, 1982 24 Singh, Jitendra and Kusum, 1956-1985 25 Singh, Sampooran, 1979-1980 26 Sinowatz, Fred, 1978 27 Sir George Williams University (Vladimir Zeman), 1972 28 Sirc, L., 1977 29 Skagestad, Peter, 1978 30 Skilbeck, Miss, 1953 31 Skirbekk, Gunnar, 1984 32 Skrabanek, Petr, 1983 33 Slade, Ivan, 1981-1983 34 Slavik, Felix, 1972 351. 1 Smart, J. J. C., 1965 2 Smart, William Dan, 1982-1983 3 Smithers, David W., 1961-1972 4 Smithson, Alan, 1977-1981 5 Smithsonian Institution (Otto Mayr), 1978 6 Smythies, John R., 1975-1979 7 Snell, Lesley Anderson, 1980 8 Snow, Lord C. P., 1970 9 Snow, Mrs. E., 1979 10 Societa Editrice Il Mulino (Luisa Pece), 1963-1983, re Conjectures and Refutations. Includes correspondence with Domenico Pesce 11 Society for Medical Decision Making (John R. Clarke), 1984 12 Society of Authors, 1946-1985 Society of Systematic Zoology. See American Museum of Natural History 13 Solis, Carlos, 1979 14 Solo, Robert, 1949-1955 15 Solomon, John D., 1970-1981 16 Soros, George, 1952-1982 17 Sotheby's (Christopher de Hamel), 1980-1981. Includes Karl Popper's tribute to Alan Thomas, written in the form of a letter to him 18 Southwood, H. M., 1971 19 Souvenir Press (Ernest Hecht), 1974 20 Spearman, Diana, 1970-1978 21 Special Material Services (Mary Bowes), 1979, re Conjectures and Refutations 22 Spectator, 1957-1968 23 Spectrum, 1983-1984 351. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 24 Speiser, David, 1982, re David Bernouilli 25 Spengler, Herbert, 1974-1981 26 Spengler, Tilman, 1981 27 Spiegel, 1975-1982 28 Spiel, Hilde, 1981-1982 29 Spinner, Helmut F., 1968-1972 30 Spitzer, Robert, 1982 352. Springer Verlag (Otto Lange, Ferdinand Springer, J. Tesch, L. Weiss, W. Schwabl, Monika Brendel, Heinz Gotze, K. Teichmann). Includes notes, typewritten prefaces, proofs of index 1 1934-1946 2 1954-1959 3 1967-1970 4 1976 1977 5 January-August 6 September-December 7 1978-1979 8 1980-1985 9 Sprott, W. J. H.,1946-1964 10 Stade, Charles H., 1976 11 Staden, Berndt and W. von, 1980-1982 12 Staden, Dietrich v., 1982 13 Stapf, Kurt H., 1977 14 Staudt, Erich, 1979 15 Stebbing, L. Susan, 1934 16 Steed, Mr., 1946 17 Steele, Edward J., 1979-1984 18 Steen, S. W. P., 1955 19 Steffler, Konstantin, 1980 20 Stegmuller, Wolfgang, 1970-1984 21 Steinmuller, W., 1980 22 Stemmer, Wilhelm, 1967-1983 23 Stern, Frederick M., 1952 353. 1 Stern, Raphael, 1979 2 Stern, W. M., 1959 3 Stevenson, Douglas Lang, 1063-1979 4 Stiasny, Renate, 1981-1984 5 Stiegler, K. G., 1979 6 Stixrud, Paul H., 1972 7 Stockwell, A., 1949 8 Stokes, Geoff, 1979-1980 9 Stone, Maurice L., 1954 10 Strawson, Peter, 1970 11 Streicher, Margarete, 1979 12 Streissler, Erich, 1965-1968 13 Strike, Paul W., 1978-1979 14 Strobel, Hermann, 1977 15 Stroder, Karl W., 1979-1981 353. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 16 Stroher, Herwig, 1977 17 Strong, E. W., 1962-1963 18 Struschka-Hoffmann, Friedrich, 1978 19 Stubbins, Professor, 1981 20 Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, 1981 21 Studies in Philosophy (Jon Stallworthy), 1966 22 Studio Film, 1972 23 Studium Generale (M. Thiel, Ingeborg Kern), 1956-1967 24 Stuermann, W. E., 1962 25 Stuhlmacher, Peter, 1980 26 Sturdevant, Richard A. L., 1975 27 Sturt-Penrose, Barrie J., 1960-1961 28 Suchting, W. A., 1968-1970 29 Sudbery, A., 1983-1984 30 Suddeutscher Rundfunk Stuttgart (Hans Bausch), 1978-1982 31 Suhrkampf Verlag (Siegfried Unseld, Gunther Busch), 1976-1980 32 Sukale, Michael, 1982 33 Sunday Times Magazine, 1966-1969 34 Sunder-Plassmann, Paul, 1982 35 Supek, Ivan, 1966 36 Suppes, Patrick, 1961-1967 37 Survey (Leopold Labedz), 1979 38 Suschitzky, Lore, n.d. 39 Susser, Bernard, 1983-1984 40 Sussmann, Hector J., 1978 41 Sutcliffe, John, 1979 42 Sutton, Nancy L., 1953-1955 43 Svilar, Maja Reemda, n.d. 44 Swales, Peter J., 1979-1980 45 Swartz, Ronald M., 1970-1983 46 Swinburne, Richard G., 1984. Includes Karl Popper's notes 47 Sydney University Press (Hugh Price), 1967-1968 48 Synthese (Jaakko Hintikka, Raimo H. Tuomela), 1946-1970 Systematic Zoology. See American Museum of Natural History 49 Szasz, Thomas S., 1961-1981 50 Szczesny Verlag (Gerhard Szczesny), 1963-1964 51 Szekely, D. L., 1974-1979 354. 1 Tages Anzeiger (Werner Keller), 1984 2 Takeda, Hiromichi, 1963-1973 3 Tanner Lectures on Human Values (Obert C. Tanner, David P. Gardner), 1981 4 Tappe, Horst, 1979 5 Tar, Zoltan, 1981 6 Tarantino, Bianca, 1983 7 Tarozzi, Gino, 1981-1984 8 Tarski, Alfred, 1935-1981 9 Tarski, Jan, 1971-1972 10 Tarski Symposium (R. L. Vaught), 1971-1972 11 Taurus Ediciones, 1959-1980, re The Poverty of Historicism and The Open Society 354. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 12 Taus, Josef, 1977 13 Taylor, John G., 1984. Includes Karl Popper's handwritten abstract of his talk in Birmingham in 1984 14 Taylor, Keith, 1982 15 Taylor, William, 1979 16 Teller, Ada, 1982-1983 17 Temperley, Clive E., 1954-1955 18 Temple, Robert, 1983-1984 19 Teorema (Carmen Garcia Trevijano), 1977-1980 20 Thames Television (Udi Eichler), 1972 21 Thatcher, Margaret, 1984 22 Theis, Robert, 1978-1979 23 Theory and Decision (Werner Leinfellner), 1972 24 Thieffine, F., 1981 25 Thirring, Walter, 1982 26 Thoemmes Antiquarian Books, 1982-1985 27 Thomas, Brian R., 1978-1980 28 Thomas, Hugh, 1979 29 Thomas, Reginald, 1982-1984 30 Thomas Nelson & Sons (R. L. C. Lorimer), 1953 31 Thomson, George, 1983 32 Thomson, Sir George Paget, 1967-1969 33 Thorpe, William H., 1972-1978 34 Thyssen-Rutten, Nicole, 1970, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery 355. 1 Tibetan Youth Congress, 1981. Includes correspondence with the Norwegian Nobel Committee 2 Tichy, Pavel, 1975-1978 3 Tielsch, Elfriede Walesca, 1980-1982 4 Tietzel, Manfred, 1981 5 Time and Tide, 1975 6 Times (London), 1958-1984. Includes Karl Popper's handwritten, typewritten, and printed obituary of Rudolf Carnap, published on 17 September 1970 7 Times Higher Education Supplement, 1948-1981 8 Times Literary Supplement, 1948-1975 9 Tinbergen, N., 1974 10 Tinney, Duncan J., n.d. 11 Tint, Herbert, 1968 12 Tizard, Jack, 1946-1976 13 Todd, Lord, 1977 14 Todtmooser Gesprache (Frank-Lothar Hinz, Jesco von Puttkamer), n.d. 15 Toelke, Gerhard, 1980-1982 16 Tomlin, E. W. F., 1978-1983 17 Tonelli, Giorgio (Studi Internazionali de Filosofia), 1969-1972 18 Tononi, Giulio, 1979 19 Topitsch, Ernst, 1979 20 Tornebohm, Hakan, 1962-1983. Includes a letter from Aant Elzinga 21 Tortella Oteo, Gabriel, 1975 355. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 22 Toulmin, Stephen, 1947-1966 23 Touwen, Bert C. L., 1978 24 Traill, Robert R., 1976 25 Trautvetter, Erika, 1983 26 Treder, Hans-Jurgen, 1968-1983 27 Trevor-Roper, Hugh R., 1957 28 Trincher, Karl, 1979-1984. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten foreword to Karl Trincher's book The Principal Laws of Biological Thermodynamics 29 Trinchero, Mario, 1970-1981 30 Tripathi, Tarak Nath, 1980-1981 31 Truesdell, Clifford, 1985 32 Trusted, Jennifer, 1980 33 Tsakok, A. David, 1982 34 Tsuchiya, Morishige, 1984 35 Tubman, Quentin M., 1978-1985 36 Tucker, John, 1965-1968 37 Tullock, Gordon, 1970 38 Tumlir, Jan, 1977 39 Turner, Frank, 1972 40 Turner, Martin, 1965 41 Twentieth Century, 1953-1955 356. 1 Uitgeverij de Arbeiderspers (D. H. Landwehr), 1965-1971, re The Poverty of Historicism and Conjectures and Refutations 2 Uitgeverij Het Spectrum, 1978, re The Poverty of Historicism 3 Ungar, Frederick, 1980 4 Ungar, Georges, 1976 5 Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese (O. Merlini, C. Verde), 1967 6 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Arne Naess, Bruno Friedman), 1948-1969 7 United States. Department of State, 1970 8 United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom, 1949-1952 9 United States. Embassy (Great Britain), 1949-1956 10 United States Information Agency, 1957 11 Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Magi Cadevall), 1984, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery 12 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1984 13 Universitat Salzburg (Adolf Haslinger), 1984 14 Universities Quarterly (C. R. Morris), 1952 15 University College, London (G. C. Allen, Ifor Evans), 1949-1964 16 University of Alberta (Anthony M. Mardiros), 1962 17 University of Birmingham, 1947 18 University of Brasilia (Jose Carlos Azevedo), 1982 19 University of Brasilia Press (Sergio Sampaio, Carlos Henrique Cardim), 1979-1981 20 University of California, Berkeley (William A. Shack, Ira Michael Heyman), 1981 21 University of California, Los Angeles (Ernest A. Moody, Abraham Kaplan), 1961-1962 356. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 22 University of California, San Diego (Avrum Stroll), 1966. Includes correspondence re Herbert Marcuse 23 University of California, Santa Barbara (Paul D. Wienpahl), 1957-1962 24 University of Cambridge (T. J. Smiley, Peter Swinnerton- Dyer), 1961-1979 25 University of Canterbury (L. L. Pownall, G. G. Turbott), 1965-1976. See also Parton, Hugh 26 University of Canterbury Library, 1982-1984 27 University of Cape Town (Soros J. Saunders), 1981-1982 28 University of Chicago (Charner Perry), 1960-1961 29 University of Chicago Press (Barry D. Karl, Ann Moyal), 1953-1970 30 University of Copenhagen, 1971 31 University of Denver Magazine, n.d. 32 University of Guelph, 1977-1982 33 University of Hawaii (Winfield E. Nagley), 1963-1970 34 University of Hong Kong (Eric Kvan, Christopher G. New), 1967-1968 35 University of Kansas (Edward Schouten Robinson), 1962 36 University of Kent at Canterbury (Ronald J. Butler), 1971-1972 357. 1 University of London, 1946-1980 2 University of London Library, 1979-1985 3 University of London Philosophical Study Group (P. Wegner), 1952 4 University of Manchester (Arthur Armitage), 1980 5 University of Michigan (Stephen P. Stich), 1978 6 University of Minnesota, 1962-1966 7 University of North Carolina, 1960 8 University of Otago (Robert S. Aitken, F. G. Soper, J. L. Mackie), 1948-1958 9 University of Puget Sound (Wolfred Bauer), 1984 10 University of St. Andrews Philosophical Society (Madsen Pirie), 1971 11 University of South Africa, 1983 12 University of Sydney (David M. Armstrong), 1966-1968 13 University of Texas (Albert C. Lewis), 1979-1980 14 University of Turku, 1983 15 University of Utah (Sterling M. McMurrin), 1978 16 University of Utah Press (Trudy McMurrin), 1980 17 University of Warwick, 1981 18 University of Washington (Everett J. Nelson, Arthur Smullyan), 1951-1962 19 University of York (David Edwards), 1981-1984. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten speech "Toleration and Intellectual Responsibility" 20 University Press, Cambridge, 1954 21 Unterner, Patrice, 1980-1981 22 Urbach, Annie F. and Franz, 1961-1982 23 Urban, Zdenek, 1983 24 Utz, Arthur F., 1981 CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 358. 1 Vadalkar, Mukund L., 1949-1953 2 Vahland, Joachim, 1971 3 Valentino, Raphael, 1980-1981 4 Vance Hall, Madya, 1984 5 Vanderbilt University (Samuel Enoch Stumpf), 1966-1967 6 Vane, John Robert, 1977 7 Vardy, Peter, 1984 8 Varma, Ram K., 1978 9 Varma, V. P., 1950 10 Vedung, Evert, 1983 11 Verbruggen, F., 1974 12 Verdenius, W. J., 1961 13 Verdugo Serna, Carlos, 1979-1984 14 Verharen, Charles C., 1978 15 Verlag Ferdinand Schoningh, 1979-1980 16 Verlag Herder, 1982-1983 17 Verlag J.H.W. Dietz (Georg Luhrs, Frithjof Spreer, Thilo Sarrazin), 1974-1978. Includes correspondence with Verlag Neue Gesellschaft 18 Verlag M. Stark, 1983 19 Verlag Offentliches Leben (H. Riepl, Hanna Bertholet), 1955-1962, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery 20 Verlag Rombach Freiburg (Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner), 1968-1969 21 Verwertungsgesellschaft WORT, 1977-1983 22 Vetter, Hermann, 1975. Includes Hermann Vetter's German translation of parts of Unended Quest 23 Viehweg, Theodor, 1961 24 Vietoris, Leopold, 1963 25 Vigier, Jean-Pierre, 1980-1985. Includes notes by Karl Popper 26 Vigliani, Ada, 1983 27 Vincent, David, 1975-1977 28 Viner, Jacob, 1946-1948 29 Viscardi, M., 1984-1985 30 Vita e Pensiero (Umberto Amadigi), 1975-1976 31 Vittorio Klostermann Verlag (Eckard Klostermann), 1978-1982. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten preface to "The Growth of Scientific Knowledge" (first published as Chapter 10 of Conjectures and Refutations), Summer 1979 32 Vlastos, Gregory, 1970-1980 33 Vogue (Jill Weldon), 1973. Includes Peter B. Medawar's printed article on Karl Popper 34 Vollmer, G., 1977 35 Von Damm, Helene, 1984 36 Vukovich, Paula, 1961-1984 37 Vuysje, Davy, 1965 38 Vydavatel'stvo Politickej Literatury (J. Suchy), 1968 359. 1 W. Heffer & Sons (F. R. Collieson), 1966 2 Wachtershauser, Gunter, 1983 3 Wade, Robert, 1967-1968 359. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 4 Wadlinger, Robert L., 1975 5 Waerden, B. L. van der, 1968-1983 6 Waismann, Friedrich, 1946-1953 7 Wake Forest University School of Law (Howard L. Oleck), 1975 8 Wald, Abraham, n.d. 9 Walentik, Leonhard, 1962-1963, re The Logic of Scientific Discovery 10 Walker, D. Perkin, 1969 11 Walker, Evan Harris, 1970-1971 12 Walker, Marjorie, 1970 13 Waller, Dennis, n.d. 14 Walliser, Bernard, 1985 15 Wallner, Friedrich, 1982-1983 16 Walsh, V. C., 1956 17 Walsh, W. H., 1970 18 Walter, Ingeborg, 1972-1977 19 Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1980 20 Walter Verlag, 1972 21 Wandschneider, Dieter, 1981 22 Wanenlein, A., 1958 23 Wang, Hao, 1952-1953 24 Wang, Ruyong, 1981 Wartofsky, Marx W. See Cohen, Robert S. 25 Washington University Press, 1966-1972 26 Wasserman, Benno. Includes correspondence with the Athlone Press 27 Wasserman, Louis, 1961-1962 28 Wassermann, Gerhard D., 1977-1981 29 Wasserstein, Abraham, 1970 30 Watanabe, Michael S., 1968-1971 31 Watkin, David, 1978 Watkins, John W. N. 32 Undated 33 1948-1957. Includes Karl Popper's typewritten insertions into the New Appendices of the original version (never published) of the Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery 34 1960-1969 360. 1 1970-1975 2 1976-1979 3 1981-1985 4 Watrin, Christian, 1970-1978 5 Watson, Alan C., 1948 6 Watson, George, 1984 7 Watts, Pamela M., 1971-1979 8 Watzlawek, Bernd, 1980-1981 9 Webster, Douglas, 1947-1978 10 Wedberg, Anders, 1950-1951 11 Weed, Lawrence L., 1980 360. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 12 Wegener, Ursula, 1981 13 Weinberg, Steven, 1978-1983 14 Weinberger, Ota, 1981 15 Weingarten, Allen, 1974 16 Weingartner, Paul, 1964-1978 17 Weinke, K., 1979 18 Weis, Ernest, n.d. 19 Weiselberg, Professor, 1935 20 Weissberg Cybulski, Alex, 1954 21 Weisskopf, Viktor, 1934-1936 22 Weizsacker, Carl Friedrich von, 1934-1982 23 Weizsacker, Richard von, 1984-1985 24 Welding, Steen Olaf, 1984 25 Weldon, T. D., 1948 26 Welford, Walter T., 1983 27 Wellmer, Albrecht, 1967 28 Wells, D. G., 1966-1978 29 Welt, 1970-1980 361. 1 Wenham, Martin, 1974-1980 2 Wenzel, Gunter, 1983-1984 3 Werner, Helmut, 1981-1982 4 Werner, Maxentius-Engelbert, 1982-1983 5 Werth, 1984 6 Wesley, James Paul, 1984 7 Westdeutscher Rundfunk, 1970-1972 8 Westdeutscher Verlag, 1957-1961, re The Poverty of Historicism. Includes correspondence with Friedrich Middelhauve and Dr. Albert 9 Wetlesen, Jon, 1980-1981. Includes Karl Popper's typescript "Maximal Independence and Probabilistic Independence" 10 Westminster Press (N. Howell), 1971 11 Wette, Eduard, 1962 12 Wettersten, John R., 1974-1979. Includes a letter to Iikka Niiniluoto 13 Wetzel, Wolfgang, 1966 14 Weyl, Hermann, n.d. 15 Wheeler, John Archibald, 1976-1978 16 Wheelis, Allen B., 1961-1972 17 White, Charles B., 1978-1983 18 White, Frederick W. G., 1969 19 White, Ian, 1986 20 White, Morton G., 1951 21 Whitrow, Gerald J., 1948-1982 22 Whitworth, R. G. H., 1971 23 Who's Who, 1979-1982 24 Whyte, Lancelot Law, 1943-1967 362. 1 Wicke, Ewald, 1976 2 Wiegand, Ronald, 1966 3 Wiehart, Franz, 1983 4 Wieland, Bernhard W., 1969-1972 5 Wiener, Philip P., 1952-1974 362. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 6 Wienhold, Herr, 1976-1977, re Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie 7 Wiesler, H., 1972 8 Wiesner, Berti, 1932-1933 9 Wiggins, D., 1978 10 Wigner, Eugene P., 1974-1978 11 Wiles, P. J. D., 1965. Includes a letter to Paul Handzic 12 Wilkie, J. S., 1965 13 Wilkins, Burlich T., 1971 14 Willgerodt, Hans, 1978-1979 15 Williams, Professor, 1977 16 Williams, Donald C., 1951-1966 17 Williams, Doug, 1983 18 Williams, Shirley, 1969 19 Wilson, Colin Henry, 1967-1980 20 Wilson, David L., 1978-1979. Includes correspondence with Martin Ringle 21 Wilson, J. A., 1967-1980 22 Wilson Quarterly (Peter Braestrup), 1984 23 Wimmer, Hans, 1982 24 Winde, Peter, 1982 25 Windhausen, Wolfgang, 1980-1983 26 Windthorst, Rolf E., 1980 27 Wingler, Hedwig, 1981 28 Winter, Eric, 1969 29 Winter, Warner, 1982 30 Wisdom, A. J. T. D., 1984 31 Wisdom, John Oultan, 1947-1985 363. 1 Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1979 2 Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1975 3 Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Peter Wapnewski), 1980 4 Witschel, Gunter, 1984 5 Witte, Paul de, 1979 6 Witwatersrand University Press, 1983 7 Woitschach, Max, 1978 8 Wold, Herman O., 1967-1968 9 Wolf, A., 1946 10 Wolf, George, 1949 11 Wolff, Michael, 1970 12 Wollheim, Richard, 1967-1978 13 Wolters, Gereon, 1983 14 Woo, Henry K. H., 1985 15 Wood, Christopher C., 1985 16 Wood, Lady Muriel E., 1946-1949 17 Woodger, J. H., 1938-1953 18 Woodrow, Peter J., 1983 19 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1973 20 Woods, Bill, 1976 Workers' Book-Guild. See Sifriat Poalim 21 World Congress of Philosophy (Deyan Pavlov, Alain Diemer, Andre Mercier), 1972-1978 363. (Contd.) CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) 22 World Congress of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (Gian Luigi Gigli), 1982 23 World Perspectives, 1966 24 Worrall, John, 1975-1978 25 Wouk, Herman, 1978-1981 26 Wright, Georg Henrik von, 1947-1975 27 Wright, Stephen J., 1977-1980 28 Wroblewski, Mr., 1959 29 Wuketits, Franz M., 1980-1981 364. 1 Yabrov, Alexander A., 1978-1984 2 Yale Review, 1952 3 Yale University (George Schrader), 1968 4 Yamagishi, Takeshi, 1968 5 Yamey, B. S., 1960 6 Yanase, Michael Mutsuo, 1984 7 Yasui, Takuma, 1977 8 Young Liberals, 1983 9 Young Men's Christian Associations National College (Stephen Woodhams), 1982-1984 10 Yourgrau, Palle, 1967-1968 Yourgrau, Wolfgang and Thella. Includes correspondence with Allen D. Breck, Wilbur C. Miller, and Robert L. Wadlinger 11 1959-1969 12 1970-1978 365. 1 Zahar, Elie G., 1977-1984 2 Zalud, Paul, 1964-1968 3 Zander, Michael, 1977 4 Zander, Walter, 1958 5 Zanitti, L.(?), 1960-1961 6 Zapatero, J. C., 1970 7 Zarnikow, Hans, 1980-1982 8 Zechner, Leopold, 1965 9 Zeh, H. D., 1979 10 Zeisel, Hans, 1981-1984 11 Zeit (Fritz J. Raddatz), 1982-1984 12 Zelger, Josef, 1973-1978 13 Zenker, Gert, 1981-1985 14 Zentralbibliothek fur Physik in Wien (Auguste Dick), 1981 15 Zeppelin, Annette von, 1936 16 Zhou, Jun-jie, 1984 17 Ziegler, Lothar J., 1977-1982 18 Zilk, Helmut, 1982-1983 19 Ziman, John M., 1982-1984 20 Zimmerman, E. J., 1966 21 Zippelius, Reinhold, 1977-1984 22 Zober, Martin, 1951 23 Zollinger, Heinrich, 1978 24 Zollschan, George K., 1956-1966 25 Zschorner, Helmut, 1982-1983 26 Zuckerman, Solly, 1963-1969 27 Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, 1981-1983 366. COURSE MATERIAL, 1937-1970 Canterbury University College, Christchurch, New Zealand General 1 Comments from students, 1945 Correspondence, including with the University of New Zealand, London Office 2 General, 1939-1945 3 Re appointment, 1936-1937. Includes Karl Popper's curriculum vitae, as well as a circular entitled "Schedule of Duties and Conditions of Appointment of a Lecturer in the Department of Education and Philosophy" 4 Re leave of absence and resignation, 1945- 1946 5 Re Professor Sutherland, 1940-1944 6 With Henry Hudson re the latter's notes and remarks (included) on Rudolf Carnap's Logical Syntax 7 Examination questions (for "Logic" and "Ethics"), 1941-1945. Includes a student paper 8 Mark sheets (for "Logic" and "Ethics"), 1945 9 Notes, 1945-1946 10 Report of research in progress, 1943 11 Suggestions for the proposed reform of the syllabus in philosophy and psychology, n.d. 12 Summary of Karl Popper's address (entitled "Some Comments on the University of New Zealand and Comparisons with European Universities") at the discussion of university problems by the council and staff, 1945 September 6 Lectures 13 "Economic History." Reading list and syllabus, n.d. "Ethics" 14 General 15 Notes, 1945 16 Syllabus, 1939 "Logic" 17 General 18 Notes, n.d. 19 Syllabi, 1939-1941. Includes "Notes for Symbolic Logic," by Rudolf Carnap 20 "Religion: Some Modern Problems and Developments" (Karl Popper made four of the 12 presentations in this discussion course: 2, 7, 8A, 10). Syllabus, n.d. 21 Seminar on the Viennese Circle. Notes, 1937 366. (Contd.) COURSE MATERIAL (Contd.) Canterbury Workers' Educational Association (W.E.A.), Christchurch, New Zealand. "Science in the Making" 22-23 Notes, n.d. 24 Syllabus, 1941 25 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, California. Outline of program, 1956-1957 26 Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts. "Philosophy." Miscellany, 1950. See also Northwestern University 367. Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Seminar series on "Induction," 1963 1 Notes Typewritten transcript 2 First (seminar) 3 Second 4 Third 5 Fourth 6 Fifth 7 Sixth 8 Seventh 9 Eighth 10 Ninth 368. London School of Economics, England General 1 Circulars, 1943-1968 Correspondence General, including with Walter Adams, Sydney Caine, Alexander M. Carr-Saunders, D. V. Glass, H. Kidd, C. A. Moser, and H. C. Scriven 2 Undated 3 1946-1957 4 1958-1969 5 Re examinations, 1946-1965, including with the Civil Service Commission and the Local Government Examinations Board 6 Re faculty appointments, 1957-1965 7 Re research assistance, 1959-1969 8 Re students, 1947-1968 9 With the Library, 1954-1966 10 Examination questions (for "Logic" and "Scientific Method") 11 Examination regulations 12 Mark sheet, n.d. COURSE MATERIAL (Contd.) London School of Economics (Contd.) General (Contd.) 369. Minutes. Includes agenda of meetings 1 Appointments Committee, 1952-1965 2 Board of Philosophical Studies, 1952-1965 3 Board of Studies in Economics, 1965 4 Board of Studies in the History of Science and Technology and the Philosophy of Science, 1947-1965 5 Professorial Council, 1946-1947 6-7 Miscellany Notes by Karl Popper 8 Undated. Includes "Note on the Role of Philosophy in Undergraduate Courses" 9 1946-1955 (for lectures and seminars on "Logic" and "Scientific Method") 10 1947-1950 11 1956 May-July (on probability) 12 1965-1966 (for lectures and seminars on "Problems of Philosophy" and "Scientific Method") 13 1968-1969 (for lectures and seminars on "Social Philosophy," "Philosophy of the Social Sciences," and "Scientific Method") 370. 1 Proposal for an extension of the teaching activities of the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, n.d. 2 Reading lists and syllabi 3-4 Reading material 5 Reports on some of Karl Popper's seminars, 1951-1953 6 Statement of development policy (of the Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method), 1964 Lectures "Introduction to Scientific Method." See "Scientific Method" 7 "History of Logic Since ? Paradoxes" (sic). Syllabus, 1958 371. "Logic" 1 General 2 Examination questions, 1945-1966. See also General, Correspondence, Re examinations 3 Mark sheets, 1946-1947 4 Notes, n.d. 371. (Contd.) COURSE MATERIAL (Contd.) London School of Economics (Contd.) Lectures (Contd.) "Logic" (Contd.) Syllabi 5 1946-1947 6 1948-1949 7 1954-1955 8 1955-1956 9 1958 May 372. 1 1958-1959 2 1959 October-December 3 1960 October 10 "Philosophical Problems" 4 Notes, 1967 October 5 Syllabi, 1967 October-December 373. "Philosophy of the Social Sciences" 1 General Syllabi 1960 2 May 3 June 4 1968 October-November 5 "Problem of Derivation and Proof." Syllabus, n.d. "Problems of Philosophy" 6 Student comments Syllabi, 1965 7 October 8 November 9 December 374. "Scientific Method" 1 General Examination questions. Includes correspondence 2 Undated 3 1946-1948 Notes 4 Undated 5 1963-1964 6 1964-1965 7 1966-1967 Syllabi 8 1948-1950 9 1954 October-November 1955 10 February-May 11 October-December 12 1956 January-May COURSE MATERIAL (Contd.) London School of Economics (Contd.) Lectures (Contd.) "Scientific Method" (Contd.) Syllabi (Contd.) 375. 1 1958-1959 2 1959 October-December 3 1960 October 1961 4 February-May 5 December 6 1962 January 376. 1 1963 October-December 1964 2 January-May 3 October-December 377. 1965 1 January-March 2 October 3 November 4 December 378. 1966 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 October-November 379. 1967 1 February 2 March 3 May 4 1968 October-November 5 1969 January-March 380. Seminars Untitled (perhaps "Philosophy and Scientific Method"). Syllabi 1 1964 February 11 2 1966 November 15 and 22 3 1967 October 31 1968 4 April 23 and 30 5 October 15 and 22 6 1969 May 6 7 1970 January 13 8 "Epistemology." Summary of discussion, 1950 February-April 9 "Epistemology and Metaphysics." Bibliography, 1964-1965? COURSE MATERIAL (Contd.) London School of Economics (Contd.) Seminars (Contd.) 381. "On Seeing Red." Syllabi, 1969 1 January 7 2 January 14 "Philosophy and Scientific Method" 3 Attendance sheet, 1960-1961 Syllabi 4 1964 October 12 1965 5 June 28 6 October 11, 18, and 25 7 November 1 8 December 13. Includes notes and correspondence 382. 1966 1 January 17 and 24 2 January 31 3 February 7 4 March 21 5 "On the Third World." Notes and syllabus, 1968 December 6 Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Notes for seminar held there, as well as at Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts 7-8 University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. "Principles of Scientific Method," 1937-1945. Lecture notes 383. SUBJECT FILE, 1945-1985 1 Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques 2 Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences 3 Academie Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences 4 Acton, H. B. 5 Adams, Walter 6 Adler, Mortimer J. Agassi, Joseph. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and Evans, Eve 7 General 8 Correspondence 9 Letters of recommendation from Karl Popper 10 Agassi, Judith 11 Albert, Hans 12 Alpbach European Forum 13 American Academy of Arts and Sciences 14 American Association for the Advancement of Science 15 Anstey, Vera 16 Apostel, Leo 17 Architecture. Includes various letters to the editor re the Architectural Association symposium on decision-making organized by Royston S. Landau in 1963, as well as letters from Royston S. Landau to Karl Popper 18 Arendt, Hannah 19 Aristotelian Society 20 Aristotle 21 Association for Symbolic Logic 22 Association of University Teachers 23 Austria 24 Baird, E. A. B. 25 Barkeley, Richard 384. Bartley, William W., III 1 General 2 Letters of recommendation 3 Reviews of his Retreat to Commitment 4 Bedford College. Includes correspondence with R. Mark Sainsbury and Mr. Carswell 5 Bell, John S. 6 Beran, Michael F. 7 Berkson, William K. Includes notes on lectures by Karl Popper at Brandeis University, 1969, Fall semester 8 Berlin, Isaiah 9 Bertrand Russell Society 10 Bharath, Professor 11 Bhattacharya, Manju 12 Biology 13 Birner, Jack 14 Blackmore, John T. 15 Boehringer Ingelheim 16 Bohm, David J. 17 Bohr, Niels 384. (Contd.) SUBJECT FILE (Contd.) 18 Boltzmann, Ludwig 19 Boyle, Edward 20 Bradley, Noel 21 Brain. See also Computers 22 Brehmer, Wilhelm von 23 British Academy 24 British Humanist Association 25 British Society for the Philosophy of Science 26 Broadhead, Henry Dan 27 Broda, Engelbert 28 Brooke-Wavell, Bruce 29 Brouwer, L. E. J. 30 Buhler, Karl 31 Bunge, Mario 32 Burgoyne, Bernard 33 Burns, A. L. 385. 1 Carl Menger Institut 2 Carnap, Rudolf 3 Chattopadhyaya, D. P. (Debi Prasad) 4 Chelsea College 5 Chemistry 6 China 7 Chomsky, Noam 8 Clausius, R. 9 Cleary, John J. 10 Club Voltaire 11 Cohen, Kalman Joseph Comite Martchenko. See CORRESPONDENCE, Bertrand Russell Society 12 Compton, Arthur Holly 13 Computers 14 Cooper, C. R. 15 Cosmology. See also Kapp, Reginald O. 16 Council for Science and Society 17 Craik, Kenneth James William 18 Critchley, Clive 19 Cronin, Helena 20 Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 21 Darwin, Charles Robert 22 Davies, John T. 23 Dawe, Peter G. M. 24 Dembeck, Richard C. 25 Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft 26 De Vries, G. J. 27 Djilas, Milovan 28 Djuric, Mihailo 29 Eccles, John C. 30 Eidlin, Fred H. 385. (Contd.) SUBJECT FILE (Contd.) 31 Einstein, Albert 32 Ellis, M. J. C. 33 Elzinga, Aant 34 Encyclopaedia Moderna 35 Encyclopedia of Philosophy 36 Eton College 37 Evert William Beth Foundation 38 Evolution 39 Ewen, D. R. 386. 1 Falla, Robert Alexander 2 Farmand 3 Farrell, Mr. 4 Feigl, Herbert 5 Fetzer, James H. 6 Feyerabend, Paul. See alo CORRESPONDENCE, Evans, Eve 7 Fields, Harvey 8 Findlay, Allan F. 9 Florence Center for the History and Philosophy of Science 10 Foldes, Lucien P. 11 Fong, Peter 12 Fried, Lindy Bryony 13 Fries, Dr. 14 Furuseth, Conrad 15 Gellner, Ernest 16 Geometry 17 Germany 18 Giacomo, Piero de 19 Giedymin, Jerzy 20 Gillies, Donald A. 21 Godel, Kurt 22 Gombrich, Ernst H. 23 Gomes da Costa, Brian L. 24 Gosau, Peter 25 Grayeff, Felix 26 Greece 27 Grunbaum, Adolf 28 Guthrie, William Chambers Keith 29 Haakonssen, Knud 30 Habermehl, Werner 31 Hamblin, Charles L. 32 Hattiangadi, Jagdish N. 33 Havayism 34 Hayek, Friedrich A. von 35 Hellegers, Andre E. 36 Herder Correspondence 37 Hernan, Francisco 38 Hervey, Helen 39 Hewitt, Derek 386. (Contd.) SUBJECT FILE (Contd.) 40 Hobart, Robert H. 41 Holgate, David John 42 Horrobin, David F. 43 Hudson, Henry 44 Hull, David Lee 45 Humanism 46 Hutton, Gordon Milroy 47 Imperialism 48 International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science 49 International Congress of Philosophy 387. 1 International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 2 International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study 3 International Institute for Advanced Study 4 International Union of History and Philosophy of Science 5 James, Catherine E. 6 Jammer, Max 7 Japan Prize 8 Jarv, Harry 9 Jarvie, Ian Charles 10 Jung, Carl 11 Kadlec, Erich 12 Kahn, Charles H. 13 Kapp, Reginald O. 14 Karl Popper Centre at the London School of Economics 15 Kaufmann, Felix 16 Khamara, Edward J. 17 Khan, R. F. 18 King, Preston 19 Kinzel, Augustus Brown 20 Kment, Alfred 21 Koertge, Noretta 22 Koestenbaum, Peter 23 Koestler, Arthur 24 Kolakowski, Leszek 25 Kolnai, Aurel T. 26 Kordig, Carl R. 27 Kovacevic, Vlado 28 Kraft, Julius 29 Kraus, Karl 30 Kritischer Rationalismus und Sozialdemokratie, Vol. I, 1975, edited by Georg Luhrs, Thilo Sarrazin, Frithjof Spreer, and Manfred Tietzel (with an introduction by Helmut Schmidt, and writings and interviews of Karl Popper). Reviews, 1975-1976 31 Krol, Marcin 32 Kron, A. 33 Kunst, Paul SUBJECT FILE (Contd.) 388. 1 Lai, Tyrone and Yen Ting 2 Lakatos, Imre 3 Language 4 League of Nations Covenant 5 Leblanc, Hugues 6 Lejewski, Czeslaw 7 Letwin, Shirley Robin 8 Levi, Isaac 9 Levison, Arnold B. 10 Lindsay, Fiona 11 Lipscomb, William N. 12 Llewelyn, John Edward 13 Lob, M. H. 14 London Mathematical Society London School of Economics. See also Adams, Walter, and Karl Popper Centre 15 General 16 Calendars 389. 1 Lists of journals 2 Miscellaneous 3 Newsletters, 1981-1983 4 Reports by the Director, 1970 and 1979 5 Staff manual 6 Timetables of courses and prospecti, 1945-1951 7 Lorenz, Konrad 8 Lund, Pui-chong 9 McGovern, George 10 Magee, Bryan E. 11 Marchi, Margaret 12 Marcuse, Herbert 13 Marshall, Trevor W. 14 Marx, Karl 15 Matrai, Laszlo 16 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 17 Maxwell, Grover 390. 1 Medawar, Peter B. 2 Medical Hypotheses 3 Medicine 4 Metamedicine 5 Milford-Hilferding, Peter Miller, David William 6 Correspondence 7 Letters of recommendation 8 Notes and corrections re various publications of Karl Popper 9 Milne, Alan J. M. 10 Mind 11 Mind Association 12-13 Miscellaneous 390. (Contd.) SUBJECT FILE (Contd.) 14 Monod, Jacques Mont Pelerin Society 15 General 16 Proceedings of the Seelisberg Conference, July 1949 17 Moon, Sun Myung 18 Muller, Gert H. 19 Muns, Joaquin 20 Munz, Peter 21 Musgrave, Alan Edward 22 Music 23 Mythology 391. 1 Nadad, Abraham 2 Neblett, William R., Jr. 3 Newton, Isaac 4 Novakovic, Stanisa 5 Nuclear war 6 Nuffield Foundation 7 Ogassi, Dr. 8 O'Gorman, James P. P. 9 Open Society and Its Friends (Organization) 10 Operations Research Society of America 11 Oppenheim, Felix 12 Orr, Robert R. 13 Osterreichisches Ehrenzeichen fur Wissenschaft und Kunst. Includes correspondence with Otto Kratky and Walter Brunner 14 Ozanne, K. W. 15 Pacht, Otto 16 Panikhar, Lila 17 Papadaki, Irene 18 Parikh, Suresh C. 19 Passmore, John Arthur 20 Paton, Alan Stewart 21 Petersen, Arne Friemuth 22 Philosophy 23 Physics 24 Plato 25 Polanyi, Karl 26 Pope, Neville Vivian 27 Popkin, Richard H. 28 Popper, Josefine 29 Popper-Lynkens, Josef 30 Post, Heinz R. 31 Premdas, John A. Xavier 32 Prior, Arthur N. 33 Prior, W. E. 34 Psychiatry 35 Putnam, Hilary SUBJECT FILE (Contd.) 392. 1 Quantum theory 2 Rand, Rose 3 Redhead, Michael Logan Gonne 4 Robbins, Lionel 5 Robinson, D. H. 6 Rosenzweig, Mark R. 7 Ross, David 8 Royal Society 9 Russell, Bertrand 10 Sabra, Abdel Hamid Ibrahim 11 Sakharov, Andrei 12 Salazar, Antonio 13 Schafer, Felix 14 Schrodinger, Erwin 15 Schwartz, Pedro 16 Schwyzer, Hubert 17 Science 18 Scientia 19 Serkin, Rudolf Shearmur, Jeremy F. G. See also CORRESPONDENCE, London School of Economics 20 Correspondence 21 Letters of recommendation 22 Notes 23 Shehaby, Nabil 24 Simkin, Colin George Frederick 25 Singh, Jitendra 26 Singh, Kusum 393. Slade, Ivan 1 Correspondence 2 Letters of recommendation 3 Notes 4 Society of Authors 5 South Africa 6 Soviet Union 7 Steele, Edward J. 8 Stravinsky, Igor 9 Stroll, Avrum 10 Sutton, Nancy L. 11 Swartz, Ronald M. 12 Tarski, Alfred 13 Tibet 14 Tichy, Pavel 15 Toulmin, Stephen 16 Tsui, Yuen-ting 17 Tullock, Gordon 18 Universitat zu Wien 19 Universities' Educational Fund for Palestinian Refugees 393. (Contd.) SUBJECT FILE (Contd.) 20 University of Canterbury 21 University of London 22 University of Manchester 23 University of Salford 24 Verdugo Serna, Carlos 394. Wasserman, Benno 1 General 2 Letters of recommendation 3-5 Notes 6 Watkins, John W. N. See also COURSE MATERIAL, London School of Economics, Correspondence 7 Watts, Pamela M. 8 Weingartner, Paul 9 Weizsacker, Carl Friedrich von 10 Wettersten, John R. 11 Wheelis, Allen B. Wisdom, John Oultan. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Jones, G. O. and COURSE MATERIAL, London School of Economics, Corres- pondence 12 General 13 Correspondence 14 Letters of recommendation 15 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 16 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 17 Yoh, May 18 Yourgrau, Wolfgang 19 Zaki, Mr. 20 Zawirski, Zygmunt 21 Zollschan, George Karl 395. BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, 1936-1985. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Carstensen, Hans-Jorgen 1 Address books. Includes list (incomplete) of acquaintances of Karl Popper 2-8 Addresses 396. 1-10 Addresses. Includes distribution lists 397. Articles and clippings about or mentioning Karl Popper. See also OVERSIZE MATERIAL, Clippings 1 Undated 2 1936-1938 3 1945 4 1946-1947 5 1948 6 1949 7 1952 8 1954 9 1956 10 1957 11 1958 12 1959 13 1960 14 1961 15 1962 16 1963 17 1964 18 1965 19 1966 20 1967 21 1968 22 1969 398. 1 1970 2 1971 3-4 1972 5 1973 6 1974 7 1975 8 1976 9 1977 399. 1 1977 460. 9 1977 10 1978 399. 2-3 1978 4 1979 5 1980 BIOGRAPHICAL FILE (Contd.) Articles and clippings (Contd.) 460. 11 1980 12 1981 399. 6 1981 400. 1-4 1982 5-7 1983 8 1984 9 1985 401. 1 Awards - Benjamin Evans Lippincott Award in Political Theory, 1976 (awarded for The Open Society). Includes correspondence with Benjamin E. Lippincott, Evron M. Kirkpatrick, Gordon Schochet, and Professor Falco 2 Bibliographical data Bibliographies Karl Popper's works Prepared by Troels Eggers Hansen Standard version 3-12 General 402. 1-12 General 403. 1 Miscellaneous pages 2-7 Corrections 8-10 Detailed version, giving contents of major works or lectures 11-15 Sent to various publishers 16 Used for an exhibit in Vienna, Austria, 1985 404. 1-4 Karl Popper's translated works 5-9 Works by others on Karl Popper. Includes some reviews, and a list of works dedicated to Karl Popper 10 Works by others used by Karl Popper for lectures, seminars, and essay volumes 405. 1 Biographical data 2 Blurb for unidentified book 3 Comments by others on various unidentified manuscripts by Karl Popper Decorations 4 Grand Decoration of Honor in Gold (Austria), 1976 August. Biographical data, clippings, and correspondence 405. (Contd.) BIOGRAPHICAL FILE (Contd.) Decorations (Contd.) 5 Orden Pour le Merite fur Wissenschaften und Kunste (Federal Republic of Germany), 1980 September. Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker's typewritten introduction, Karl Popper's handwritten speech, and correspondence 6 Ehrenzeichen fur Wissenschaft und Kunst (Austria), 1980 October 21. Johannes Messner's typewritten introduction, Karl Popper's handwritten remarks about modern art, and correspondence with Otto Kratky 7 Grand Cross of the Orden Pour le Merite fur Wissenschaften und Kunste (Federal Republic of Germany), 1983 January 25. Press release, Karl Popper's handwritten speech, and correspondence Fellowships 8 London School of Economics, 1974 December 14 (honorary). Press release and correspondence with Walter Adams. Includes correspondence with J. Alcock, Academic Secretary, re Karl Popper's updated biographical profile and suggestions for other Fellows 9 Royal Society, 1976 June 17. Clippings and correspondence 10 Form letters Honorary degrees 11 City University, London, 1976 December 6. Program and correspondence 12 Universitat Mannheim, 1978 June 7. Typewritten introduction by Hans Albert and correspondence 13 Cambridge University, 1980 June 5. Printed copy of the Orator's speeches and correspondence 14 Oxford University, 1982 June 23. Clippings, printed copy of introductory speeches, and correspondence Instructions 15 To research assistants 16 To those requesting permission to reprint material 406. Letters of recommendation for Karl Popper General 1 Buhler, Karl 2 Carnap, Rudolf 3 Hight, J. 4 Russell, Bertrand 5 Tarski, Alfred 6 Sent to Ernst Gombrich by Friedrich A. von Hayek, H. Levy, and L. Susan Stebbing re publication of Karl Popper's Open Society and his appointment to the London School of Economics, 1943-1945 406. (Contd.) BIOGRAPHICAL FILE (Contd.) Lists 7 Books of interest or to be ordered 8 Essays and lectures 9 Foreign publishers 10 Honorary degrees 11 Journals for reviews of various books by Karl Popper. Includes Jeremy F. G. Shearmur's suggested information notes re Unended Quest and The Self and Its Brain 12 Manuscripts' status and location 13 Reprints and books sent to people Memberships 14 Academy of Humanism, 1983 September. Letter from Paul Kurtz 15 Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (honorary). Correspondence with Otto Kratky 16 Phi Beta Kappa, 1964 June 9. Certificate 17 Miscellaneous 18 Notes Prizes. See SUBJECT FILE, Guthrie, William Chambers Keith 19 Quotes 460. 13 Quotes 406. 20 Registration forms filed with Public Lending Rights 21 Research interest outlines 22 Schedules and calendars. See also OVERSIZE MATERIAL, Calendars 407. Subject file 1 Austrian citizenship. Clipping and correspondence Birthday celebrations 2 1972. Notes 3 1982. Correspondence Conferences and symposia on Karl Popper. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Barraclough, Norman 4 Columbia, South Carolina, 1973 November 8-10. Program and conference papers 5 Brasilia, Brazil, 1978 September 12-28. Program 6 Caracas, Venezuela, 1980 Spring. Correspondence with Ines de Boussaroque 7 London, England, 1980 July 14-16. Program, list of participants, and correspondence 8 Beijing, China, 1980 November 23-26. Notes 9 Assisi, Italy, 1981 March 20-22. Program 10 Cerisy-la-Salle, France, 1981 July 1-11. Program and correspondence 11 Strasbourg, France, 1982 March 25-27. Program 12 Vienna, Austria, 1983 February 23-March 1. Correspondence with Helmut Zilk, Franz Kreuzer, and Friedrich Wallner 407. (Contd.) BIOGRAPHICAL FILE (Contd.) Subject file (Contd.) Conferences and symposia (Contd.) 13 Barcelona, Spain, 1984 April 10-12. Program, proceedings, clippings, and correspondence 14 Manchester, England, 1984 May 5. Program and correspondence 15 Madrid, Spain, 1984 November 6-11. Conference paper and correspondence 16 Arnoldshain, Germany, 1985 November 10. Program 17 Jewish ancestry. Correspondence re a profile of Karl Popper in The Times of 1982 July 26 18 Medal with Karl Popper's effigy. Correspondence with F. Bufteri (Monnaie de Paris, Service des Medailles). See also CORRESPONDENCE, Bouveresse, Renee 19 Patent request. Letter to the Austrian Patent Office and typewritten description of invention (re light installations) 20 Portraits and photographs. Correspondence 21 Research assistants 22 Retirement, 1969. Printed profile in LSE Magazine 23 Trips - United States, 1956. Correspondence with the Visa Section of the American Embassy in London, and testimonials from friends and colleagues 24 Work in progress reports WRITINGS BY OTHERS, 1896-1985 408. 1-4 Unidentified 409. 1 Abelson, Philip H. 2 Abrahamson, J. 3 Acton, H. B. 4 Adomeit, Klaus 5 Adrian, Lord 6-8 Agassi, Joseph 410. 1-2 Agassi, Joseph 3 Agostinis, Sergio 4 Albert, Hans 5 Alexander, Peter 6 Allan, Robert S. 7 Amery, Jean 8 Anderson, Perry 9 Andersson, Gunnar 411. 1 Angelidis, Thomas D. 2 Antiseri, Dario 3 Apelt, Ernst Friedrich 4 Aristophanes 5 Aristotle 6 Armstrong, David M. 7 Arndt, J. L. 8 Aspect, Alain and others 9 Auden, W. H. 10 Audras, Jean-Noel 11 Audretsch, Jurgen 12 Aurela, A. M. 13 Austeda, Franz 14 Ayala, Francisco J. 15 Ayer, Alfred J. 412. 1 Badurek, G. and others 2 Baere, W. de 3 Bagchi, S. N. 4 Bahm, Archie J. 5 Baier, Annette 6 Baillie, Patricia 7 Ballentine, Leslie E. 8 Balon, Eugene K. 9 Barbieri, Marcello 10 Barbo, F. Ravetti 11 Barker, S. F. and others 12 Bartell, L. S. 413. 1-5 Bartley, William Warren, III 414. 1 Batchelor, G. K. 2 Bauer, Ricardo 3 Baum, Wilhelm 4 Becker, Werner 414. (Contd.) WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 5 Beckner, Morton 6 Bedford, David and others 7 Beld, Antonie van den 8 Belinfante, F. J. 9 Bell, J. S. and others 10 Bender, Frederic L. 11 Bennett, Edward L. and others 12 Benoist, Rodney W. and others 13 Bergstein, T. 14 Berkeley, Edmund C. 15 Berkson, William K. and others 16 Berlin, Isaiah 17 Bernardelli, Harro 18 Bernstein, B. A. Includes Karl Popper's notes 19 Bertalanffy, Ludwig von 20 Bethe, Hans A. 21 Bethell, Tom 22 Betz, Joan L. and others 23 Beyerchen, Alan D. 24 Bhattacharya, K. 25 Birch, Charles 26 Birkhoff, Garrett and others 415. 1 Birnbaum, Norman 2 Blackmore, John T. 3 Blakemore, Colin and others 4 Blanc, Claude-Jacques 5 Blandino, Giovanni 6 Blatt, John M. 7 Blight, James G. 8 Blum, Reinhardt 9 Bochenski, I. M. Includes Karl Popper's notes 10 Boesiger, Ernest 11 Bohm, David J. and others 12 Bohr, Niels 13 Bolton, H. C. and others 14 Boltzmann, Ludwig 15 Bondi, Hermann 16 Bonsack, Francois. Includes Karl Popper's notes 416. 1 Borges, Jorge Luis 2 Born, Max 3 Borries, Dietlinde von 4 Boyd, R. L. F. 5-6 Boyer, Alain 7 Boyle, Edward C. G. 8 Bracken, A. J. 9 Bracken, Pat 10 Brescia, Giuseppe 11 Breuer, Reinhard WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 417. 1 Bridgman, P. W. 2 Briskman, Larry B. 3 Broda, Engelbert 4 Brody, T. A. 5 Broglie, Louis de 6 Bronowski, J. Bruno 7 Brostow, Witold 8 Brouwer, L. E. J. 9 Brown, Stuart C. 10 Brugmans, H. J. F. W. 11 Bruins, E. M. 12 Bruning, Walther 13 Brunner, Jerome 14 Brunt, P. A. 15 Buhler, Karl 16 Bunge, Mario. Includes Karl Popper's notes 17 Burks, Arthur W. 18 Burnet, F. M. 19 Burns, A. L. 20 Burstyn, Harold L. 21 Butschek, Felix 418. 1-3 Campbell, Donald T. 4 Campbell, E. J. Moran 5 Capek, Milic 6-8 Carnap, Rudolf and others 419. 1 Carr-Saunders, Alexander M. 2 Cassirer, Ernst 3 Cazes, Bernard 4 Cedarholm, J. P. and others 5 Chalmers, A. F. 6 Chamberlin, T. C. 7 Champion, Ralph A. 8 Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanian and others 9 Chattopadhyaya, D. P. (Debi Prasad) 10 Cherry, E. Colin 11 Chisholm, Roderik 12 Chomsky, Noam 13 Christian, Curt 14 Churchland, Patricia Smith 15 Cicero 16 Clauser, John F. and others 17 Cohen, Bernard 18 Cohen, Leon 19 Cohen, Mendel F. 20 Cohen, Paul J. and others 21 Cohn, Melvin 22 Collinson, Diane 23 Compton, Arthur Holly 24 Conant, James B. 25 Cook, Alan H. 26 Cooper, J. C. WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 420. 1 Copleston, F. C. 2 Corson, David 3 Cousin, D. R. 4 Cowsik, R. and others 5 Crane, H. R. 6 Cranston, Maurice 7 Creed, Walter G. 8 Crew, F. A. E. 9 Croizat, Leon and others 10 Cross, R. C. 11 Cubeddu, Raimondo 12 Cullwick, E. G. 13 Cumberland, Kenneth B. 14 Currie, Gregory 15 Dahrendorf, Ralf 16 Dantzig, D. van 17 Davidson, Donald and others 18 Davies, P. C. W. and others 19 Davies, R. O. 20 Davis, C. L. and others 21 Davis, Don D. 22 Dawkins, Richard 23 Delbruck, M. 24 Dellian, Ed 25 Depaquit, S. and others 26 Derecin, Ari 27 Desanti, J.-P. 28 Dettling, Warnfried 29 Dewey, John 421. 1 Dillon, Marion Ruth 2 Dilworth, R. P. 3 Dingle, Herbert 4 Dirac, P. A. M. 5 Djilas, Milovan 6 Domagk, G. F. and others 7 Doty, Robert W. 8 Dray, William 9 Dreher, Jurgen 10 Droysen, Johann Gustav 11 Drucker, Peter F. 12 Dyck, Arthur J. 13 Earman, J. and others 14 Ebert, Theodor 15-17 Eccles, John Carew and others 422. 1 Eckel, Karl 2 Edelman, Gerald M. 3 Ehrenberg, W. 4 Ehrenfest, Paul and Tatiana 5 Eidlin, Fred H. 6 Einstein, Albert and others 7 Eisen, M. 422. (Contd.) WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 8 Eisler, Robert 9 Engelmann, Irene 10 Eriksen, Charles W. 11 Espagnat, Bernard d' 12 Etkin, William 13 Eucken, Rudolf Christoph 14 Fabian, R. 15 Fantz, Robert L. 16 Farr, James 17 Faure, Edgar 18 Fehling, Detlev 19 Feigl, Herbert 20 Fenizio, Ferdinando di 21 Ferchmin, P. A. and others 423. 1 Ferguson, Anthony 2 Fetzer, James H. and others 3 Feuer, Lewis S. 4-6 Feyerabend, Paul K. 7 Feynman, Richard P. 8 Feys, R. 424. 1 Field, Walter S. 2 Fields, Harvey. Includes Karl Popper's notes 3 Finch, P. D. 4 Findlay, John N. 5 Finkelstein, David and others 6 Finley, Moses I. 7 Fitch, Frederic B. 8 Flew, Antony G. N. 9 Flood, James F. and others 10 Floyd, Edward R. 11 Frank, Hans Rudolf 12 Frank, Phillip 13 Franklin, Allan 14 Frede, Michael 15 Freedman, Daniel Z. and others 16 Freedman, Stuart J. and others 17 Freeman, Derek 460. 14 Freeman, Derek. Dissertation. Includes Derek Freeman's letter of 1981 September 3 424. 18 Freeman, Eugene 19 Frege, Gottlob 20 Freundlich, Yehudah 21 Friedman, Milton 22 Friedman, William H. 23 Friedrich, H. 24 Frisk, Hjalmar 25 Furry, W. H. WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 425. 1 Gablik, Suzi 2 Gabor, Dennis 3 Gadamer, Hans-Georg and others 4 Gaffney, Eugene S. 5 Gaifman, Haim 6 Gal-Or, Benjamin 7 Gardner, Michael R. 8 Garuccio, Augusto 9 Garulli, Enrico 10 Gazzaniga, Michael S. 11 Gehrman, Hasso 12 Gellner, Ernest 13 George, G. and others 14 Giacomo, Piero de and others 15 Gibson, Eleanor and others 16 Gibson, James J. 17 Giedymin, Jerzy 18 Giere, Ronald N. 19 Gillies, Donald A. 20 Gillon, Raanan 21 Giraud, Edmond and others 22 Gliedman, John 23 Globus, Albert and others 24 Godel, Kurt 426. 1-2 Gombrich, Ernst H. 3-4 Gombrich, Richard 5 Gomperz, Heinrich 427. 1 Good, Irving John 2 Goode, Terry M. 3 Goodfield, June 4 Goodman, Nelson 5 Gould, Stephen Jay 6 Grant, C. K. 7 Grattan-Guinness, I. Includes correspondence between Kurt Godel and E. F. Zermelo 8 Gray, J. A. Muir 9 Gray, John N. 10 Gray, Hamish(?) 11 Gregory, C. C. L. 12 Gregory, Richard L. 13 Griesbach, W. E. and others 14 Grove, J. W. 15-16 Grunbaum, Adolf 17 Grunfeld, Joseph 18 Gueret, Ph. and others 19 Guggenheim, E. A. 20 Guthrie, William Keith Chambers WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 428. 1 Haaland, Arild 2 Haberler, Gottfried 3 Habermas, Jurgen 4 Habermehl, Werner. Includes Karl Popper's notes 5 Haeckel, Ernst 6 Haldane, J. B. S. 7 Hall, Joseph and others 8 Hall, Madya Vance 9 Hallden, Soren 10 Halperin, I. 11 Halstead, L. Beverly 12 Hammerton, Max 13 Hannay, Alastair 14 Hansen, Troels Eggers 15 Harper, William L. 16 Hartman, Fritz 17-18 Hattiangadi, Jagdish N. 19 Havas, Peter 20 Hayakawa, S. I. 429. 1-2 Hayek, Friedrich August von 3 Haynes, Michael 4 Heerden, Pieter J. van 5 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 6 Heisenberg, Werner 7 Hempel, Carl G. 8 Henning, Willi 9 Hepburn, Ronald W. 10 Hermes, Hans. Includes Karl Popper's notes 11 Herz, Elisabeth K. 12 Hilbert, David 13 Hiley, B. J. and others 14 Hilferding, K. 15 Hilgevord, J. and others 16 Hinz, Horst 17 Hippocrates 18 Hirzel, Rudolf 430. 1 Hoag, Alden B. 2 Hochkeppel, Willy 3 Hofstadter, Douglas R. 4 Holmes, Brian 5 Hommel, Hildebrecht 6 Hook, Sidney 7 Hope, St. John 8 Hopkins, Ian 9 Horrobin, David F. 10 Howson, Colin 11 Hoyer, Ulrich 12 Hoyle, Fred 13 Hubel, D. H. and others 14 Hull, David L. 430. (Contd.) WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 15 Hung, Tscha 16 Hurwicz, Leonid and others 17 Hutchins, Robert 18 Huzurbazar, V. S. 19 Jaeger, W. Includes Karl Popper's notes 20 Jammer, Max 21 Janoska, Georg 22-23 Jarvie, Ian Charles 431. 1 Jauch, J. M. 2 Jaynes, E. T. 3 Jeffrey, Richard C. 4 Jennings, H. S. 5 Jensen, Ronald Bjorn 6 Jerne, Niels Kaj 7 Jerusalem, Wilhelm 8 Jetzer, Jean-Pierre 9 Johnson, Christopher 10 Johnson, Thomas J. 11 Johnson, W. E. 12 Jonas, Friedrich 13 Jordan, P. 14 Kadlec, Erich 15-16 Kahn, Charles H. 432. 1 Kalman, Rudold E. 2 Kanitscheider, Bernulf 3 Kaplan, Morton A. 4 Kaplansky, Irving 5 Kassiola, Joel 6 Katouzian, M. A. 7 Katz, J. and others 8 Kaufmann, Felix 9 Kemeny, John G. 10 Kent, Siegfried 11 Kiesewetter, Hubert 12 King, Edmund J. 13 King, Hugh R. 14 Kirchhoff, Joachim 15 Klappholz, Kurt and others 16 Klemke, E. D. 17 Knight, Margaret 18 Koch, Heinz 19 Kochen, Simon and others 433. 1 Koestler, Arthur 2 Koga, Toyoki 3 Kolb, Fritz 4 Kolmogorov, A. N. 5 Kordig, Carl R. 6 Kornhuber, H. H. 7 Koyre, Alexandre 433. (Contd.) WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 8 Kraft, Julius 9 Kraft, Margit 10 Kraft, Victor 11 Kranz, Walter and others 12 Kraus, Wolfgang 13 Kreisel, Georg 14 Kripke, Saul 15 Kruger, Lorenz 16 Kuhn, Hans and others 434. 1 Kuhn, Thomas S. 2 Kuipers, Theo A. F. 3 Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf 4 Kuttner, Michael 5 Kwan-yuen, Physer Leung 6 Kyburg, Henry E., Jr. 7 Kyrala, Ali 8 Labedz, Leopold 9 Laird, John 10-12 Lakatos, Imre 435. 1 Lande, Alfred 2 Landsberg, Peter T. 3 Largeault, J. 4 Lashley, K. S. 5 Laudan, Larry 6 Lauwerys, J. A. 7 Layzer, David 8 Lazarus, Richard S. 9 Leblanc, Hugues 10 Lejewski, Czeslaw 11 Lenzen, V. F. 12 Lessnoff, Michael 13 Lettvin, J. Y. and others 14 Levi, Isaac 15 Levinson, Paul 436. 1 Lewis, Gilbert N. 2 Lewis, H. D. 3 Lewis, J. W. and others 4 Lewis, Thomas T. 5 Lichtheim, George 6 Lipp, Wolfgang 7 Little, Graham R. 8 Livingstone, Angela 9 Lloyd, James E. 10 Lobachevski, Nicolai I. 11 Lorenz, Konrad Z. 12 Loudon, Rodney 13 Lukasiewicz, Jan and others 14 Lundberg, John G. 15 Lyman, Harry WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 437. 1 Mach, Ernst 2 MacKay, Donald M. 3 Macnabb, D. G. C. 4 Macrae, Donald G. Includes Karl Popper's notes 5 Magee, Bryan 6 Makinde, M. Akin 7 Malherbe, Jean-Francois 8 Mandel, L. 9 Marcuse, Herbert 10 Markl, Peter 11 Marschak, Jacob 12 Marshall, Trevor W. and others 13 Martin, Robert L. 14 Matson, W. I. 15 Maxwell, Grover 16 Maxwell, Nicholas 17 May, William F. 18 Mayants, L. S. and others 438. 1 Mayerhofer, Josef 2 Mayr, Ernst 3 Mayr, Georg von 4 Mazurkiewicz, Stefan 5 McCausland, Ian 6 McClare, Colin W. F. 7 McCleary, Robert and others 8 McCord, J. R. and others 9 McCrea, William Hunter 10 McLaren, A. D. and others 11 McLaren, Donald S. 12 McMullin, Ernan 13 Medawar, Peter B. Includes correspondence with Erwin Schrodinger 14 Medicus, Gerhard 15 Meehl, Paul E. 16 Menger, Karl 439. 1 Menne, Albert 2 Mercier, Andre 3 Meredith, Austin 4 Meyers, Robert G. 5-7 Miller, David William. Includes Karl Popper's notes 8 Milne, Alan J. M. 9 Milner, Brenda 10 Mininni, Giuseppe 11 Mitroff, Ian I. 12 Mittelstrass, Jurgen 440. 1 Moewes, Winfried 2 Molitor, Arnulf 3 Molitor, Bruno 4 Monod, Jacques 440. (Contd.) WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 5 Montalenti, Giuseppe. Includes Karl Popper's notes 6 Moore, E. H. 7 Moran, P. 8 Moravcsik, J. M. F. 9 Moyal, J. E. 10 Mugur-Schachter, Mioara 11 Munz, Peter 12 Murray, W. A. Scott 13-14 Musgrave, Alan 15 Myhill, John R. 441. 1 Nador, Georg 2 Nagel, Ernest 3 Nalimov, Vassili V. 4 Nash, F. A. 5 Nathan, N. M. L. 6 Nelson, Gareth J. 7 Nettl, Peter 8 Neumann, John von and others 9 Neumann, Lothar F. 10 Neyman, Jerzy 11 Nielsen, Margit Hurup 12 Nietzsche, Friedrich 13 Notarrigo, Salvatore 14 Notturno, Mark Amadeus 15 O'Connor, Dan J. 16 Odell, S. Jack and others 17 Oersted, H. C. 18 Offenberger, Hans 19 O'Gorman, James P. P. 20 Olson, Warren E. 21 Oppenheim, Paul 22 Ormell, Christopher 23 Orton, William A. 442. 1 Pahler, Klaus 2 Pakswer, S. 3 Panofsky, Erwin. Includes Karl Popper's notes 4 Papadaki, Irene 5 Parton, Hugh Noble 6 Pascal, Blaise 7 Pascazio, S. 8 Passmore, John Arthur 9 Pattaro, Sandra Tugnoli 10 Paul, Herbert 11 Pauling, Linus 12 Paulos, John A. 13 Pecker, Jean-Claude and others 14 Peierls, Rudolf E. 15 Penfield, Wilder 16 Pera, Marcello 17 Perelman, Chaim 442. (Contd.) WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 18 Perkinson, Henry J. 19 Perroux, Francois 20 Perutz, Max F. 21 Petersen, Arne Friemuth 443. 1 Petrascheck, Walther E. 2 Petroni, N. Cufaro and others 3 Pfanzagl, J. 4 Philippidis, C. and others 5 Phipps, Thomas E., Jr. 6 Piaget, Jean 7 Pierce, C. S. 8 Planck, Max 9 Platnick, Norman I. and others 10 Podlaha, M. F. and others 11 Poincare, Henri 12 Poldrack, Horst 13 Pols, Edward 14 Popper, Josefine 15 Porrill, J. 16 Prigogine, Ilya and others 17 Probst, David Karl 18 Purves, H. D. 19 Putnam, Hilary 444. 1 Quine, Willard Van Orman 2 Quinton, Lord Anthony 3-5 Radnitzky, Gerard 6 Ranke, Leopold von 7 Ranulf, Svend 8 Rastogi, R. P. 445. 1 Rauch, Helmut 2 Redhead, Michael L. G. 3 Reich, Klaus 4 Reichenbach, Hans. Includes Karl Popper's notes 5 Reiss, Hans S. 6 Reizenstein, Peter 7 Rensch, Bernhard 8 Renyi, Alfred 9 Revel, Jean-Francois and others 10 Reventlow, Iven 11 Riedl, Rupert. Includes Karl Popper's notes 12 Rietdijk, C. W. 13 Ritchie, David Arthur 14 Robilant, Enrico di 15 Robinson, Abraham 16 Robinson, Less G. 17 Robinson, M. C. 18 Robinson, Richard 19 Rockey, Marsha A. WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 446. 1-2 Rodrigues, Joco Manuel Resina 3 Rodrigues, Waldyr Alves, Jr. 4 Ropke, Wilhelm 5 Rosen, Donn Eric 6 Rosen, Edward 7 Rosenkrantz, R. D. 8 Rosenzweig, Mark R. 447. 1 Ross, Alf 2 Rossi, Arcangelo 3 Rotstein, Tomas 4 Rovner, Sandy 5 Rudolph, Martin 6 Ruse, Michael 7 Russell, Lord Bertrand 8 Ryan, Alan 9 Ryder, John M. 448. 1 Sabra, Abdel Hamid Ibrahim 2 Sachs, Mendel 3 Sachs, Robert G. 4 Sadovsky, Vadim N. Includes Karl Popper's notes 5 Sahner, Heinz 6 Salamun, Kurt 7 Saler, Benson 8 Sallinger, Hermann 9 Salmon, Wesley C. 10 Sampson, Geoffrey 11 Sander, Hans-Dietrich 12 Sarfatt, Jack 13 Sarkar, Husain 14 Saunders, P. T. and others 15 Scheibe, Erhard 16 Scheurer, Paul 17 Schidlowski, Manfred 18 Schilpp, Paul Arthur 19 Schlesinger, George 20 Schmidt, Wolfgang 21 Schroder, Wilfried 22 Schrodinger, Erwin. Includes Karl Popper's notes 23 Schroeder-Heister, Peter 449. 1 Schubert, Friedrich Hermann 2 Schufle, Joseph A. 3 Schutz, Arthur 4 Scott, P. 5 Scruton, Roger 6 Seckler, David 7 Segre, E. 8 Seidl, Christian 9 Selleri, Franco and others 10 Settle, Thomas W. 449. (Contd.) WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 11 Sexl, Roman 12 Shaffer, Jerome A. 13 Shahak, Israel 14 Shaked, Rahav 15 Shapere, Dudley 16 Shaw, P. D. 450. 1 Shearmur, Jeremy F. G. 2 Sheffer, Henry Maurice. Includes Karl Popper's notes 3 Sherrington, Charles S. Includes Karl Popper's notes 4 Shimony, Abner. Includes Karl Popper's notes 5 Sicard, Francois and others 6 Simkin, Colin G. F. 7 Simmel, Georg 8 Simonsen, Morten 9 Simpson, George Gaylord 10 Sinisi, Vito F. 11 Sklar, Lawrence. Includes Karl Popper's letter to Thomas W. Settle 12 Skolimowski, Henryk 13 Slade, Ivan 14 Smith, John Maynard 15 Smithers, David W. and others 16 Smoluchowski, M. von 17 Spacek, Antonin 18 Sperry, R. W. and others 19 Spohn, Wolfgang 20 Stableford, Brian 21 Stace, W. T. 22 Stacey, Tom 451. 1 Staden, Berndt von 2 Stapp, Henry Pierce 3 Stebbins, G. Ledyard 4-6 Steele, Edward J. and others 7 Steen, Lynn Arthur 8 Steenbeck, Max and others 9 Stein, Howard 452. 1 Stephenson, F. R. 2 Stevenson, Douglas Lang 3 Stewart, Albert B. 4 Stock, Wolfgang G. 5 Storker, Elisabeth 6 Stove, D. 7 Strauss, M. 8 Stumpf, C. 9 Suchting, W. A. 10 Sunder-Plassmann, Paul 11 Svilar, Maja Reemda 12 Swales, Peter J. 13 Swartz, Ronald M. and others 14 Szasz, Thomas S. 452. (Contd.) WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 15 Szilard, Leo 16 Tarozzi, Gino 17 Tarski, Alfred 18 Tauxe, W. Newlon 19 Taylor, J. H. and others 20 Temple, G. 453. 1 Themerson, Stefan 2 Thirring, Hansi 3 Thomas, Brian R. 4 Thorpe, William H. 5 Thyssen-Rutten, Nicole 6 Tichy, Pavel 7 Tielsch, Elfriede Walesca 8 Tolman, Edward C. and others 9 Tomlin, E. W. F. 10 Toulmin, Stephen 11 Traill, Robert R. 12 Treder, Hans-Jurgen and others 13 Trevor-Roper, Hugh R. 14 Truesdell, Clifford 15 Turner, David 16 Turroni, C. Bresciani 17 Uffink, J. B. M. and others 18 Urbach, Peter 19 Vedung, Evert 20 Verbruggen, F. 454. 1 Verdan, Andre 2 Verharen, Charles C. 3 Verkade, Dr. 4 Veizer, Jan and others 5-6 Vigier, Jean-Pierre and others 7 Vlastos, Gregory 8 Waals, J. D. van der, Jr. 9 Wald, Abraham 10 Walker, Evan Harris 11 Walker, Jearl 12 Wasserman, Benno 13 Wassermann, Gerhard D. 14 Watkin, Williams 455. 1-4 Watkins, John W. N. and others. Includes Karl Popper's notes 456. 1 Watrin, Christian 2 Webb, L. C. and others 3 Weimer, Walter B. 4 Weingarten, Don 5 Weingartner, Paul 6 Weiss, Paul A. 7 Welding, Steen Olaf 8 Wenzel, Gunter WRITINGS BY OTHERS (Contd.) 457. 1-3 Wettersten, John R. and others 4-5 Wheeler, John Archibald 6 Whitrow, Gerald J. 7 Whyte, Lancelot Law 458. 1 Wickler, Wolfgang 2 Wiener, Philip P. 3 Wigner, Eugene P. 4 Will, Bruno E. and others 5 Williams, Donald C. 6 Williams, L. Pearce 7 Wilson, David L. 8 Wisdom, John Oultan and others 9 Wise, J. and others 10 Wold, Herman O. 11 Wollheim, Richard 12 Woodward, James F. and others 13 Woodworth, Robert S. and others 14 Wright, Stephen J. 15 Yabrov, Alexander A. 16 Yanase, Michael Mutsuo 17 Young, J. Z. 18 Yourgrau, Wolfgang and others 19 Yukawa, Hideki 20 Xenophon 21 Zahar, Elie G. 22 Zanstra, Herman 23 Zeeman, E. C. 24 Zeisel, Hans 25 Ziman, H. D. 26 Zinkernagel, Peter 27 Zinterhof, P. and others 28 Zollschan, George K. 461-462. INDEX CARD FILE, n.d. Names and addresses of acquaintances OVERSIZE FILE, 1937-1984 463. Calendars, 1983-1984 Clippings, 1937-1945. Loose scrapbook sheets Musical compositions, n.d. Original music sheets and copies Program of the Duino colloquium, The European Significance of 'Mitteleuropa,' Duino, Italy, 1983 September 19-21 SOUND RECORDINGS, 1953-1978 Tape cabinet Phonotape reels Tapes 1-3 Unidentified, n.d. Tape 4 Music recording, n.d. Tape 5 Unidentified seminar, London School of Economics, n.d. Tapes 6-8 Contemporary Philosophy Course, n.d. Tapes 9-12 Philosophy of Social Sciences, lectures and seminars, London School of Economics, n.d. Tape 13 Lecture on question of the structure of the world by ancient Greeks, n.d. Tapes 14-17 "Franz Boenders(?) speaks with Sir Karl Popper," (two versions), n.d. Tapes 18-20 "A Defence of Free Thinking in Quantum Theory," 1953 October 7. Speech, Cambridge University Philosophy and Science Club, Cambridge, England Tapes 21-22 "The Problem of Scientific Knowledge," 1963 April 25. Lecture, University of Illinois, Chicago Tapes 23-27 "Induction," 1963 August. Seminar series, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Tapes 28-29 "On Problems and How to Understand Them," 1965 April 23. Speech, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Tape 30 "The Myth of the Framework," 1965 April 26. Lecture and discussion, Michigan State University, East Lansing Tape 31 "Gill's Sonata," 1967 September. Music recording Tape 32 Unidentified lecture, London School of Economics, 1968 November 26 Tape 33 Unidentified lectures (fragments), London School of Economics, 1969 Tapes 34-41 "Knowledge and the Body-Mind Problem," 1969 March-April. Lecture and seminar series, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia Tape 42 "On Induction," 1970 January 13. Seminar, London School of Economics Tape 43 "Determinism, Indeterminism and World 3," 1971 September 22. Lecture, Amsterdam, Holland Tape 44 "Bemerkungen eines Realisten uber das Leib-Seele Problem," 1972 May 8. Speech, Mannheim, Germany Tapes 45-46 "Natural Selection and the Emergence of Mind," 1977 November 8. Darwin Lecture, Darwin College, Cambridge, England Tape 47 "Interaction and the Reality of World 3," 1978 August 25. Speech, Alpbach European Forum, Alpbach, Austria Cassette cabinet Phonotape cassettes Cassette 1 Seminar and discussion, n.d. (in German) Cassette 2 Lecture, 1971 March 4 Cassette 3 Meeting with Arthur Herman, 1971 December 3. Includes letter from Arthur Herman Cassette 4 "The Death of the Theories and of Ideologies," 1976 April 14. Speech, 2nd International Symposium on Philosophy, Sparta, Greece SOUND RECORDINGS (Contd.) Record cabinet Phono disks Phono disks 1-11 "Reason and Tradition: Problems of the Open Society," 1956 June 25-July 6. Lecture series, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia PHOTOGRAPHS, 1920s-1983 A 2 prints depicting Karl Popper with others as a child B 11 prints depicting Karl Popper alone or with others in the 1920s and 1930s C 2 prints depicting Karl Popper in London, England, 1946 D 1 print depicting Karl Popper with unidentified man in Bloemendaal, Holland, August 1948 E 4 prints depicting Karl Popper lecturing at Alpbach, Austria, 1949, including 2 prints depicting Victor Kraft and Erwin and Annemarie Schrodinger listening (the latter 2 prints may have been taken at a later date, perhaps 1954 or 1955) F 1 print depicting Karl Popper, 1957 G 1 print depicting Karl Popper with wife Hennie on his birthday, 28 July 1959 H 4 prints depicting Karl Popper, 1965 I 2 prints depicting Karl Popper with Ernst Gombrich, 24 September 1966 and February 1967 J 1 print of a portrait depicting Karl Popper, 1969 K 16 prints and 4 strips of negatives depicting Karl Popper giving a speech in Amsterdam, Holland, 22 September 1971 L 6 prints and 1 negative depicting Karl Popper in New Zealand, 1973 M 4 prints depicting Karl Popper, March 1981 N 4 prints depicting Karl Popper in his garden with Y.M.C.A. National College students, Summer 1982 O 1 print depicting Karl Popper at Oxford University (?), 23 June 1982, for an honorary degree P 3 prints depicting Karl Popper and wife Hennie at Alpbach, Austria, 25 August 1982. Includes Hans Albert, William W. Bartley, Herta Firnberg, Gerd and Ingeborg Fleischmann Q 1 print depicting Karl Popper with Konrad Lorenz in Altenberg(?), 1983 February 21 R 1 print depicting Karl Popper addressing the audience at the Karl-Popper-Symposium, Old City Hall, Vienna, Austria, 25 May 1983 PHOTOGRAPHS (Contd.) S 1 print of Karl Popper with wife Hennie and unidentified person at Duino, Italy, 20 September 1983 T 1 print depicting Karl Popper at Alpbach, Austria, August 1984 mU 27 prints depicting Karl Popper, n.d. mV 1 print depicting Karl Popper with Bryan Magee, n.d. W 12 prints of Karl Popper with Ingrid Belke (?) and unidentified person, n.d. X 4 prints of Hennie Popper Y 6 prints of the Poppers' home, including 1 depicting Karl Popper working in his study